02/16/18 02:35AM
Russian speaking people (Русские / русскоязычные, ау!)

This thread is related to searching for a Russian-speaking people within our kink.
It's very hard to find active people and we're trying to gather together. We've established a Discord server with active admin, rules for safety and opportunity to have your session moderated.
For now we have not so much people and we're searching for more active members. If not doing sessions, we discuss hypno-stuff or just stuff. Sometimes we go into voice chat, though you can always stay text-only if you want to.
Server kicks non-active users every month.
I re-read the rules and it looks like I'm allowed to post link in here, though if I'm mistaken, I'm sorry.
Join us!

P.S. I'm ready to answer any questions about it here, if you have some, comrads. :)
02/16/18 08:03AM
Москалі і сюди дотягнулись! Де там моя сокирка лежить? xD
02/16/18 12:41PM
Bokasa said:
Москалі і сюди дотягнулись! Де там моя сокирка лежить? xD

02/17/18 08:47PM
Один я приперся, і той бендерівець.
02/22/18 01:52PM
Bokasa said:
Один я приперся, і той бендерівець.

Уже не только ты один. :3
03/28/18 12:17AM
MeloMan said:
Уже не только ты один. :3

Ага, але не звідси
04/09/18 02:32AM
Нужно больше наших :3
04/18/18 11:16PM
04/23/18 06:39PM
前田タルヤ said:


06/26/18 01:26AM
Дя! :3
10/20/18 08:20PM
Okay, so for you Russian people of the Hub, I recently found <<|this video>> (I think and really hope it's Russian, please don't take offense if it isn't) - I'd like to know where it's from. If this was English I could just paste the lines into Google and see if a script comes up, but this is unfortunately another language which I don't understand.

If any of you know this, or can give a transcription of the lines that I can paste into Google to check a potential source, I'd appreciate it. Thank you !

On the same note, the same channel has posted <<|this>> which, I imagine, is from the same show/movie. The other clip is what I really want, but this is an added bonus if you know.

(Btw, I hope I didn't need to use the Hunting Thread - I figured that, since this specifically sounds like a Russian clip, I'd directly talk to the Russians here.)

EDIT : Okay, never mind. Apparently this is from a show called "Выжить После" ("The Day After" in English), about a zombie invasion. The clip is from episode 11 of season 3. I just need to find English subtitles, but apart from that it's done.
06/03/20 12:21AM
Может быть за столько времени появилось еще немного наши русскоговорящих потеряшек?)
06/03/20 03:23AM
Опа, перекличка! Здорово :D
06/05/20 02:01PM
Я думал что нас даже ещё меньше (включая тех кто не пишет\постит)
06/07/20 03:39AM
Me4X said:
Я думал что нас даже ещё меньше (включая тех кто не пишет\постит)

Нас очень много, особенно на дискорд сервере).
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