01/10/14 03:14PM
fake hypnotist warning
I have not mentioned it here before, so most of you probably dont know this, but I have a youtube channel (novacorponline) with a few hypnosis videos on it.

It has however, been pointed out to me by a fellow youtuber that someone calling herself "Mistress Candy" stole my first video. I'd link to the two videos but I am on my phone and apparently it likes to paste into the middle of paragraphs randomly. If you want to look them up, mine is called "First trance: pleasure in hypnosis" and hers is called "

This is dangeriously irresponcible. She is not a hypnotist. If her subs have an abreaction while playing she wont know how to handle it. I sent a copyright complaint, but as of writing this, it is still up. I suppose youtube's shoot first, ask questions later policy only applies to cases where the complainer is rich.

Anyways, if anyone here also makes videos, I would recommend looking to see if she has stolen from you as well, as she has a total of ten uploads.

Update: got an email from youtube that she deleted the video before they could review it. Also, there appears to be two mistress candies; the thief appears to be impersonating the other one.
01/10/14 03:19PM
Grrr, why is it so hard for people to give credit where its due?
01/10/14 04:08PM
Sorry Changer, what a bitch... *growls to self*
01/10/14 04:31PM
How did she steal it? Audio? Visuals? Content?

Also your a hypnotist?
01/10/14 04:54PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
How did she steal it? Audio? Visuals? Content?

Also your a hypnotist?

She literally took my video in it's entirety, and posted it under her channel as her work. It was one of my earlier ones from before I had a mic so it was text fading in and out infront of a spiral I designed.

And yeah, I am a hypnotist. I'd say I'm fairly good at it. It's one of my few skills I'm confidant enough in to say that about.
01/10/14 06:21PM
BTW, Changer, I had no idea you were practiced as a real Hypnotist. Congrats!
01/10/14 06:53PM
VVrayven said:
BTW, Changer, I had no idea you were practiced as a real Hypnotist. Congrats!

Ditto, as someone greatly interested in every aspect of hypnotism I'm impressed just hearing about it. Can you post a link to some of your work?
01/10/14 07:13PM
Changer said:
She literally took my video in it's entirety, and posted it under her channel as her work. It was one of my earlier ones from before I had a mic so it was text fading in and out infront of a spiral I designed.

And yeah, I am a hypnotist. I'd say I'm fairly good at it. It's one of my few skills I'm confidant enough in to say that about.

YouTube should help you then of the work is copyrighted by you.
01/10/14 07:17PM
VVrayven said:
BTW, Changer, I had no idea you were practiced as a real Hypnotist. Congrats!

Thanks. I dont really advertise the fact much since it feels like.. well, advertising. And it doesnt usually seem to come up on its own xD

@LillyTank: hard to link from the phone. I pasted it then typed around it. But my videos are on this channel:

Kind of have to scroll past a ton of gaming/blog posts to see them.. they were from before I split my gaming stuff off to another channel.
01/10/14 07:24PM
Sweet top hat.
01/10/14 07:39PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Sweet top hat.

Thanks. It seems you posted while I was typing my last reply. I did report the video, and post in its comments to warn that it was stolen. She deleted the video now, and sent me an email in broken english and all caps I think demanding I appologize because it was posted by a collaborator..
01/10/14 07:43PM
Changer said:
Thanks. It seems you posted while I was typing my last reply. I did report the video, and post in its comments to warn that it was stolen. She deleted the video now, and sent me an email in broken english and all caps I think demanding I appologize because it was posted by a collaborator..

Lol what? She thinks your a collaboration? How does that justify stealing?

That's it. Lets hypnotize her into being a bimbo or something lol
01/10/14 07:47PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Lol what? She thinks your a collaboration? How does that justify stealing?

That's it. Lets hypnotize her into being a bimbo or something lol

Just be sure to hit the right one xD. She's mistress candy with about 300 subscribers. There is another mistress candy who has about 5000 subscribers I think this one is impersonating.

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