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"Thank you very much for choosing Hisui, Mr. Customer. I will heading there immediately."
laststand08102018-11-16 16:15:10Revert

"eh? you'll come dressing like that? What if other people see.... nah, it's probably alright, is it....?"
laststand08102018-11-16 16:16:31Revert

"ah... the camera switched. You really do walk through the corridor naked huh..."
laststand08102018-11-16 16:17:23Revert

"Kohaku's room camera... can't be switched back anymore. I see, so that camera was assigned for Kohaku, it'll be disabled the time I chose Hisui. "
laststand08102018-11-16 16:18:52Revert

"I don't think this is a place for me to worry about a girl stand deeply entranced in her room, but what could I do to make sure anyway. I guess I could watch her with an additional fee, but I don't have that kind of money."
laststand08102018-11-16 16:20:39Revert