12/23/13 08:20PM
Hi everyone! Writer here.
I don't really see a lot of places on this forum where people are just introducing themselves, but I'm gonna just take a leap of faith and do so anyway.

So I'm AzureDemon, obviously. I've been lurking around the various hypno sites--Hypnochan, then Hypnobooru, and now this--for a few years now, but this was the first place that I actually made an account on. It took me even longer to start commenting on posts. Mainly I've stayed hidden out of embarrassment at the thought of IRL people knowing I come on here a lot.

I write novels--that's sort of my "thing." As you might have guessed from what I said above, I've been pretty shy about putting any sort of erotic scene into it, but every once in a while I just let it happen and promise myself to take it out of whatever version people see.

That said, I'd like to perhaps start writing some things for you guys. Probably standalone stories, as I don't think I could keep anything quite short enough for captions/manips. If you do have a request for me to write something for a particular image, that's fine too. I think I want a little practice first though...

tl;dr Mainly a writer with possibly a tiny bit of artistic skill. No idea where to start now that I've decided I want to contribute to the Hub.
12/23/13 08:51PM
It's hard for long-form writing to get noticed around here, understandably. I think that's why people do Big Wall Of Text manips.

I guess you could call me a writer too, so I'd love to see what you've got. I don't have any particular suggestions though, sorry.
12/23/13 08:59PM
Ditto. I'd love to see what a professional writer can contribute here. As far as eroticism goes I'm on the extremely mild side (being asexual and all...) but I typically like anything heavy in hypnotism. I'm interested in becoming acquainted with your style. I actually do have a few suggestions but I'm not sure if your asking... so... I'll wait...
12/23/13 09:19PM
That's awesome; I'm sort of a writer as well (Fanfic author, really), so I'd love to see some of your work. It'd be really cool to see what sort of hypnosis-involved stories a professional writer could do.
12/23/13 11:46PM
AzureDemon said:
tl;dr Mainly a writer with possibly a tiny bit of artistic skill. No idea where to start now that I've decided I want to contribute to the Hub.

Don't we all.
12/24/13 12:29AM
I wrote too! Though I dont see myself as a serious super writer that makes books. I just like to come up with erotic stuff and then share it!
12/24/13 02:34AM
Welcome. I like longform when it appeals to my tastes, well-written detail can really make a piece shine. Hope to see good stuff from you~ :D
12/24/13 05:20AM
welcome and please share your writing! believe me once you get used to sharing it you'll find a whole new appreciation for hypnosis =)
12/24/13 09:04AM
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I have a few lines going so far, potentially to turn into a little novella. Maybe I can post short chapters on here every once in a while when I've got them to my liking. It may be erotic hypnosis but hell if I'm not going to actually tell a story too.
12/24/13 09:39AM
Have you looked into the EMCSA ( or the MC Forum? They tend to represent the literary side of the EMC community. While I would love to see you submit your works here, they might be better suited for long stories.

Even if you do not want to share your writing in the Forum or Archive, I still suggest browsing the available works - especially those by Tabico, my favorite author.
12/24/13 10:57PM
sideunseen said:
especially those by Tabico, my favorite author.

Tabico's stuff is so good. <3

Anywho, welcome Azure! It is always nice to see existing members decide to be a little more social! I hope to read some of those writings of yours someday, and I bid you continue enjoying the Hub and the community here. :)

To be honest, though, where and how writers can easily share their works in the Hub is a matter that has been on my mind as of late, too. As it would seem, our software does not support text in any way. A few users have taken it upon themselves to post on the forums, but less people see it here than they would if it were to somehow appear on the post list...

For now, I recommend making a thread for your writings and using a third-party "story gallery" of some sort (maybe EMCSA and, depending on if it's fanfiction or an original work), then linking to your works in that thread. Then all of your writings are centralized. Alternatively, you could just make a thread for each story you share and just link to those in your central thread.

I will look into finding a way to give writers a better home on the Hub at a later date, but alas, I cannot promise that I will find a solution anytime soon, or at all. All I can do is try.
12/26/13 02:17AM
Thanks, Vanndril. =)

Now I'm curious what kind of magic you will whip up next.
12/26/13 06:33AM
BluRider said:
Thanks, Vanndril. =)

Now I'm curious what kind of magic you will whip up next.

Don't get your hopes up too high. I have crazy ideas on how to improve the site on a weekly basis, and only a handful have actually been implemented (usually thanks to Stem_Cell's scripting XD), so the chances are not very high that something will come of my pondering.

Of course, I will, however, try. I may also suggest, to the developer, some sort of .txt support. Imagine having a booru for WRITINGS. Publicly taggable, with all the same features that image posts have. Wouldn't that be epic? I would love to see that. My only concern, then, would be how to moderate it, but I'm not even going to try to approach that bridge until I know it exists, so to speak.
12/26/13 06:49AM
Vanndril said:
Don't get your hopes up too high. I have crazy ideas on how to improve the site on a weekly basis, and only a handful have actually been implemented (usually thanks to Stem_Cell's scripting XD), so the chances are not very high that something will come of my pondering.

Of course, I will, however, try. I may also suggest, to the developer, some sort of .txt support. Imagine having a booru for WRITINGS. Publicly taggable, with all the same features that image posts have. Wouldn't that be epic? I would love to see that. My only concern, then, would be how to moderate it, but I'm not even going to try to approach that bridge until I know it exists, so to speak.

Isn't it normally if the writing is noticeably god awful or people complain about it then it's removed?
12/26/13 07:30AM
I think the topic of text posts on HypnoHub deserves a thread of its own. Especially so as to not foul up AzureDemon's nice introduction thread with such tangential conversation.

I would make it myself, but I think it would be best for an admin to.
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