PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
019152Yed, Riaa wirr thtand ap.darsh2019-03-26 22:43:46Revert
019153*wobble*darsh2019-03-26 22:43:53Revert
019154...order...pleasureable...darsh2019-03-26 22:44:01Revert
019155"Put your tongue back"darsh2019-03-26 22:44:08Revert
019156Yed, Riaa wirr pud her tongue bak.darsh2019-03-26 22:44:14Revert
019157"Raise your top and show your breasts"darsh2019-03-26 22:44:24Revert
019158Yes, Rika will raise her top and show her breasts.darsh2019-03-26 22:44:31Revert
019159...happy...darsh2019-03-26 22:44:38Revert
019160...order...enact...darsh2019-03-26 22:44:47Revert
019161*bounce*darsh2019-03-26 22:44:54Revert
019162"Enactment of resisted order confirmed. Removal of emberassment through conditioning successful. Reduction in self-determination confirmed. Response time has met designated perameters."darsh2019-03-26 22:45:03Revert
019163"The obedience circuit has been set in Takaoka Rika's brain. Next, control via the circuit will be tested."darsh2019-03-26 22:45:12Revert
020204"Enactment of resisted order confirmed. Removal of embarrassment through conditioning successful. Reduction in self-determination confirmed. Response time has met designated parameters."hyreader2019-03-31 10:09:34Revert