04/02/18 07:38PM
Just learned I'm Employee of the Month at work. Not sure why, not sure how, but it's the first time someone in my department got it in years. I'm not used to getting this much praise.
04/02/18 07:42PM
DarkMask said:
Just learned I'm Employee of the Month at work. Not sure why, not sure how, but it's the first time someone in my department got it in years. I'm not used to getting this much praise.

Cool for you man.
04/03/18 02:53AM
Oh yeah, daddy Masako, give me that sweet, sweet Dragon Ball R&R podcast. Oh man, Vegeta and Trunks' VAs sound like so much fun together.
04/03/18 04:05AM
DarkMask said:
Just learned I'm Employee of the Month at work. Not sure why, not sure how, but it's the first time someone in my department got it in years. I'm not used to getting this much praise.

04/04/18 01:46PM
I got Jeanne Alter in Fate Grand Order! Had to shell out a bit of cash, but got her on my first "paid" roll (and I've been buying a monthly itunes card for the last 6 months or so just for things like this) so it didn't feel like I wasted too much trying to get her
04/04/18 05:46PM
I've been so godsdamned productive yesterday, you wouldn't believe!

I finally got up early enough to go in to the unemployment thing and say "I'd like to get unemployment benefits please" at which they said "ok but you gotta do that at a union" so it's not fixed but at least now I know where to go. Hurrah!

I hung around with my sister a bit afterwards, bought a book (something I haven't done in a looong time!) and then went home and cleaned out the fridge.

It took me two and a half hours, no breaks, to clean out the fridge. I'm so fecking proud. Four or five buckets of water too to scrub everything proper and clean out the glass jars that had expired food in them. My muscles ache so much rn but it was worth it.

Then I made a bunch of pictures and text documents for a Roleplay event I did with my WoW guild. Of course, one of the text documents was the full works of the Lusty Argonian Maid. Did you know there are only two official volumes of that book?
04/05/18 10:28PM
For my last day in New York, I’m staying in a tall hotel...it’s kinda nerve racking. But we’re staying on the 21st floor, which lead me to imagine Android 21 in a maid’s outfit giving me “Extra special room service”...and now I’m ok. ^///^
04/07/18 10:32AM
I'm the type of person that used to think EQing headphones was a crime, and to some degree I still am. But after getting annoyed with how bass-heavy the 1More Triples are, I decided I had nothing to lose.

An hour of staring at various frequency response/correction curves ([spoiler=*]the Olive-Welti/Harman target response curve, diffuse and free-field correction curves[/spoiler]) and raw frequency response measurements, and compensating for the excess bass and lack of mids, I'm simply blown away by the difference.

After all this time I finally understand why people use EQ, and I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner.
04/07/18 10:38AM
bugmenot said:
I'm the type of person that used to think EQing headphones was a crime, and to some degree I still am. But after getting annoyed with how bass-heavy the 1More Triples are, I decided I had nothing to lose.

An hour of staring at various frequency response/correction curves ([spoiler=*]the Olive-Welti/Harman target response curve, diffuse and free-field correction curves[/spoiler]) and raw frequency response measurements, and compensating for the excess bass and lack of mids, I'm simply blown away by the difference.

After all this time I finally understand why people use EQ, and I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner.

Welcome to the EQ side XD
04/07/18 11:03AM
I got a job, so that's happening. Yay me.
04/07/18 01:34PM
I blocked someone really toxic out of my life and I'm feeling better already :)
04/09/18 10:37AM
I decided to try and respond to my friend's political comment on Facebook and I'm actually very proud of myself. Time to tune out politics for at least a week.
04/09/18 05:43PM
I have the house to myself for a week! Now I can do whatever I want! (Camp out in my front room and plays Warframe and DBFZ all day! And occasionally masturbate.)

I might be hanging out with a friend too. But I’m still not quite sure.
04/09/18 07:27PM
Yesterday almost ended on a rough note, but the vent room and some very kind messages and responses to the art I made for Trippy cheered me right up! (I am a headpat slut.)

Thank you all for caring <3 it means a lot!
04/10/18 04:53AM
Friye said:
Yesterday almost ended on a rough note, but the vent room and some very kind messages and responses to the art I made for Trippy cheered me right up! (I am a headpat slut.)

Thank you all for caring <3 it means a lot!

[pets head] we likes ya alot.
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