05/28/21 07:08PM
DarkMask said:
Holy crap really? I loved his stuff when I was first getting into hypno art. Glad to hear he's made his mark on internet history.

I know right, my reaction upon seeing it resembled <<|this>>
05/29/21 12:07AM
TheMadPrince said:
Today I learned that BrokenTeapot, one of the very first hypno-artists I ever discovered, whose stuff I absolutely loved back in the day (btw Teapot pls come back at some point your hypno art was amazing), and otherwise known as Michael J Larson (which is the <<|name of his new Deviantart account>> if anyone's curious), is the man behind the relatively famous <<|three-headed dragon with derpy head on the right>> meme, which makes me unreasonably happy for whatever reason.

Make of that information what you will.

06/07/21 06:36AM
I'm soooo happy!! Verified User is my daddy now and I'll be his good little girl!!!
08/08/21 06:11PM
Damn, 3 months old. This should be pinned to avoid it looking like necro, or the main post should be edited to especially say when it would be ok to recreate the topic from scratch.

Happy because I spent the week-end replaying Keika route in Saimin Yuugi.
Ha it takes a long time, but it definitely have a different and better appeal than just looking at CG or remembering.
Improved a bit my dictionary used with VNR while I was at it, though it's most likely only me that can work with "the way it talk", or something like that.

I will have to find some time for Saimin Enbu one of these days, but I think it may be harder to fit it in a week-end, would have to adapt otherwise.
08/20/21 09:12AM
from the game NationStates, flag of the nation card

Made me smile because it reminded me of hypno pics from here with the mood of sleeping and related text all around.
08/21/21 05:18AM
I feel a great disturbance in the Internet Wrestling Community. As if a million voices cried out and were suddenly sated.

I fear something Elite has happened.
09/21/21 07:12PM
Finally restarted going after Saimin Enbu, this time trying to not miss out on the story.
The "vent" parts would be:
- god that's taking so long, a week-end wasn't enough to get through the prologue.
- also some scenes are more skippable, because more/too-much sex-centered, and also sometimes one may miss an interesting hypnosis in the middle of those if skipping too much.
In the happy part:
- there were plenty of funny moments making it worth it (though a bit light to allow more frequent full replays).
- Now I finally understand exactly what the last scene of Kaguya (blue hair heroine) route is about. I don't know if I played without translation last time or what, but I wasn't quite sure until now, that's what threw me on this route, and I'm happy that's settled.
- Saimin Enbu is great overall, at least from what I'm looking for

Now I will have to decide who I play next, and when. I'm not sure about Minori, she's not a bad character visually, but story-wise.........yet I should "do it all" eventually, hmm...
11/05/21 09:13AM
Okay but

Did you guys SEE that Elden Ring gameplay?

Hummuna hummuna hummuna
11/05/21 11:27PM
I fixed my Xbox's weird account problems and can now play Xbox 360 games without hassle again!!
11/15/21 09:26AM
After finishing Xenoblade 2, I fully understand why there's so much more Pyra/Mythra art than any other characters

Those two are two of my favorite video game characters ever. The last time a game made me feel how Xenoblade 2 did was Persona 5, which is my all time favorite game.

I think I can safely put Xenoblade 2 at second place. I fucking love this game. I haven't felt this way about a game in so long man.

If you haven't played it, do so.
11/17/21 09:22AM
I’m on my first Mass Effect play through, and just finished the Citadel DLC for 3.
I haven’t enjoyed a piece of media that much in a long time. Well paced gameplay, good dialogue and humor, great callbacks. I won’t spoil it but I will say, a great twist. A day off work well spent.
(Reminded me a bit if part of Pluto Nash actually.)
11/21/21 10:37PM
Going from the vent thread to the happy thread.
i said over there that i bought a laptop 2 in 1 and sucks and barely works, recently my request for a refund got approved and is now showing up on my bank account.

Glad to see myself not stuck with an almost 2k paper weight.
11/21/21 11:35PM
Recently. I found three E-Hentai pages of all of Nyuu Manekin-Eko's lost mind control images. Because over the years of having them posted on pixiv the images grew smaller and smaller and eventually have this weird glitch where they become tiny squares. Thankfully the three archived pages containing all these images can all be accessed on e-hentai.
12/15/21 04:27AM
My last class was yesterday, and with that I am OFFICIALLY done with school!
12/17/21 08:39PM

And I'm one of the backers!

<<<7172 73 7475>>>

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