03/31/18 03:04AM
Argonis said:
I'll have mine crossed.

Defcon7 said:
Good luck! I’m sending all the good vibes I can your way!!

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,
03/31/18 03:10AM
anonplsno said:
What are you playing :o character and class~~ :3

Goliath Barbarian.
03/31/18 03:14AM
EdenSnake said:
Goliath Barbarian.

Aaaces, I love the goliaths they're hella cool. i've always wanted to play one but I'm dming for a group now... Maybe an npc~
03/31/18 04:29AM
Defcon7 said:
I’m...crushing super hard on some of the peeps here and I don’t know wether that’s good or bad... > ~~ <

I'd really like to be able to give you good advice but I just got here about 3-4 days ago and I'm not the person to ask advice to in the love category, so have a bunch of pat :

Contorted said:
I had a job interview today and was told to call back on Monday or Tuesday! Fingers crossed I get it!
Crossing my fingers too !

....I like gifs, hehe è u é)
03/31/18 11:36AM
anonplsno said:
Aaaces, I love the goliaths they're hella cool. i've always wanted to play one but I'm dming for a group now... Maybe an npc~


I am also playing a human cleric, but my favorite class is the paladin.

Your party al DM?
03/31/18 11:08PM
Both sort of a Happy and Bad Vent.

I've have both several commissions and requests coming up, some I've had for some time, some recent. And they're all converging to be happy around the same time.

I'm basically hyped to the point where my brain isn't letting me think straight. And it's actually driving me crazy because I can't focus.
04/01/18 03:16PM
Pleasantly surprised to see no fools day shitposting.
04/01/18 09:19PM
I seem to have fallen for an employee at Pizza Thot. Search through the Tumblr’ll find her pretty quick...
04/01/18 11:26PM
Somehow a bunch of my commissions gotten at different times are all being finished now.
04/01/18 11:40PM
Defcon7 said:
I seem to have fallen for an employee at Pizza Thot. Search through the Tumblr’ll find her pretty quick...

And so I forgot the "employee", searched for " pizza hut" and found <<|this>>.

Such beauty, I might have fallen too now...

Aslo I misreaded and now realize you didn't write "pizza hut" but "pizza Thot", my bad.
04/01/18 11:43PM
BrainWaves said:
And so I forgot the "employee", searched for " pizza hut" and found <<|this>>.

Such beauty, I might have fallen too now...

Aslo I misreaded and now realize you didn't write "pizza hut" but "pizza Thot", my bad.

...why this? Why me?
04/01/18 11:58PM
Defcon7 said:
...why this? Why me?

<<|Why life ?>>

( really I have no answer to that, I just misread, mistyped, laughed, and posted)
04/02/18 04:04AM
It seems that, even though there were the expected jokes of "new features" on imgur and discord, everything stayed very tame this year and all in good fun! Best april fools EVER!

Plus, there was freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, pizza in the evening, and unexpected sleeping in tomorrow!

@Defcon7: the one with <<|the pink background>> and such? Or was this an april fools cuz she really a thot at first glance. I don't know your type ._.
04/02/18 04:20AM
Friye said:
It seems that, even though there were the expected jokes of "new features" on imgur and discord, everything stayed very tame this year and all in good fun! Best april fools EVER!

Plus, there was freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, pizza in the evening, and unexpected sleeping in tomorrow!

@Defcon7: the one with <<|the pink background>> and such? Or was this an april fools cuz she really a thot at first glance. I don't know your type ._.


Here she be... —>
04/02/18 08:50AM
Managed to get through the day with no BS in the real world! Yay! Usually things don’t always go that smoothly so I’m happy!
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