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020866Yes, Suzune falls into deep hypnosis whenever she hears this keyword. Is that right ? Please answer in your heart.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 18:58:34Revert
020867Yes, Suzune falls into a deep hypnosis whenever she hears this keyword.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 18:59:09Revert
020868The fact that you are listening to this voice has triggered a post hypnotic suggestion. You arrived at the audition venue according to the suggestion, I wonder if that is the case ?Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:00:22Revert
020869Yes, Suzune has put the music player after arriving. I came to the audition venue according to the suggestion.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:01:44Revert
020870Well, you can't really answer me, because this is a recording. Still, I expect you to be well-controlled as usual.
(the voice is not really talking to Suzune, the voice is a recording used to make Suzune check herself her post hypnotics triggers, to brainwash herself even alone)
Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:03:53Revert
020871Yes, Suzune is manipulated as usual.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:04:21Revert