02/03/14 06:16AM
Have you ever role played any of these uploaded posts?
I understand some uploaded pictures here include mystical and magical beings and such, but others can be put into a realistic situation. Have you and your intimate "partners"ever role played any of pictures on this site? If you haven't, what pictures would you role play? (Sorry if it's a bit difficult to understand me. Super Bowl made me tired as holy hell)
02/03/14 06:24AM
Never RPed a picture on this site but I've done a few stories based off of them. Stories buried forever that shall never be found again (they're all of Sue-Chan and Shadowednavi pics)
02/03/14 10:54AM
I've certainly used a few sleepymaid pictures as the basis for roleplays before yep.
02/03/14 10:17PM
Mr.H said:
I've certainly used a few sleepymaid pictures as the basis for roleplays before yep.

Lol yeah now if only I had time to reply. I will be soon
02/04/14 12:30PM
Heh that's fine Nadia. You're not the only I've role played that stuff with though. ;)
02/05/14 01:27AM
I wanna roleplay one of the pictures
02/05/14 08:18AM
I never roleplayed anything, ever. Maybe when I played cops and robbers as a kid, but past the age of 5 never which is sort of a bummer since it seems like something that'd be fun to get into.

So although I never did RP if I were into it i'd probably want to do
or any pokemon related hypno that doesnt involve transformation

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