01/23/14 01:05AM
Good Ideas vs. Good Execution
Which is more important to you in MC art? If you had to choose between a pic that had a new idea that you liked, but that was drawn poorly or a pic that had a cliched idea, but was drawn very well, which would you prefer?

For me, it's easily the latter option. In my opinion, good ideas are moot if the execution doesn't do it justice. Besides that, I come to sites like this to look at art. For ideas, I have my imagination. If I could just get off on those, I wouldn't need the art in the first place. It doesn't matter to me if I've seen the idea hundreds of times (like a pendulum induction, for example). If it's done particularly well, I'll love it much more than something I've never seen before that was drawn poorly.

I often hear people use the "beggars can't be choosers" defense. But we aren't beggars, not by a long shot. We have over 11,000 pics here and counting. We have numerous talented artists who devote nearly all of their art to our fetish. We have talented manippers coming out of the woodwork everyday. We can afford to have standards. I know in the old days it was necessary to have a "take whatever you can get" mentality, but that is no longer the case.
01/23/14 01:09AM
Ideas of course. Artis with good imagination can improve his skills. But artist without imagination can't improve imagination :p.
01/23/14 01:24AM
For me this is a very tough call as I have seen poor concepts with great art that I like and great concepts with poor art that I liked.

I guess for me it is case by case.
01/23/14 01:43AM
Art. A great idea that's poorly executed is just a letdown in my book. I've seen it in so many things and I'm no longer tolerant of it. Execution all the way.
01/23/14 01:46AM
i've definitely seen some images that aren't quite up to pro standards but still effected me powerfully. i dunno, i love great execution but i also dig outsider art so, i could really go with both these options.
01/23/14 03:20AM
I really don't care about originality or being clíche, because if the universe really is infinite,then is there really such a thing as originality? However that discussion is for another time. I am personally, very forgiving of art quality. It has to be pretty bad or have content I don't like for me to see it as something I can't enjoy. If the concept is excellent, it makes it all so much better.
01/23/14 04:15AM
I particularly enjoy in imagination ...
Carrying out despite the ...
however I'm faced purist point average ...
I like the classic ...
01/23/14 07:03AM
I assume a balance of both is not an option.
Its hard for me to say since I like good quality images but if its the same bland thing over and over again it starts to loose its charm.
Great ideas are great cuz they can blow you away a lot of time and can lead to innovation and what not, but if the art is ugly its hard to appreciate.

To be honest I'd say I would like more creative over high quality images, as nice as some of these manips and artworks are its gets a bit repetitive seeing 1000s of kaas and "Look at the pendelum, words words words, yes master" scenarios. But thats the beauty of manip and art requests, if your art level is that of dickbutt but you have a great idea you got somewhere to turn to.
01/23/14 07:26AM
Zko said:
I assume a balance of both is not an option.
Its hard for me to say since I like good quality images but if its the same bland thing over and over again it starts to loose its charm.
Great ideas are great cuz they can blow you away a lot of time and can lead to innovation and what not, but if the art is ugly its hard to appreciate.

To be honest I'd say I would like more creative over high quality images, as nice as some of these manips and artworks are its gets a bit repetitive seeing 1000s of kaas and "Look at the pendelum, words words words, yes master" scenarios. But thats the beauty of manip and art requests, if your art level is that of dickbutt but you have a great idea you got somewhere to turn to.

This is the kind of post I like and what I feel this thread is best designed for. Very well-reasoned points here that I can totally grasp and agree with. Yes, it's true that our fetish would become quite bland without new ideas, even if the art that accompanied it was all above-average. Of course, it would be equally bad if our fetish was devoid of good art.

Obviously, a balance of good idea and good execution is always ideal. There's nothing better than a well-done pic that just nails the fetish in a way you hadn't thought of before. My meaning in creating this thread was to propose a hypothetical scenario where you are offered 2 pics: one that features a brand new idea that you really like, but is very below average quality-wise (as in, a pic you wouldn't look twice at if it were not fetish-related) and one that features an idea that you've seen many times before (but are still okay with), but is drawn well; and ask which of those two pics would you rather keep or take behind the bushes or what have you.
01/23/14 07:54AM
Mindwipe said:
My meaning in creating this thread was to propose a hypothetical scenario where you are offered 2 pics: one that features a brand new idea that you really like, but is very below average quality-wise (as in, a pic you wouldn't look twice at if it were not fetish-related) and one that features an idea that you've seen many times before (but are still okay with), but is drawn well; and ask which of those two pics would you rather keep or take behind the bushes or what have you.

If I were in this hypothetical situation I would still go for "creative" over "quality" BECAUSE I know that I myself am capable of making manips to a standard I presume good enough, so by seeing other people's creative content, whether or not the execution is any good, if I REALLY liked the idea I can usually recreate it to a higher standard. That's just me though and I can't really imagine many people share this ideology anyway >o>

Though when it comes to original artwork I probably would prefer quality over idea. The reason I picked idea for manips is because manips are quick and easy so a good idea goes a long way but artwork is hard and A LOT easier to screw up. The 1 or 2 that I made for this site were literally scribbled in 10 minutes or less well into a sleep deprived night. I usually spend hours on my personal stuff, like this, I spent an hour on <<i.imgur.com/GtbVHd1.png|these bobbies>> alone and even then its not up to my standard. I'm never satisfied with my original work so the logic of my first choice would not apply here.

So basically creativity>quality for manips cuz I can always make a nicer one for myself using the same ideas and creativity<quality for original art cuz I spend way too long on half descent art that I'm never happy with so I prefer if someone else suffers instead of me.
01/23/14 08:11AM
Good execution.
Simply because there isn't enough of it.
01/23/14 11:31AM
I'm with Fairy on this one. I would generally keep it on a case by case basis although I am leaning towards quality a bit more in general. However if we're talking about something like a text manip I would probably see myself leaning a bit more towards originality.

Also is it weird that earlier I thought of a thread about coming up with original induction ideas? Not exactly the same but a bit similar to this one (and it's the second time something like this happened with one of the threads).

01/24/14 02:10AM
Depends on how poor of execution we're talking. here. Some badness detracts from the art, some does not. A really good idea can overcome "meh" execution, certainly.
01/24/14 04:23AM
Really extreme in any direction will be an outlier; amazing idea, terrible idea, amazing art, terrible art.

You should well know my opinion, but for clarification, when I fap, I'm usually telling myself a little story - and even if there is already text, I may or may not be following that when i make up my own. It's like being a manniper in your own head. There is no piece I enjoy which I do not subject to this process

A good image helps suspension of disbelief. A good story is like a jazz riff that can inspire you and you can play off of. In either case, I still want to work from something - it make the story that much richer

I feel like I have a ton of good story mind control images which have no direct signifier for MC - I try not to post these images, though I love them, so if I have to pick, creativity over quality.

That said, I perfectly understand when people don't see my visions - they're my visions, and catered to my desires anyhow - so when something is deleted for low quality, I feel that, while acceptable the - possibility - of using it for enjoyment is lost - after all, if you don't like a pic, it's not hard to avoid it, and sifting through images here is better then sifting through anywhere else - although I still do that compulsively


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