01/19/14 08:32AM
LillyTank said:
I'm more worried about DMCAs. What happens if we piss off too many people for one reason or another?

slayerduck owns the server we're on, and it's not in the US.
01/19/14 10:33AM
Good to hear. Pretty reassuring.
01/19/14 05:42PM
Fairy21 said:
What about if catastrophic total network failer happens?

If the network goes down the site might be down but the data remains intact, we have like a 99.99% uptime on our network so its fine.

Mindwipe said:
slayerduck owns the server we're on, and it's not in the US.

We still respect DMCA's if the request is valid, there is a EU equivalent to DMCA but nobody uses that anyway. There is no limit to the DMCA's we can receive, this aint no cheap ass shared hosting.
01/19/14 10:11PM
Mindwipe said:
slayerduck owns the server we're on, and it's not in the US.

Good news :)
01/19/14 10:30PM
slayerduck said:
this aint no cheap ass shared hosting.

Awwwwww yeeeeeeeeeah...
01/20/14 03:37AM
Mindwipe said:
slayerduck owns the server we're on, and it's not in the US.

Better don't say where you are slayerduck! <<weknowmemes.com/wp-conten...-wins-reelection-meme.jpg|They>> might be watching you!
And they have their <<img1.owned.com/media/imag..._meteorite_pshhhh_540.jpg|methods>> to shut down their <<i0.wp.com/memecollection....meme.jpg?resize=605%2C326|'enemies'>> D:
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