12/30/13 10:27PM
the collective and the hub
So, I never visited the hypnopics collective before or to be accurate, I never got farther than the registration page. So what I say here may very well be full of crap, but from what I gather based on other people's experiences, it was a giant gathering of mediocrity in terms of content.

That being said, due to their recent site crash and attempts to relocate/rebuild themselves, do you think we'll be seeing them pop up on here? As in, do you think we'll start seeing the people who resort to just massive image dumps with terrible to mediocre content

I ask this because the recent upload of these ALCembee pics reminded me about some of the discussions about the collective on other forum posts. I'm not going to outright say that this guy was part of the collective and I'm not a good person to ask when judging quality but even I can tell these pics were most likely edited and uploaded in the time span of 30 seconds (I mean, they aren't even tagged)
12/30/13 10:35PM
Yes, his stuff does remind me of the collective.

Some of them are alright, but others are just...well, he needs to work on making the editions he makes to the image actually fit in better via proper color, shading, contrast, etc. This is something that is very hard to do with real images.

Tagging should be done, but I'll be putting some things up for judgement first.

As for your question of seeing the collective come here: well, I suppose we will see some of that until they finish their move. It's not entirely bad, as a fair chunk of the collective is alright. The collective mainly suffers from the lack of a properly tagged search function, so there's no way to only find what you like, forcing you to sift through tons and tons of stuff that you don't.
12/30/13 10:52PM
Vanndril said:
I'll be putting some things up for judgement first.

Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. ;_;

I already deleted all the ones that just had red irises and didn't look like they were actually glowing. If you could give the others a look and do judgments, that would be a BIG help. (And in the event you don't flag all of them, I'll look at the ones you missed. :P)
12/30/13 11:05PM
And from what I hear doe st care she you post no matter the quality
12/30/13 11:09PM
Fairy21 said:
And from what I hear doe st care she you post no matter the quality

I think I understand what you mean. XD
Yes, the collective has no quality control policy. In fact, no hypnofetish site seems to. That's why our quality control policy, as low as it is, is often met with contempt.

Since it's always worth repeating, keep in mind that we don't have quality control just to piss off new artists. We, and the members who voted to have it when we first started out of Hypnochan, truly believe that holding a certain level of quality would be beneficial to the site and community, as well as even the artists and manippers who get denied (as they now have reason to improve).

Mindwipe said:
Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. ;_;

I'd like to mention that I don't not do judgments because I don't feel like it, but rather because I'm never around to do them before Mr. I'm-Always-On, here, posts his take. :P That, and I usually try to get your agreement before I flag something.

Anyway, caught up on comments and forums, so I'll do this now.
12/30/13 11:20PM
Yeah we need quality control or else you can get crap like what was deleted and get stuck havin to sift though it all when none of it is worth looking at.

If people have a problem with quality control I'm sure there on tones of other sites that will accept their work. This isn't the only hypnosis based picture site or site to upload pictures.
12/30/13 11:58PM
Fairy21 said:
Yeah we need quality control or else you can get crap like what was deleted and get stuck havin to sift though it all when none of it is worth looking at.

If people have a problem with quality control I'm sure there on tones of other sites that will accept their work. This isn't the only hypnosis based picture site or site to upload pictures.

That and, if given the option, most people tend to slack off and take the easy way out of work, even if they're the ones who want to do said work! Let's be honest; praise feels nice and criticism hurts. Without quality control, sites like this tend to become hugboxes, which give praise even to things that should get criticism, and that doesn't help anyone involved - not the viewer nor the artist.

If they just want to feel good from praise, or they don't have any interest in improving and only wish to share what they've made anyway, then there are other sites for that. Not that I'm trying to push anyone away, of course. Even if someone posts elsewhere, they can still be part of the community here.

Anyway, Mindwipe, I judged what I found worthy of such. I'm a little unsure about <<|this one>> because the glow isn't that bad since it looks like it's just an pupil color change.

The rest don't stand out as that bad to me.
12/31/13 12:18AM
Vanndril said:
Since it's always worth repeating, keep in mind that we don't have quality control just to piss off new artists. We, and the members who voted to have it when we first started out of Hypnochan, truly believe that holding a certain level of quality would be beneficial to the site and community, as well as even the artists and manippers who get denied (as they now have reason to improve).

Well if my 'art' managed to get through unscathed, the quality control can't be that strict. :P Either that, or both you and Mindwipe dropped into brief comas while my posts scrolled off the first page. ;)
12/31/13 12:46AM
I do t like that new stuff, but if you guys wanna keep it then who am I to say otherwise?
12/31/13 12:48AM
Changer said:
Well if my 'art' managed to get through unscathed, the quality control can't be that strict. :P Either that, or both you and Mindwipe dropped into brief comas while my posts scrolled off the first page. ;)

Original art gets a pretty hefty allowance compared to our already lax manip policies simply due to the fact that it takes far more effort than manips. We very rarely judge original art, as we try to be understanding of how hard it can be to improve drawing skills.

I'd be lying if I didn't consider judging some of it for just a second, though. :P Namely the one that isn't your avatar, if I were to be honest. ;)

Nadiatheberzerker said:
I do t like that new stuff, but if you guys wanna keep it then who am I to say otherwise?

A member of the community. You're allowed to speak up. We can and will hear you. We just don't have to agree. :P

I very rarely like real life manips, myself, for exactly the reason you stated in the comments. It's extremely hard to manip real life images in a way that doesn't seem cartoony and entirely unfitting of real life. That said, if it still looks clean and good, then it's not bad, but rather just not to my tastes.

We try to, as much as possible, avoid letting our taste (or distaste) in a piece of work guide us toward judging it. In other words, we attempt to stay as objective as possible. We don't need to like it, it just needs to have the hallmarks of a certain level of quality.
12/31/13 01:04AM
Well, I don't want to step too much into this... But if it weren't for the collective I never would have joined the community. It was the people - not the art - that got me involved. Their "open" atmosphere is what allowed me to blossom and without it - you'd of never found me here or anywhere as a hypno manipper, artist, and RPer, and sub/dom/switch whatever.

That said - I do think quality control to some extent is a GOOD thing especially for this site. But it's a sticky matter. Vanndril appears to be handling things well IMHO - for what that's worth.
12/31/13 01:28AM
Shouldn't they be removed anyway since they're not hentai?
12/31/13 01:42AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Shouldn't they be removed anyway since they're not hentai?

This ain't a hentai site, it's a hypnosis picture site. Which means any picture related to the hypnosis (provided its good quality) can be uploaded without a problem.

Even. Sites like gelbooru have a late collection of real pictures.

12/31/13 01:42AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Shouldn't they be removed anyway since they're not hentai?

We don't have any rule like that...
12/31/13 01:49AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Shouldn't they be removed anyway since they're not hentai?

Nope. This site was never only for hentai images. It just happens to be most of what gets posted. XD

VVrayven said:
Vanndril appears to be handling things well IMHO - for what that's worth.


I hope so. I do so try to be fair. :3

VVrayven said:
Well, I don't want to step too much into this... But if it weren't for the collective I never would have joined the community. It was the people - not the art - that got me involved. Their "open" atmosphere is what allowed me to blossom and without it - you'd of never found me here or anywhere as a hypno manipper, artist, and RPer, and sub/dom/switch whatever.

Of course! The collective was my starting point, too, and it was for the same reason as you - it was open and accepting, and the people there were generally well meaning. Without the collective, this site would have never come to be! How's that for a humbling realization? :P

I don't hate the collective, and you will never hear me say that I do. I will often make fun of them, though, but that's all in good, teasing fun. :P There is no doubt in my mind that the collective has a niche to fill and that it fills it well. My only real gripe is that the gallery system they use is so...old. They really need a proper tag and search system.
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