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015587*snap to attention*laststand08102018-11-15 17:43:51Revert

"Yes, dressing has finished. I am 'Dressing Club''s hypnotized hostess Ruby. Please order me anything you want."
laststand08102018-11-15 17:46:53Revert

(Is this the Mami-san who always nagging me at work... you seems to be a total different person now.)
laststand08102018-11-15 17:48:04Revert

('Dressing Club'--- only known by the world and the women who lives here as a girl's dormitory, named 'Kisaragi Dorm'. In truth, the real functionality of it is a welfare facility provided to support male employees, a place used to manage single female employees with exceptional beauty and make effective use on them)
laststand08102018-11-15 17:56:52Revert

('Dressing Club'--- only known by the world and the women who lives here as a girl's dormitory, named 'Kisaragi Dorm'. In truth, the real functionality of it is a welfare facility provided to support male employees, a place used to manage single female employees with exceptional beauty and make effective use of them)
laststand08102018-11-15 17:57:21Revert

(Any male employee committed to work for 5 days on weekly basis will be rewarded one night free on one female employee in this facility (new employees will have an additional one as "weekly login bonus"))
laststand08102018-11-15 18:00:24Revert

(and by the meaning of "free", is that, these female employees have been "adjusted" to obey whatever their customers say while under a certain condition)
laststand08102018-11-15 18:03:40Revert

(Of course, the real persona will have no consciousness while being under, and will continue to live thinking that it just a normal girl's dorm.)
laststand08102018-11-15 18:05:22Revert