01/22/14 07:01AM
Artistic advice
Hello all, I'm a long time viewer first time artist on here and was hoping for advice. Ive never drawn anything like this before, but figured I could give it a go anyway. If an artist or someone with a keen eye could take a look at my stuff that would be swell. Just want to get better and make great stuff. I know it isn't the best but even the best start somewhere.
01/22/14 01:03PM
Looking at what you got, you have a very good foundation. The best advice I can give at this junction is to study anatomy and draw every day.

Also, you have an excellent grasp of body language for the entranced. Since it's something you seem to have a talent for, study that facet of your ability and try to polish it. When a certain aspect of a drawing really shines, minor errors are more easily forgiven.
01/23/14 06:05AM
Hey thanks, the advice is much appreciated! I hope I can start making stuff that there seems to be a lack off.
01/23/14 07:22AM
For your work specifically I would definitely follow the earlier advice of anatomy.
Also proportions seem like they might be a bit of an issue as well. When you're just starting out doing art it is a critical phase where you have to make sure you don't pick up any bad habits. Also look through several tutorials, any tutorials as long as the person producing them has experience and good artwork. The thing with art is that the more you learn the more you can apply, you may think that you don't need to know about perspective too much since you're drawing figures in plain backgrounds but if you learn perspective it will help if you want to do foreshortening. Or if you learn colour theory you'll know which colours to use that make the subject matter to pop out more.
I'm not sure where your goals "artistically" are since drawing for a porn community usually means you're happy if can just draw hot girls doing hot things or if you want to branch out more.
Anyway tl;dr figures and proportions are where you should put your focus, then when you are comfortable get into colour theory and lighting. You should also look into tutorials on HOW to use your tools, whether you want to focus on digital tools like photoshop or traditional art.
There should be a thread somewhere for artist on this forum with a bunch of handy links. here are 2 youtubers who it think you'll benefit the most from watching.
specifically these 3 to start you off: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKFfSl-EBfI www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBadnTAzQFc and www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZbsLBd3oU)
And this guy
www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV its mostly figures and how2draw'em so it should prove helpful
01/23/14 05:49PM
To be honest and true, just draw things of the quality you'd your self would like to see.

... Not to be to controlling as artist's need to be free flowing, especially when it comes to the stuff for this site. If your not creative, you won't stand out from other artists. c:
01/24/14 02:31AM
The only advice i can give you it s to not, think too much even if it s not the result as you expected, it s will come with the time.

You can watch some speedart on Youtube or watch a live of an artist on livestream if you know the artist or on Nicovideo (there always a live of artist 24h/24) for see how they do (personally i m always on Nicovideo since i can understand what they said xD).

Also you can post you art somewhere like here or in DA and ask for some critique.

Zko said:
There should be a thread somewhere for artist on this forum with a bunch of handy links.
Here > hypnohub.net/forum/show/2268
01/25/14 07:03AM
Thanks for the advice everyone, so nice to be a part of such a supportive community

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