12/30/13 01:20PM
I prefer single-player or cooperative RPGs over competitive/mmo, alot less hair pulling on my part. I had this idea of a hive simulator, like you (maybe a group of friends as a team), would crashland on a planet, and it would be your job to infest the entire population in a first/third person experience (kinda like the sims, multimanaging several individuals, but you jump into one of your units and you would play as that unit). You would need to manage your hive in a way that the local population would not outright destroy it, so you would need to assume the lives of those you infected (units not currently player-controlled would do this automatically to prevent unwanted rage).
12/30/13 04:22PM
That reminds me a bit of Pikmin now that i think about it
12/30/13 07:06PM
dinnerdog1 said:
would crashland on a planet, and it would be your job to infest the entire population . . . You would need to manage your hive in a way that the local population would not outright destroy it, so you would need to assume the lives of those you infected

Did someone say Tabico? I think I heard Tabico in there. Regardless of my fangirl/boying, the works of Tabico and other excellent MC authors would be a great place to get story ideas for our theoretical game.

I like the concept of being an individual participating in the mind controlling, as it's the personal, intimate details that make MC hot for me. Single-player would also allow the induction/infection/corruption sequences to take as long as you like.
02/17/14 04:27AM
It's weird that I'm only saying this here and now but I REALLY want a Tales of RPG. I know for a fact that there's reasonable demand for it. I just don't know if it will ever be made. That would be amazing, imo.

You start off making your own character. The game creates a 3D character for game play and 2D portrait of the character for skits. When you chat in a party you can choose to enter skit mode. I know this next part is unlikely even if they do make an MMO but it would be amazing if there was a program that basically rendered 3D into 2D with the game. I've seen a few programs that do something similar (HibikiDokei for instance) so I know it's doable. That would allow players to make a number of skit faces and use them with whatever comment they have to make.

As far as game play goes, the battles would work the same as they do in the other Tales games. Players come into contact with a monster and the enter a battle with it running the linear motion battle system. I sort of want the battle fields to be more elaborate with high and low points but I'd be happy with just the fights. When avatars are in the same party they enter into the same battle with other avatars in their party if they are in the same vicinity. If they are not then they can still join the battle later if it's still going on since every battle would leave a floating icon of sorts visible only to members of the same party.

I would love it if they added link arts to the game play as well. Custom mystic artes would be amazing too.
I do realize that wanting all this makes me sound really lame and nerdy but that's simply the nature fandom. We want more and more.

02/17/14 05:54AM
LillyTank said:
-an awesome idea-

wouldn't it basically be an MMO version of the Tales of the World series? Not that that's a bad thing, but just thought I'd point it out.
02/17/14 07:38AM
Sol420 said:
wouldn't it basically be an MMO version of the Tales of the World series? Not that that's a bad thing, but just thought I'd point it out.

You're right. I was thinking that, myself. I really wish the rest of the games would be localized. Tales of the World isn't even available on Vita. T_T
02/21/14 01:40AM
Hi my name is Germany.

02/21/14 04:19PM
Germany said:
Hi my name is Germany.

Spambot detected?
02/22/14 12:24AM
Dantus said:
Spambot detected?

Spambot? Not likely.
Spam? Yeah, probably. :P

Or maybe they want a Germany MMO.
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