09/10/13 01:02AM
Fiddling with HypnoHub's code
Since Kinkyloli is contributing so much to the community, I wanted to give something too!
And what I like is writing some code.

Seemingly my previous post on <<|the other thread>> has gone unnoticed, so here I quote it:

Stem_Cell said:
No problem.

Actually, since I see it as something so simple to do and it's beneficial for you or another person (even me) to fiddle with this openly, I've made a simple package with it already set up.

h2. How to use it

* Download <<|this 7z archive>> and extract it to a root drive, like "C:\xampp" (can also be an USB drive).
* Run xampp-control.exe and click "start" for apache, then mysql. Allow them network access if asked.
* Navigate to localhost with your web browser, and choose admin account.

As you can see, easy as pie.

<<|Screenshot>>, padded with obligatory desktop background.

h3. Furthermore:

* I've stripped down the default XAMPP install, so it's lighter, but xampp-control.exe gives some warnings that you can safely ignore.
* If you want to edit files, go to X:\xampp\myimouto, where X: is the drive where it's located.
* If you want to play with the database, navigate to localhost/phpmyadmin
* This is a portable build. You can take it anywhere, and it doesn't do anything to your system or registry.
* ...but it has to run from a root drive like that. You can swap drive letters though.
* Man, 7z compression kicks rar's ass.

<<|Alternate link>> just in case.

Thing is, you can host your own clone of HypnoHub's software (MyImoutoBooru) on your machine (that package is for Windows, but it can run on other OSs like Linux too), and try out whatever you want.

I have just developed something which IMHO you guys could include in the site: hover previews!

Javascript file:

My code adds a link to the bottom of the page, allowing you to enable or disable its functionality (just in case), and it's stored in a cookie. It is disabled by default when you load the script.


Now, when you hover over an image, you'll see it highlight itself lightly (indicating that it's zoomable), and after a small delay (configurable), currently set to 300 milliseconds (so that it doesn't go zooming just by passing by with the mouse), it will fade the page slightly and show the image, as big as possible but made to fit the browser window, centered.


If you want to test the script, copy and paste <<|its contents>> to a Javascript console (<<webmasters.stackexchange....ole-in-different-browsers|how to open the javascript console of your browser>>) and click the link added to the footer navigation bar to enable it.

This will only last while the page isn't refreshed, so if we want it to always be there, it would have to be added by one of the admins as an asset (I can give instructions).

In the future, I want it to handle text links too, like "post #9516", but first I want to know you guys' opinion.

PS: Tested on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and IE8-10
09/10/13 01:36AM
Stem_Cell said:
Seemingly my previous post on <<|the other thread>> has gone unnoticed[...]

I forgot to reply, huh? Oops. XD

I'd take a closer look now, but... *stomach growls*
I'll be back as soon as I eat, Dinner.

Thanks for this, Stem_Cell. :D
09/10/13 02:54AM
*after lunch* Seems pretty solid. It works in post, and seems disabled everywhere else (which is a good thing). It doesn't cause problems with blacklisted images on the comments list or whatnot. The code, at a glance, looks clean.

I'd love to implement this!

However, I'm clueless when it comes to including/running/whatever .js files on a website. <.< So the question becomes: is there a way to implement this to where I won't have to reimplement it every time there's an update? Probably just wishful thinking, isn't it?

With that in mind, I wanted to ask your permission to show this to the developer of the software with the hopes of him making it a basic feature. I mean, if he does, then I wouldn't have to mess with every new update if my wishful thinking above is not possible. Besides, it would be a shame to keep such a nifty feature all to ourselves, wouldn't it? ;)
09/10/13 03:01AM
Vanndril said:
So the question becomes: is there a way to implement this to where I won't have to reimplement it every time there's an update? Probably just wishful thinking, isn't it?

Could the answer to your question be found <<|here>> under "Customizing assets"? (Honest question; I really don't know)
09/10/13 04:10AM
Hi again!

Vanndril, make sure you eat something healthy once in a while ok? Lunch is a good quickie but nothing shows love like a fruit or vegetable. Quick healthy snack: peel a carrot and cut it in slices, and eat them like that.

Now: I'm glad you like the script! And yes, it's possible to add it in a way that doesn't require re-applying after each update. Mindwipe is correct, you just have to edit a config file (this config file isn't updated when you copy a new version of MyImouto because it has to be renamed when you install for the first time).

To add the script as an asset:

* Go to the public folder of the server. This is the public folder of myimouto too.
* Add a folder called "javascripts".
* Put the above script on it. So it will be:


Now, MyImouto's config works as follows: first it reads this file:


Then, it reads this other file, and whatever this contains will overwrite the former:


On default_config.php, there's a section like this:

# Javascripts assets manifest files.
public $asset_javascripts = [

(nevermind the lack of indentation here)
You have to copy it to config.php, and add another item. Note the extra comma too:

# Javascripts assets manifest files.
public $asset_javascripts = [

Now, if everything went well, it will apply right after you save the file. Take note to include the extra comma before our last item like that, or it will be a syntax error.

Mine looks like this:

In the future I plan to make updates to this file for extra functionality, and all that will be needed will be to replace the hypnohub-hover-zoom.js file. You can also update the booru software at any time without problems, as copying a newer distribution over the current doesn't touch the config files.

Vanndril said:
I wanted to ask your permission to show this to the developer of the software with the hopes of him making it a basic feature. [...] it would be a shame to keep such a nifty feature all to ourselves, wouldn't it? ;)

I don't mind at all, and even if he wants to re-brand it (change its name from "hypnohub-hover-zoom") or minify it along with the other scripts for the site, that's cool with me. But it would be good for us to first have it well-tested here, just in case.
I also plan to make it work on other parts of the site, on post links it would be really useful!
09/10/13 05:05AM
Mindwipe said:
Could the answer to your question be found <<|here>> under "Customizing assets"? (Honest question; I really don't know)

Funny you should mention that. I wanted to avoid that by brute forcing some changes into the CSS (this is the system that handles the CSS file(s) as well). Obviously, that didn't work. Not here, or on my local PC. So I spent the past who knows how long figuring out exactly how to use the assets system. I think I can make the changes to the live site now without breaking shit, and prepared what I need ahead of time so that it will go as smoothly as possible...but we'll see when I try.

Stem_Cell said:
Vanndril, make sure you eat something healthy once in a while ok? Lunch is a good quickie but nothing shows love like a fruit or vegetable. Quick healthy snack: peel a carrot and cut it in slices, and eat them like that.

You're enjoying this, aren't you? I think your avatar is getting to you. I totally just imagined that said in their voices.

Stem_Cell said:
[the entire how-to]

Just did it on my local install (thanks again, for that!). That was SO much easier than using custom CSS assets...

The CSS assets require you to write the CSS file here, edit the application.php file to tell it to look for that file and also to create a URL path to the Rails panel, go to the panel, find the page there that lets you compile the CSS file into its final form, go over to config.php and change a line in THAT so that it will load said new CSS file, and THEN you have it done. Doing the javascript asset was nearly as simple as 1, 2, 3. <.<

It shouldn't cause any issues if I add the script to the live site, but just like the CSS, we'll see.

Stem_Cell said:
I don't mind at all, and even if he wants to re-brand it (change its name from "hypnohub-hover-zoom") or minify it along with the other scripts for the site, that's cool with me. [...] I also plan to make it work on other parts of the site, on post links it would be really useful!

Awesome. :D I do definitely agree, btw, that it would be useful for post links.

Stem_Cell said:
But it would be good for us to first have it well-tested here, just in case.

Most definitely true.

Well, this was nice of you Stem. Thanks for all this. :)

09/10/13 06:33AM
Vanndril said:
You're enjoying this, aren't you? I think your avatar is getting to you. I totally just imagined that said in their voices.

The servbots were so cute <3

Vanndril said:
Just did it on my local install (thanks again, for that!). That was SO much easier than using custom CSS assets...

The CSS assets require you to write the CSS file here, edit the application.php file to tell it to look for that file and also to create a URL path to the Rails panel, go to the panel, find the page there that lets you compile the CSS file into its final form, go over to config.php and change a line in THAT so that it will load said new CSS file, and THEN you have it done. Doing the javascript asset was nearly as simple as 1, 2, 3. <.<

No no no, the CSS is just as easy to add. I did that to test the CSS (and only later converted it to an inlined string in the JS file). See, this is how it looks to add a CSS file:

This is the config.php file, you don't need to add anything else. The CSS would then reside at:


Vanndril said:
Well, this was nice of you Stem. Thanks for all this. :)

None of this would be possible with your and Mindwipe's efforts :D
09/10/13 06:49AM
Stem_Cell said:
No no no, the CSS is just as easy to add. I did that to test the CSS (and only later converted it to an inlined string in the JS file). See, this is how it looks to add a CSS file:

This is the config.php file, you don't need to add anything else. The CSS would then reside at: .../myimouto/public/stylesheets/hypnohub-hover-zoom.css

It wouldn't work when I merely pointed the software to it. <.<
I had to go through the whole gig outlined on the Assets section of the <<|how-to>>.

Well, whatever. Efficient or no, following that guide to the letter worked. I was able to make some subtle changes to the layout of the site now. :D

Also, got your js file in, too.

Stem_Cell said:
None of this would be possible with your and Mindwipe's efforts :D

If fumbling around blindly, merely pretending to know what to do, can be called effort. :P Cause that's what I did. For months. Hell, if slayer didn't show up with his hosting solution, we would have been screwed! XD

Then again, it did take an effort to set everything up all perfect-like after we got this install of the site going, so I guess that's true. ;)
09/10/13 08:11AM
Weeee is working, is running!! I loved it!! <3
Thanks Stem and Vanndril!
09/10/13 08:30AM
Vanndril said:
It wouldn't work when I merely pointed the software to it. <.<

Maybe you didn't put it into a "stylesheets" subfolder? That caught me off guard until I looked at the javascript console (which warned of a file not being loaded and which path).

Vanndril said:
Also, got your js file in, too.

Great! Really awesome. Now I can just add enhancements and you'll just have to replace the file.

Also, current users won't see a difference until they click on the link, but it's by design, so that you have to at least have used the site for a while (and see the link) before you add up to the bandwidth bill. But if you disagree I can make it on-by-default for everyone, even if they didn't yet click it once.

KinkyLoli said:
Weeee is working, is running!! I loved it!! <3
Thanks Stem and Vanndril!

I HAD to contribute too! You cute little artist thing.
09/11/13 06:09AM
Ok, I made an update! Going to make a thread for this specific code.

Vanndril (or Mindwipe), please download and replace the file on the server with <<|this one>>.
09/11/13 06:30AM
Vanndril has to do that stuff. I don't have access to the files.

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