01/15/14 02:47AM
Fairy21 said:
What happened to hypnobooru? I found that site about two weeks before it vanished and the hub poped into existence.

Was a week after that I found out about the hub from my gf.

Hm? Hypnobooru is still up and running (google it, it's the 2nd result). You won't find any new content there though. Unless you are looking for old forum threads there is no reason to go to the old site anyway as Mindwipe/Vanndril ported all the old pics to the Hypnohub (and the booru doesn't even have loli content, OH MAI GAWD!).
01/15/14 02:49AM
Fairy21 said:
What happened to hypnobooru? I found that site about two weeks before it vanished and the hub poped into existence.

Was a week after that I found out about the hub from my gf.

Oh, well that one's much simpler to explain. :)
We moved. :P

This is the hypnobooru. We changed our name and software, and our hosting "plan" changed (thanks to a certain Slayerduck :D ).

@Dantus - She was asking about the hypnobooru, not hypnochan. :P

Edit: Yep, I'm a ninja.
01/15/14 02:49AM
No, no, no. Hypnobooru was not taken down by anything. We are Hypnobooru. We just got new software and moved here. Heck, we're even still working with the owner of booru.org.

Edit: Ninja'd by Vann
01/15/14 03:37AM

its still up to
01/15/14 10:06AM
slayerduck said:

its still up to

Lol, oh. This is news to me, too. XD
What made you keep it, anyway?
01/16/14 03:45AM
Mindwipe and Vaandril did an excellent job creating hypnohub, and frankly it has all the perks of a "chan-style" site plus many more.

In light of that, we are currently discussing shuttering sleepychan in the near future now that the void left by hypnochan has been amply filled.
01/16/14 03:57AM
PurpleLink said:

Well, you're the first person to spell my name that way. I'm pretty sure that's the last potential way to spell it, too. They've all been done at least once, now. :P

PurpleLink said:
Mindwipe and Vaandril did an excellent job creating hypnohub, and frankly it has all the perks of a "chan-style" site plus many more.

Aww, shucks. We just did what we could. Which, honestly, wouldn't have been much without proper hosting. Slayerduck really saved us with that. <3

PurpleLink said:
In light of that, we are currently discussing shuttering sleepychan in the near future now that the void left by hypnochan has been amply filled.

I'd ask why not just leave it up, but I imagine that it's because it's a hassle to keep an eye on and moderate if it's only gonna get updates occasionally. So, I can understand wanting to just cut the losses and collect its remaining member base elsewhere.
01/16/14 04:12AM
Vanndril said:
Well, you're the first person to spell my name that way. I'm pretty sure that's the last potential way to spell it, too. They've all been done at least once, now. :P

Gah, sorry! I swear I checked the spelling multiple times to get it right!

But yeah, at this level of activity it simply doesn't seem to be worth maintaining anymore.

01/19/14 06:14AM
Vanndril said:
Lol, oh. This is news to me, too. XD
What made you keep it, anyway?

There are so few images on there the space it would free is negligible.
01/19/14 06:40AM
slayerduck said:
There are so few images on there the space it would free is negligible.

Personally, I think we should keep the booru around just to have a fallback plan in case something happens to the hub. Not that I think anything actually WILL happen, but you never know.
01/19/14 06:55AM
Sol420 said:
Personally, I think we should keep the booru around just to have a fallback plan in case something happens to the hub. Not that I think anything actually WILL happen, but you never know.

Now I'm actually wondering; are we secure? Is this site back up? What'll happen if it does go down for whatever reason? What will we do!?
01/19/14 07:20AM
LillyTank said:
Now I'm actually wondering; are we secure? Is this site back up? What'll happen if it does go down for whatever reason? What will we do!?

Fall back to secondary defensive positions
01/19/14 07:29AM
LillyTank said:
Now I'm actually wondering; are we secure? Is this site back up? What'll happen if it does go down for whatever reason? What will we do!?

Without going into technical details, the server itself is protected from disk failure and additionally off-site backups are made.

In case of a full server crash (worst case scenario) I should be able to get hypnohub back on a different server within a day. Most likely within a few hours even.
01/19/14 08:26AM
slayerduck said:
Without going into technical details, the server itself is protected from disk failure and additionally off-site backups are made.

In case of a full server crash (worst case scenario) I should be able to get hypnohub back on a different server within a day. Most likely within a few hours even.

What about if catastrophic total network failer happens?
01/19/14 08:27AM
slayerduck said:
Without going into technical details, the server itself is protected from disk failure and additionally off-site backups are made.

In case of a full server crash (worst case scenario) I should be able to get hypnohub back on a different server within a day. Most likely within a few hours even.

I'm more worried about DMCAs. What happens if we piss off too many people for one reason or another?
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