04/27/18 07:55AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
This could have gone in either alignment of vent thread, but I'm putting it here because it had a happy ending

Basically, really tough day of class today- i went in early to work on my labs, but due to an unexplained reason, my computer wasn't doing what the instructions said it should do to complete the assignment, which is one of my bigger anxiety-triggers (Instructions say A, but reality shows B, to put it simply)

So in class proper, it's the one day of the semester where we talk about macs, so me being the only mac expert in class, i figure it'll be my day to shine

then it takes me 3 different machines to find one that works, because the never-used macs in the storage room are in various states of dissaray, and the one that finally works has its settings all out of whack

my lab partner's too busy watching the NFL draft thing or whatever (I don't follow football) to help me with the work, meanwhile i'm in sensory overload due to all the people talking around me

and it hits me- the assignment we're doing- it didn't even need a mac, it could have been done at home, over the weekend at my leisure, so long as I had a web browser and google, meanwhile the 2 other assignments we need done by tuesday either require 2 people to do it, or require a machine running linux (neither of which i have at home, but easily can do in the classroom), so I'm like, what was the point of wasting our time in such an inefficient way?

So i shambled home like i usually do, sent my mom a text saying how rough a day I had, and to my surprise, she sends me $150 so I can order a pizza and something to cheer myself up- i kinda feel like it's better to save the rest of it for when I need it, but damn, appreciate your moms, people

I remember those tough school days... I hope you didn't get a 150$ pizza, though that pizza would have to be AMAZING to be worth that much. Hmmm... now I'm hungry...
04/27/18 08:08AM
Just found this gif and it made me giggle.
04/28/18 02:59AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
she sends me $150 so I can order a pizza and something to cheer myself up

averageguy17 said:
I hope you didn't get a 150$ pizza.

How about 15 $10 pizzas?

Or one $10 pizza and a $140 hooker?

DarkMask said:
Just found this gif and it made me giggle.

<<soundcloud.com/terminalmo...fallout-boy-x-sailor-moon|Off-topic but related>>
04/29/18 01:48AM
I didn't think much of Moira when she debuted in Overwatch. But now she is becoming one of my favorite characters to play.
05/01/18 02:55PM
I just finished my last ever college final yesterday. Overall it wasn't too bad although I almost messed up the final problem lol.

Needless to say, I'm done school after Wednesday. I just have 2 presentations I need to do, then I'm finally freeeeeee!

Start my job in August, so really going to enjoy my time off in the meantime :D.
05/01/18 05:09PM
Metals said:
I just finished my last ever college final yesterday. Overall it wasn't too bad although I almost messed up the final problem lol.

Needless to say, I'm done school after Wednesday. I just have 2 presentations I need to do, then I'm finally freeeeeee!

Start my job in August, so really going to enjoy my time off in the meantime :D.

It's an awesome feeling knowing you don't have to go to school anymore.
05/02/18 07:53AM
Ok two things

1. after a long day at work a friend of mine was talking about how he would like to get a drawing tablet
[ the ones where you see what your drawing on it]

after hearing how i myself have a tablet

[ the kind you draw but your still looking at a computer screen]

and after a lengthy discussion he came to the idea that he will start saving now for such a tablet and it inspired me to get on the drawing board myself,
[spoiler=my skill is literal dog shit so nobody will see nothing][/spoiler]
Now since this was after work i am too tired to draw i know some will be like "ARGONIS YOU LAZY FUCK! but the next day for sure i will be there burning my retinues on the computer screen hoping to learn and improve.

2. I am really excited and will be excited for the next few days cause my birthday is coming up and each day towards it is a day i hold my head high and say FUCK YOU WORLD YOU AIN'T TAKING THIS POLIWRATH OUT ANYTIME SOON UNLESS YOU EMPLOY THE HIGHEST BIDDING ASSASSINS THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN CAUSE THIS MOTHERFUCKA IS STILL GOING STRO [spoiler=blam!][/spoiler]
05/02/18 08:10AM
Argonis said:
Ok two things

1. after a long day at work a friend of mine was talking about how he would like to get a drawing tablet
[ the ones where you see what your drawing on it]

after hearing how i myself have a tablet

[ the kind you draw but your still looking at a computer screen]

and after a lengthy discussion he came to the idea that he will start saving now for such a tablet and it inspired me to get on the drawing board myself,
[spoiler=my skill is literal dog shit so nobody will see nothing][/spoiler]
Now since this was after work i am too tired to draw i know some will be like "ARGONIS YOU LAZY FUCK! but the next day for sure i will be there burning my retinues on the computer screen hoping to learn and improve.

2. I am really excited and will be excited for the next few days cause my birthday is coming up and each day towards it is a day i hold my head high and say FUCK YOU WORLD YOU AIN'T TAKING THIS POLIWRATH OUT ANYTIME SOON UNLESS YOU EMPLOY THE HIGHEST BIDDING ASSASSINS THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN CAUSE THIS MOTHERFUCKA IS STILL GOING STRO [spoiler=blam!][/spoiler]

Happy early Birthday!

And good luck with the drawing.
05/04/18 06:22AM
For someone who uses MikuMikuDance as a hoarding mechanism, it's my favorite time of the year: Original Model Festival time

I don't know what I'm going to do with this 3d rendering of a litter box but I'm sure glad to have it.
05/05/18 04:13AM
So with the leftover money from my last happy vent, I went and bought a new external HDD with 4TB on it- I've got a serious data-hoarding problem (TBH most of it's porn, so you never really want to delete it) and I was running low on all my other drives, so it's a nice burden off my mind, meanwhile I can consolidate all my data by category a bit better now

knock on wood nothing bad happens to this one, because the last time I had a new external drive, it ended up falling off a desk and getting it's connector knocked loose- was able to get data off of it, but I knew it would be a bad idea to keep using it
05/05/18 04:40AM
So in the other vent thread I was ranting about this RCA home theater system I found, that absolutely needs its remote to even do basic functions like change the radio station.

And I think I touched on a TV that I own that has horrible speakers and I was using the headphone out to power a shitty set of 2.1 computer speakers because those literally sounded better then the TV's speakers.

Well I got to thinking. That shitty RCA home theater system has an optical in... The shitty Toshiba TV has an optical out... and while rummaging through my cables I found an optical cable.

So I'm now using the RCA home theater system for its intended purpose. It's still a piece of Chinese shit with the RCA name laughably slapped on it, but it's better then the TV's built in speakers.

On a related note I don't really miss rear projection TV's. Those things are a pain to deal with, to put it lightly...

... but I do miss the sound they had. Modern TV's can't hold a candle to the sounds one of those old behemoths can reproduce.
05/05/18 10:26PM
Happy Free Comic Book Day Everyone!
05/07/18 05:51AM
DarkMask said:
Happy Free Comic Book Day Everyone!

What? Is that a thing??


I'm trying to count my blessings today after a few rough days.

I'm warm, dry and safe in a room that has privacy and all I need and more tonight.
I've got great friends who easily make merry even when they are hungover as heck and things around them are breaking down. I can even without worry say I'm sorry for not staying longer and go to my room to fall asleep well an hour before they all leave.
I can take control of the things that go wrong and accept (with some troubles) the things that are out of my control.
I am loved, love, and am lucky enough to know it.

And on a more specific note, I've been hypnotized! It still takes effort, but I'm finally feeling ready and trusting enough to allow my guard down even just a little. Just a little, but I'll take it :)
05/07/18 06:00AM
Friye said:
What? Is that a thing??


I'm trying to count my blessings today after a few rough days.

I'm warm, dry and safe in a room that has privacy and all I need and more tonight.
I've got great friends who easily make merry even when they are hungover as heck and things around them are breaking down. I can even without worry say I'm sorry for not staying longer and go to my room to fall asleep well an hour before they all leave.
I can take control of the things that go wrong and accept (with some troubles) the things that are out of my control.
I am loved, love, and am lucky enough to know it.

And on a more specific note, I've been hypnotized! It still takes effort, but I'm finally feeling ready and trusting enough to allow my guard down even just a little. Just a little, but I'll take it :)

That's awesome to hear. More people being able to trane is always nice to hear
05/07/18 06:24AM
Friye said:
What? Is that a thing??

Yes it is!

Free Comic Book Day, the Holiest of Days, is the first Saturday of May and it's the day when comic shops across the U.S. hold major discounts on all their stock. There are even special Free Comic Book Day issues they give out that mostly promote upcoming series.
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