03/07/18 06:57AM
Defcon7 said:
I always hypnotized girl raiders and stole their stuff, secretly wishing I could bang them too..)

03/07/18 08:07AM
Also this video has been cracking my shit up all day: (Also, it is my feeling.)
03/08/18 02:52AM
I...really really really, REALLY have fallen hard for pictures with Chisty in it.

Athletic girls...they’re one of my BIGGEST weaknesses. I want her on top of me, oh Lordy I’m weak
03/08/18 03:16AM
Defcon7 said:
I...really really really, REALLY have fallen hard for pictures with Chisty in it.

Athletic girls...they’re one of my BIGGEST weaknesses. I want her on top of me, oh Lordy I’m weak

03/08/18 04:14AM
So for the first time in a while I had money to spare for a stack of books. Stand outs were Goblin Slayer and Overlord.

Jezz Goblin Slayer is dark, like fuck fist chapter is grim and violent. And I love it!

No mercy at all for anyone.
03/08/18 05:21AM
Yurucamp makes me feel warm and comfy and makes me wanna camp even though I hate the outdoors. uwu
03/08/18 05:37AM
Defcon7 said:
I...really really really, REALLY have fallen hard for pictures with Chisty in it.

Athletic girls...they’re one of my BIGGEST weaknesses. I want her on top of me, oh Lordy I’m weak

Well, I usually never check the forums a little birdie told me too. This means a lot and sometimes spending money for people Ill never meet is a hard thing too do. I appreciate this so much and I want to say thank you. It feels good to get complements like these.
03/08/18 05:41AM
Chisty said:
Well, I usually never check the forums a little birdie told me too. This means a lot and sometimes spending money for people Ill never meet is a hard thing too do. I appreciate this so much and I want to say thank you. It feels good to get complements like these.

You’re very welcome >\\\<
03/08/18 03:18PM
God damn Bloodborne is hard! I knew it would be, but like I know that every death is my fault so far. I got too cocky with thinking I got one over the game. I haven't even gotten to the cleric beast yet... -__-
03/08/18 08:37PM
averageguy17 said:
God damn Bloodborne is hard! I knew it would be, but like I know that every death is my fault so far. I got too cocky with thinking I got one over the game. I haven't even gotten to the cleric beast yet... -__-

Unsure if posted in wrong vent thread, or happy to be defeated...
03/08/18 08:39PM
Mindwipe said:
Unsure if posted in wrong vent thread, or happy to be defeated...

I'm also unsure.

I mean witha game like that getting your ass kicked is part o the fun for some people.
03/08/18 11:48PM

Are honey select things allowed to be posted?

Got this from /v/
03/09/18 01:07AM
that sure was a direct

03/09/18 02:16AM
I love how they showed Link just to say “YES, It’s BOTW Link. Stop asking now.”

Metal Sonic for 5mash, Damn it.
03/09/18 05:04AM
Managed to finish the project I was working on in time and still passed my IT class with an A. It's not all smiles and happiness since the second half of the class starts up next week, but at least I have a rare weekend without any looming deadlines hovering over me
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