01/02/14 09:34PM
mass effect indoctrination : idea :?
hi guys :)
and happy new year :)

i'm a new member here, but i was here since hypnochan and hypnobooru, looking for all your great stuff and discussion, but today i decide to take my keyboard and ask you some help :(

i'm going to commission a mass effect comics with liara and tali indoctrined by cerberus to the great artist josemalvado ( he dont have stuff on this site because its his first hypno/mind control project )

he already give me a first " test page" with liara and tali normal form, and them turned into robot/indoctrined form ( i will post it on this site when the color will be finish :)

but now i need to write the story and ... i'm a little out of idea :(

i actually know well the serie ( play 6 time the first game :p ) and i know how indoctrination work, but i cant find a way to use it on my comics ...

use the hard way ? put them on a repear pike who turn them fast into slave ?

use some reaper's artifact who slowly destroy their brain and modified their body ?

use nano robots from cerberus like saren or the shadow man ?

i really dont know :(

help me :(
01/02/14 09:54PM
Welcome to the hub, and enjoy your stay! I like your comic idea alot, I would need to see how they look when they are finished before I say what their fate is, for each form of reaper control you mentioned gives a certain and distinct appearance as a result, but based purely upon my personal preference I'm liking either the spike or the artifact.
01/03/14 09:51AM
I would suggest the artifact. Maybe a Cerberus operative hid one in both of their rooms so they don't even realize that they are being indoctrinated.

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