12/19/13 03:46PM
Me, I would want to use my words and body language to slowly and subtly entrance someone. Funny as it sounds, I don't think I'd really use it for anything. I'm just not at all interested in power or influence on a large scale, and quite honestly I would never make someone my partner, let alone servant, through hypnosis. Just the knowledge that I could do that would be enough to keep me happy.
12/19/13 07:46PM
Honestly I'd use actually realistic means of mind control. Now, this is scary enough that I wouldn't actually do it, as I have some sort of morals left.

But if I were to do it, It'd be pretty damn real.

Hm, this is the realm of fantasy right? Where anything goes?

Then one way that could be fun is:

* Have absolutely no morals and too much money, plus a newborn test subject.
* Perform surgery on the newborn so that all its limbs' nerves are disconnected from the central nervous system, and instead attach them to very precise matrices of electrodes. Do the same for nerves connected to sensory system such as vision and hearing.
* Generate a virtual world, a model of a human body in that virtual world (i.e., an avatar), and map the impulses of the newborn's nerves to the movement of the avatar.
* Spend some years as the newborn's nerves and brain functions adapt to its "body", just as you would need to wait for a regular newborn to be able to walk on real feet. You can generate several simulations of terrain to make training more efficient.
* During that time, feed the test subject by IV, while sending signals to its mouth's nerves depending on what its being eaten in the virtual world. You can make the avatar eat shining crystals if you want - the brain will slowly understand that they are "tasty". You can even use them as rewards for the reflexes training.
* Perform several programmed training courses that help the test subject learn how to read, speak, hear, see objects, etc.
* When the test subject is old enough to be fun to play with, enter the virtual world with an avatar of your own. This can be as in a regular RPG, in other words, you don't need to make an overly realistic world because for the test subject, that is the real world.
* Have fun messing with the virtual world, implementing a hentai-like tentacle monster, raping the subject's avatar to hell and back whenever you want, or just playing god. You can even make it into a desktop widget for when you feel bored and want some company.
* Remember, you can control the test subject's pleasure levels. Obedience training would be piece of cake, even because - what would such a person know besides what information you feed to it?
* Bonus points for creating a robot suit that can read commands from the virtual avatar and stream its audio/video feed to the test subject. You could even win a science fair contest or something.

Oh, and mind you, this would work. Neural networks just map from one end to another - when a newborn learns to walk, it's only because it learned what set of inputs generate what set of outputs - if it only ever came from a virtual world, then that would be the only real world.
12/20/13 05:18AM
Stem_Cell said:
Oh, and mind you, this would work. Neural networks just map from one end to another - when a newborn learns to walk, it's only because it learned what set of inputs generate what set of outputs - if it only ever came from a virtual world, then that would be the only real world.

Stem_Cell creates the Matrix, uses it only for sex. Thumbs up.
12/23/13 02:05AM
rokkitman said:
Stem_Cell creates the Matrix, uses it only for sex. Thumbs up.

Imagine the possibilities!

Also, the other guy who deleted his post: MC your sister for some incest fun? Cool! I thought when you actually had a sister the whole idea of incest became uninteresting for some reason.
12/23/13 03:30AM
Incest has always been a curiosity of mine. Not so much a fetish but I was interested in the concept itself. Incest manga are the best, however. I'm compelled to remember Sister Control among a handful of others.

I don't really see any reason to delete your comment. If any of us lost our morals we'd be very different people. I think it's good that you have an idea of the sort of person you'd be. I personally don't have a clue if I had to guess I'd say it would be a repeat of my earlier life... but with FAR more victories to speak of. (Because I lost A LOT. It was for the best though.)
12/26/13 07:25AM
For me I think I would want to be able to create illusions and images that make a person very suggestible, relaxed, and happy. Then i would take my time with the induction and have fun with it.

As for what I would do with it. I would use it to make sure that money is never an issue then I would gather a group of girls that I like and have them live with me. Then I would just enjoy myself by playing games and anything else that seems fun in addition to the more hedonistic things that I would be doing.
12/27/13 07:19AM
In my mind, hypnosis is not just a kink/fetish. It's seduction itself. I've had the experience of a girl getting extremely angry at me because I knew her weakness and turned her on when we both knew there was no time for us to go all the way. That was the only time, but ever since then I've sort of fancied myself as having that ability: being able to wrap a girl around my little finger using something that blurs the line between mind control and just plain sex appeal. If I could use it any way I wanted, I'd just amplify that power. Simple as that.
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