02/09/14 07:18AM
I need to come up with another scenario
02/09/14 07:30AM
Mistress_Marea said:
I need to come up with another scenario

Indeed. Try something a little more complex that allows people to be a dom. I favor those greatly.
02/09/14 07:46AM
LillyTank said:
Indeed. Try something a little more complex that allows people to be a dom. I favor those greatly.

This was mainly to see how people would react. I was kinda disturbed by the number that went with their organs being stollen as I was kinda expecting sex to be the topic
02/09/14 07:51AM
Mistress_Marea said:
This was mainly to see how people would react. I was kinda disturbed by the number that went with their organs being stollen as I was kinda expecting sex to be the topic

It's probably best to lead with something that implies hypnosis or sex then. In a case like a generic blackout almost everyone would think they've been robbed of something.
02/09/14 07:52AM
New scenario:

It is a warm day out and you have a fan set up to keep cooled off as are watching tv with a female friend of yours.

As you two watch and are trying to keep cool you notice you friend has been staring at te sounding blades of the fan for a long while, upon further inspection you realize se has a blank expression on her face.

Upon a few basic question you lern that she is in a trance.

What do you do?
02/09/14 07:58AM
Mistress_Marea said:
New scenario:

It is a warm day out and you have a fan set up to keep cooled off as are watching tv with a female friend of yours.

As you two watch and are trying to keep cool you notice you friend has been staring at te sounding blades of the fan for a long while, upon further inspection you realize se has a blank expression on her face.

Upon a few basic question you lern that she is in a trance.

What do you do?

first i.imgur.com/MtDP9nK.jpg

And then some "reprogramming" for future use.
02/09/14 02:11PM
Once again check to make sure my organs are where they are supposed to be? More of a just in case type of thing.

Though after that I might set a trigger up to put her back in a trance then maybe see if I could help her kick off a bad habit or something else that would help her out like make it easier for her to pay attention in class. Once that was done I might have a nice personal conversation with her, snap her out of the trance then tell her what had happened.

Alternatively I could just go mad with power.
02/09/14 02:31PM
Wake her up. I prefer my fantasies as just that, fantasies.
02/09/14 10:24PM
Mistress_Marea said:
New scenario:

It is a warm day out and you have a fan set up to keep cooled off as are watching tv with a female friend of yours.

As you two watch and are trying to keep cool you notice you friend has been staring at te sounding blades of the fan for a long while, upon further inspection you realize se has a blank expression on her face.

Upon a few basic question you lern that she is in a trance.

What do you do?

Deepen the trance, make her feel really good (not sexually, not yet), implant a suggestion that she really, really enjoyed this, and then wake her up.

If she wants to do it again, then I'll trance her again; and we'll have some real fun :P
02/10/14 03:16AM
Mistress_Marea said:
New scenario:

It is a warm day out and you have a fan set up to keep cooled off as are watching tv with a female friend of yours.

As you two watch and are trying to keep cool you notice you friend has been staring at the sounding blades of the fan for a long while, upon further inspection you realize see has a blank expression on her face.

Upon a few basic question you learn that she is in a trance.

What do you do?

Well, probably just guide her through and make her feel relaxed. If she wanted a trigger word, I'd give one and if she didn't, I wouldn't.
02/10/14 05:35AM
Wake her up, explain what happened to her, hope beyond all hope she wants it to happen again. If she does then I just play around with interesting things. Make her act like a kid, make her unable to use her left arm, and see where that leads me.
02/10/14 06:23AM
I'm probably the one staring at the fan blades... >.>

If that's not allowed, after realizing the power of the blade of my fans I start to stare at it, hoping to fall into a trance and for a third friend to come over.
02/10/14 11:29AM

daltar said:
If that's not allowed, after realizing the power of the blade of my fans I start to stare at it, hoping to fall into a trance and for a third friend to come over.

good idea ;)
but I would hypnotize her deeper and then order her to dom me :D
02/11/14 06:49AM
I would deepen her trance and take control of her mind and play with her and share her with my gf so she would be our maid
02/15/14 01:55AM
I would brainwash her into being my devoted, obedient slave for the rest of her life.

...Then I would see if the fan works on her friends too...
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