09/27/13 10:50AM
Vanndril said:
* When a pic on the comments listing has more than 7 or so comments, a link appears to the top-right of that image's frame (on the list) that says "Hidden #". The number is a link that leads to that image's full list of comments. The javascript pics this up as a link to the image because, technically, it is.

True! I didn't pick this up as in the development booru I didn't have enough comments to have any hidden. In the next version it will be fixed.
09/27/13 05:56PM
Stem_Cell, you're making a amazing job here, I think that the people don't notice it because the text about Hover Zoom is... big. And start with "is a script(...)" some people even know that exist code behind of all site >.>
And maybe the people don't comment because don't know what to comment.

So, well, I loved the suport for avatars now also for the images in comments page, it make all much more interesting! : )
Thanks dear <3
09/28/13 08:02AM
Interestingly, avatars in profile pages are apparently unaffected by the Hover Zoom settings. I have avatar zoom turned off in mine, but it still zooms my avatar in my profile page.
09/28/13 09:42AM
Mindwipe said:
Interestingly, avatars in profile pages are apparently unaffected by the Hover Zoom settings. I have avatar zoom turned off in mine, but it still zooms my avatar in my profile page.

Oh! Good catch! Yes, this is happening for me as well.

The only option I have enabled is Link Zoom.
Turning it off does disable the profile avatar zooming.
09/28/13 11:55AM
It's true! Another thing that I'll have fixed.
09/29/13 07:26PM
The two issues brought up have been fixed :)

The only changes are in the 2.0.1 <<|JS file>>.
09/30/13 09:54AM
Stem_Cell said:
The two issues brought up have been fixed :)

Uploaded. ^^
11/02/13 03:41PM
There's been some issue with the Hover Zoom recently - I think I know what happened.

In order to be efficient, it stores the pdo_mysql database access data in the APC cache (under a key called "pdo_bear"). This way, it does not have to look for it at every request (even though this is optimizing far beyond what the rest of the site actually does :P)

Problem is, if the password is changed, it'll keep using the one it has stored in the cache even if it's the wrong password.

Truth is I just didn't think of that >_>

I can make a script to reset that cache key. Will be doing that in a moment.

Since when did this happen though?

P.S.: I'm currently working on Christina, it's looking good and when it's ready I'll make sure errors like this won't happen :)
11/02/13 06:49PM
Yeah, I'm a bit short on time but look, this should fix it:!6dNzlRpS!P1LtUimVA2Z826zGIx1F0HWHSxAraSQXYUSfHS3lKI0

Just download it, put it into the server and call it (by going to the URL at It's actually a tiny file with just the call to remove the key my code was caching, so it should try again and succeed, if that was the problem.

If that wasn't the problem then I'll have to find out what is, but I can't think of any other reason than the database password having changed.
11/02/13 10:25PM
Actually, since the hover zoom is gone, I might as well keep developing Christina until it's in usable shape.
11/02/13 11:47PM
Okay, so, here's what I got for ya:

The problem was that the hypnohub zoom was no longer on the server at all. :P
I reuploaded the newest versions of the .js and the .php files to the correct places, made sure config/config.php was set up right, etc. It works again...except for the posts on the post view page. Ideas?

Note: Running your clear-pdo_bear.php results in:
pdo_bear was not deleted. Maybe there wasn't anything to delete?

even when I try to do it now. Does that mean that, for whatever reason, the hover zoom can't access the database properly atm? That would explain why post view isn't working.

Next up, about Christina... Trying to do this step (from your hypnohub improvements thread) of adding the forum link to the homepage breaks the homepage altogether and causes the genera "An error has occured" page on only the homepage:
So Vanndril, on that file bare.php you have to add this right before </head>:
<?php foreach (CONFIG()->asset_javascripts as $asset) : ?>
<?= $this->javascript_include_tag($asset) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

It looks to me like a lot of the infrastructure that you were working on has changed, and that you'll need to relearn about it to continue your work. :/

As for the comments image thumbnails following your screen as you scroll down? That's actually working. :P
11/03/13 12:59AM
Vanndril said:
Does that mean that, for whatever reason, the hover zoom can't access the database properly atm? That would explain why post view isn't working.

I wonder what changed. Because the change was before the myimouto update, so I thought, maybe Vann updated the password or something. My script reads the database.yml config file same as MyImouto does...

Did you change any file recently? (I mean, before this actual MyImouto update).

Seemingly everything that relied on Javascript works fine, like hover zoom on direct links to images (like imgur), and the thumbnails visibility thing.

Vanndril said:
Next up, about Christina... Trying to do this step (from your hypnohub improvements thread) of adding the forum link to the homepage breaks the homepage altogether and causes the genera "An error has occured" page on only the homepage:
It looks to me like a lot of the infrastructure that you were working on has changed, and that you'll need to relearn about it to continue your work. :/

Well, yeah. I think I'll figure out something to make it more resilient or easier to debug too.

By the way, I made <<|a GitHub account>> for my hentai persona, the Christina code <<|now has a home at GitHub>> too. If you look at <<|the commits by date>>, you'll see that I was busy at it :P

Funny thing is that all those commits were infrastructure improvements over the past code - for example making it have directories with several scripts that are built by a simple build system I cooked up, and it even features a simplified MVC-like framework I coded just for it. It's a lot of improvements but nobody would see a difference yet, and I'm not even done with those :)

For example the javascript size will be cut by at least half. Things like that. And it will all be contained in a single, smart, self-compressed <<|phar archive>> :D
11/03/13 01:39AM
Stem_Cell said:
I wonder what changed. Because the change was before the myimouto update, so I thought, maybe Vann updated the password or something. My script reads the database.yml config file same as MyImouto does...

Did you change any file recently? (I mean, before this actual MyImouto update).

I didn't change anything, no. But Slayer did. He changed the database password around 2 days ago for whatever reason. I didn't know about it until I tried to access it today. I just stole the new pass from the config\database.yml file, which Slayer updated when he changed the database password.

So, until yesterday, it probably WAS broken due to a simple changed password. NOW, however, after the update, it's likely broken due to entirely different reasons, like, say, infrastructure changes. That would be my guess, anyway.

Stem_Cell said:
By the way, I made <<|a GitHub account>> for my hentai persona, the Christina code <<|now has a home at GitHub>> too. If you look at <<|the commits by date>>, you'll see that I was busy at it :P

[and so on]

I wish I had time to look at it now, but with all this craziness caused by the update, I'm busy just trying to keep the site running properly and tracking down fatal (and minor) errors. <.<
11/03/13 03:05AM
Vanndril said:
So, until yesterday, it probably WAS broken due to a simple changed password. NOW, however, after the update, it's likely broken due to entirely different reasons, like, say, infrastructure changes. That would be my guess, anyway.

Actually now it's not on the server, right? If I go to it gives me "file not found" (it was giving a DB-related error in the near past).
11/03/13 03:15AM
Stem_Cell said:
Actually now it's not on the server, right? If I go to it gives me "file not found" (it was giving a DB-related error in the near past).

Well, THAT'S interesting. It SHOULD be there...
I just uploaded it! XD

*opens FTP connection*

Edit: Huh...Nvm, I'm stupid. In my rush, I put it into the default root rather than the public folder. XD it's there now, but it's giving errors, too.
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