01/13/14 06:37AM
Any Chance of a New Chan-Style Site Being Made?
I was just curious enough to ask a possibly stupid question. I know that Sleepychan exists but it seems like a near ghost town that couldn't compare to how Hypnochan was in its time.

Is there any possibility of a new image board site the equals Hypnochan's popularity making a debut? Also, why is Sleepychan a near ghost town? Does it have something to do with this site's existence?
01/13/14 07:44AM
Pretty sure you're answering all your own questions.

Really though, I do wonder what happened to Taz after Hypnochan went kaput.
01/13/14 08:47AM
petal said:

Really though, I do wonder what happened to Taz after Hypnochan went kaput.

plot twist: LillyTank is Taz

All jokes aside, I highly doubt there's going to be a new chan as things stand now. Hypnochan was fun while it lasted but I like having the gallery and discussion sections seperated.
01/13/14 08:51AM
petal said:
Really though, I do wonder what happened to Taz after Hypnochan went kaput.

This thought has crossed my mind as well, as a curiosity. He's probably lurking about somewhere, maybe under a different name. After all, if I were him, I'd "disappear" so that people don't ask me to do things again, after all that happened. :P

But yeah, I'm rather sure that Hypnochan was a one time thing. Something similar in usage and popularity may again popup in the future, but if it does, I doubt it'll be any time soon.
01/13/14 09:36AM
What did happen To the chan. I came across hypnohub near its beginning and have only heard about the chan and im wondering. What happen to the chan site?
01/13/14 10:26AM
It was taken down after some copyright complaints if I recall correctly.
01/13/14 10:58PM
strangeperson said:
It was taken down after some copyright complaints if I recall correctly.

Ah ok thank you
01/14/14 12:15AM
strangeperson said:
It was taken down after some copyright complaints if I recall correctly.

That's it exactly. That's the reason we're so careful about paywall/paysite content in the galleries. The less DMCA Takedowns we get, the better off we are. Plus, pissing off artists that make content for our fetish is a bad idea. :P

It's also why we don't allow download links to pirated video and audio content.
01/14/14 07:40AM
One thing that I am curious about though. Why wasn't the site given an opportunity to remove the content before it was closed down?
01/14/14 07:52AM
strangeperson said:
One thing that I am curious about though. Why wasn't the site given an opportunity to remove the content before it was closed down?

Terms of Service of their host. Dreamhost, I think it was. In the ToS for Dreamhost it says that once your site gets 5 (or something close to) DMCA Takedown requests, they will terminate the hosting account it is related to, this bringing the site offline, without notice. That's exactly what they did.
01/14/14 08:02AM
Oh. Really wish we could have had an opportunity to save some of the stuff that was on it.
01/14/14 08:26AM
strangeperson said:
Oh. Really wish we could have had an opportunity to save some of the stuff that was on it.

Yeah, it was rather sudden. One day it was there, and the was just...gone. Everyone was pretty calm about it at first, it had gone down before. It was a little while before someone gave third-hand official word that it was dead.

Thinking back, as I always say whenever this topic is brought up, it's a small miracle that Mindwipe and I happened to set up the hypnobooru, which came right before the Hub, merely a week or so before Hypnochan went down. If not for that, the community would have shattered, spreading throughout the web. That would have set back any progress in the name of Hypnofetish that Hypnochan had made. It was a huge relief to see that that didn't happen. Though, to this day, I still wonder if all of the active community from the late Hypnochan have found this site...
01/14/14 08:58AM
Pretty sure a majority have found the site given how many accounts have been set up. Isn't our member base somewhere in the thousands?
01/14/14 09:04AM
strangeperson said:
Pretty sure a majority have found the site given how many accounts have been set up. Isn't our member base somewhere in the thousands?

Well, we have 2319 member accounts atm, if you include the people who have multiple of them for whatever reason. And quite a large number of anonymous users visit us as well, surely.

I just miss a few of the folks who used to post on Hypnochan. Their names escape me, but they were fun peeps.
01/15/14 02:16AM
What happened to hypnobooru? I found that site about two weeks before it vanished and the hub poped into existence.

Was a week after that I found out about the hub from my gf.
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