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020879You see, you are already relieved. Because you are relieved, smiles naturally spill out.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:12:17Revert
020880It's a nice hypnotic face. That's the expression which transmit the charm of Suzune.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:13:03Revert
020881Yes, this is the expression that the charm of Suzune is transmitted.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:13:34Revert
020882Accept being ruled, hope to be manipulated, such a face. If you look at that face, you can tell who is the doll who is manipulated.Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:14:30Revert
020883I will tell you about that attraction in audition production. Isn't it nice ? The figure of you manipulated with the thread of suggestion is exposed to the judges without hiding it.
(not sure what he means at the beginning, I think he says he will tell her later what happens during the audition, because she won't remember it herself)
Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:16:23Revert
020884Yes, Suzune is manipulated by suggestion,
Exposed to the judges without hiding.
Ulrich.Nathan.Owen2019-05-08 19:16:43Revert