01/17/14 12:54AM
Hey, folks!
Since I've been lurking around a bit more lately, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm RedSavant, or you call call me Red or Sav or Savvy or whatever floats your fancy. daltar kindly introduced me to the site (and to the concepts within... >.>;), so I guess you could call her my link to the community. That said, I'd like to get to know everyone better!

I'm not shy, either, so I'll welcome any questions y'all have. =) I hope to get along with you all!
01/17/14 01:18AM
Hello! I'm Nadia! What's up?
01/17/14 01:20AM
Not much, not much! Just working on my avatar right now. Yourself?
01/17/14 02:37AM
Nadia is plotting her way towards full take over i bet
01/17/14 05:28AM
Heya, ild! Nice to meet you.
01/17/14 05:41AM
Hai, I'm Dinnerdog, I would like to say that I like your name, and I hope that you find our strange little corner of the internet to your liking.
01/17/14 06:09AM
Thanks! I'm glad you like it. =)

Hehe, so, I'm actually a bit unsure of the proper etiquette here... should I mention what I'm into, or my specialties, or so on?
01/17/14 06:52AM
RedSavant said:
Thanks! I'm glad you like it. =)

Hehe, so, I'm actually a bit unsure of the proper etiquette here... should I mention what I'm into, or my specialties, or so on?

Hah, I'm pretty sure proper etiquette here is limited to "don't be a douche." If I recall, that was one of my original drafts for the "Don't troll or flame" rule under General Rules and Guidelines in the <<|rules page>> on the wiki. Decided I had to expand on that. :P

So, really, feel free to bring up just about anything. Your interests, what you're good at, whatever, whether it be fetish related or not. We may be a fetish community, but I'd like to think we're an actual community rather than some sort of strict-topic club.

Oh, and in case you don't know me, I'm Vanndril, one of the two founders/admins/mods of the HypnoHub (the other being my pal, Mindwipe).

Glad to have you here, Red! :)
01/17/14 07:16AM
Hi there! Glad to be here. =) I'll do my solemn best not to be a douche, heh.

Well, my interests are pretty simple. I'm big into Japanese culture (how big? Japanese language major big), I'm a pretty avid gamer, and my hobbies include translation and writing. I don't know if I'd say I'm really good at any of that, but I do my best!

In terms of hypno, I'm very much a dom. My specialties are with pendulum induction and demonic corruption, mostly. I can't thank daltar enough for teaching me how to do those properly, let me tell you~ That said, I'm always willing to practice more, if folks are interested. =3
01/17/14 09:10AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Hai, I'm Dinnerdog, I would like to say that I like your name, and I hope that you find our strange little corner of the internet to your liking.

You mentioned me? *coughs* >____>

Hello Red. It's always great to see a new face. :D
01/17/14 09:10AM
RedSavant said:
Glad to be here. =) I'll do my solemn best not to be a douche, heh.

Then you'll be fine. :P

RedSavant said:
In terms of hypno, I'm very much a dom. My specialties are with pendulum induction and demonic corruption, mostly.

I'll just assume you mean in Role Play or Writing, or just in general taste. Because if you mean real life, then you need to teach my your magical corruptive ways. XD

RedSavant said:
Well, my interests are pretty simple. I'm big into Japanese culture (how big? Japanese language major big), I'm a pretty avid gamer, and my hobbies include translation and writing. I don't know if I'd say I'm really good at any of that, but I do my best!

Translation and writing, eh? Those two skills open up all sorts of opportunities for you, here, if you're interested.

For one, you could help translate some of the chunk of untranslated images on the site. Don't feel forced to do so, of course, but it's always appreciated when someone helps in that regard, since JAP-ENG translators for our fetish are preciously scarce. If you're interested in this, then you'll need to know how to make notes on images. Assuming you don't have any real booru software experience for the sake of ease of conversation, you can make notes by hold Shift and dragging your mouse cursor across the image. A note will be made. Mousing over the note will display the contents of said note, or clicking on it will pop up a new text box so you can add to or edit the note. These notes are most commonly used for translations. In fact, I'm not sure they have any other uses at all. o.O

Note example: Post #11678

Since you're big on writing, you could do some cool stuff with that skill as well. For one, you could pair up with a manipper, or learn to manip, yourself, and write stories/captions for the manips. If you're interested in that, a good place to offer your writing services would be the <<|General Manip Request thread>>, which you're familiar with already.

Alternatively, also with writing, you could write short stories or what have you for the fetish. There's no real good place to put them on this site, atm, but it does have its own audience. You might put it on the forums, if it's fan fiction. Or, if it's not fan fiction, you might consider submitting it to (or <<|Piper's Domain>> if it's loli/shota - obvious loli shota warning on the link).

Of course, you needn't do any of these things if you don't want to. I just thought I'd list some ideas on how you could become an active part of the creative community, if you so wished to.
01/17/14 09:27AM
Awesome, thanks! I did spend a short bit of time looking through the text requests on the Manip Thread; didn't see any that really caught my eye, but I was hardly thorough. I'll give it another look tomorrow. And I'd be glad to help translate - I think the notes on were actually added by daltar after she asked me about translating it. I'd be glad to help out with others as they come to my attention, too.

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