01/12/18 07:17PM
TalahDarkfang said:
inb4 you accidentally sold your soul

01/12/18 07:18PM
TalahDarkfang said:
inb4 you accidentally sold your first born

<<|cant sell first born if forever lonely>>
01/12/18 07:21PM
BlackWidow69x said:
There's an item I didn't think I'd ever get, because it was a "only sold in Japan, at this date, this event, that limited" and I couldn't find it anywhere for sale. I knew if I saw it again, it would probably cost hundreds of dollars, and that was only if I ever saw it again.


Years later: I find it. For under $100 USD. And I am able to order it for myself.

Something I didn't think I would get to do.

I literally joked with others that the only way I would get it is if I "sold my first born" sort of thing.

And now I'm just waiting for them to ship it and that I can have it with me!

This may also be the last big thing I buy myself so a long while, so it's kind of a double-big-deal.

Cool news with that.

I've sen lots of things like that, super cool but expensive and Japan only.
01/15/18 05:28PM
I honestly don't really know if this should go in this vent room, or the other one. Since, all in all, I think it's a positive thing, I guess I'll post it here.

Today, I just thought about what I've been doing, and where do I go from here, all those sorts of things. I know quite a few people on here have had some experiences with depression and the like, so I don't really want to awaken bad feelings or anything. I guess I should note here that I've been having those problems of my own, and until now, I was at a complete loss.

I realized one thing, though : even if it was a negative experience, and a painful one, my problems, in a way, have helped me. Because I know that if I've survived through them, other people can as well. So today, I decided I would try and help other people that have those sorts of difficulties. My personal philosophy has always been that it's easier to interact with someone you feel familiar with, so the fact that I've had these issues might actually be useful to other people.

I guess I'm just posting this as a semi-resolution for 2018, as well as a message of friendship to all those here who have suffered because of this. I can't really convince anyone that what they're thinking is wrong, so I guess I can only say that I understand too.
01/16/18 05:35AM
Well, I started and finished Devilman Crybaby a little while ago.
I really dunno what to say. Quite speechless about it.
Glad I watched it though.
01/17/18 12:13AM
I got a promotion. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
01/17/18 12:15AM
Argonis said:
I got a promotion. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Dunno how, but celebrate.
01/17/18 12:38AM
Argonis said:
I got a promotion. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

01/17/18 01:01AM
2 commission of me are coming up so look forward to them ^_^
01/17/18 01:07AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
2 commission of me are coming up so look forward to them ^_^

01/17/18 01:57AM
Argonis said:
I got a promotion. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
01/17/18 02:00AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
2 commission of me are coming up so look forward to them ^_^

*Looking forward to it intensifies*
01/17/18 02:04AM
More good news! The bitch that lived below me in our school apartment complex moved out today!~

This bitch tried to get me in trouble because our building has really bad flooring so it will creak no matter what so walking around my room was considered stomping and banging so it took my 3 roommates and the three other girls who live downstairs beside her to tell the RAs that I've done nothing wrong. she also called me a dike under her breath once when I was walking by all because she found out I was bi.

I'm so glad she moved or was kicked out I don't know I'm just happy shes gone :D
01/17/18 02:07AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
More good news! The bitch that lived below me in our school apartment complex moved out today!~

This bitch tried to get me in trouble because our building has really bad flooring so it will creak no matter what so walking around my room was considered stomping and banging so it took my 3 roommates and the three other girls who live downstairs beside her to tell the RAs that I've done nothing wrong. she also called me a dike under her breath once when I was walking by all because she found out I was bi.

I'm so glad she moved or was kicked out I don't know I'm just happy shes gone :D

Why do people feel the need to do this type of shit?
At least she's out of your hair now.
01/17/18 02:13AM
Yesterday was an amazing day--I met some friends I've been talking to online for the first time in person and they were sweet incredible people, and they did like a belated birthday celebration for me. They took me and the kids to see Coco in the theater (which was so good and made me cry, of course), brought a super amazing chocolate cake for us to eat after dinner, and had a couple gifts to give me too--a pressed coin from their trip to Disney World that they went to a few months ago, a leather-bound copy of The Jungle Book with illustrations, and the piece de resistance: a plushie doll of Kenny that they had ordered for me from Budsies, which is the cutest most amazing thing. My jaw literally dropped when I pulled him out of the bag.
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