02/05/14 12:06AM
Direkit, I added your name to the artist blacklist as requested. If you ever have a change of heart in the future, feel free to return and I will remove your name from the blacklist.

Have faith that we will uphold the blacklist to the best of our knowledge. If any slip through the cracks due to not being artist tagged or the like, it will be removed the moment we are informed that it is from you.

While I am saddened by your decision, I wish you luck in your future endeavors, both in art and in life.
02/05/14 12:14AM
TLDR; Don't care what anyone thinks of us. Saw the cliche phrase 'White Knight' used, couldn't give a shit less after that.

Good luck with your site, people.

PS: To specify, not reading any posts after the one containing the phrase 'White Knight,' We can't be assed to give a shit after We see that used. If anyone had positive words for us or wanted to talk civilly, feel free to contact us privately. Otherwise We can't be bothered to play the 'interweb fighting game.'
02/05/14 01:10AM
DireKit said:
TLDR; Don't care what anyone thinks of us. Saw the cliche phrase 'White Knight' used, couldn't give a shit less after that.

Good luck with your site, people.

That's one heck of a 'good bye'. Maybe the words "White Knight" strike a chord with you but if that's the case being on the internet gives you the time to think things through and read at your leisure.
It's only my personal opinion but since you were the one who started this thread I don't think it's alright to say "TLDR". Not all of the responses were so harsh after all. Also, you clearly do care what people think of you otherwise you wouldn't have reacted in such a fit. So it's actually pointless to say that you don't care in this case.

Now I'm going to say something you probably won't like and you may not even read this but I feel I must say if there's even a chance that you will.

I have the feeling since your first post, that you came to this site wanting a sort of hug-box community where everyone is completely complacent with anything and everything. If this is the case, I feel that you're over looking and inadvertently denying people's right to decide for themselves what they like and dislike.

It almost seems like you were hoping for mountains of praise, and cries of encore from the general community here. If this is the case, I can understand wanting people to like and express appreciation for your efforts but when reality sets in that they aren't going to give you the standing ovation that you were hoping for all you can do is strive to improve yourself if that's really what you are after.

Your work passed the QC and it seems like you were the one who removed it. Don't let your ego and insecurity get the better of you. If you're more confident in your art as a legitimate style than all you need to do is exude that confidence and others will eventually come to understand that. (It won't be everyone, of course, but it will be a fair number of people.)

That's about all that I had to say. I just don't feel like that should be the last thing you say to us. It just seems awfully selfish. If you have a value to stand up for than you should stick around and advocate it. With the vote system of this site you can always defend any other images that you think deserve to stay. If you run away after antagonizing everyone else it'll be you who ends up looking like the villain. Don't give up before you've even tried to make a difference!
02/05/14 01:52AM
The first thing I learned before joining the online community is to take things not too seriously...Direkit didn't :\
And ,as Direkit won't follow this anymore as it seems, can anybody tell me if 'Direkit' represents an artist group or is he/she just schizophrenic calling hinself 'us'?
02/05/14 01:57AM
I have no idea, Anno, but googling Direkit led me to no obvious results involving a group of artists of any sort, unless a video gamer group counts (protip: it doesn't :P). I think I found his/her/their tumblr, though. o.O
02/05/14 02:26AM
...and nothing of value was lost.

*Goes back to regular scheduled programming*
02/05/14 02:52AM
bellchan said:
...and nothing of value was lost.

*Goes back to regular scheduled programming*

You've gotten rather cold lately bellchan... o-o
02/05/14 05:28AM
LillyTank said:
You've gotten rather cold lately bellchan... o-o

=/ I suppose I've just become a fickle and bitter person =(

I remember when I was younger and nicer. I suppose I should strive to regain some of that fire, least I wither into a bitter shrew =(
02/05/14 07:33AM
LillyTank said:
You've gotten rather cold lately bellchan... o-o

someone got bullied on the internet and cried about it, you can't really take them seriously after that so I say good on you bell, speak your mind!

Anno1404 said:
The first thing I learned before joining the online community is to take things not too seriously...Direkit didn't :\
And ,as Direkit won't follow this anymore as it seems, can anybody tell me if 'Direkit' represents an artist group or is he/she just schizophrenic calling hinself 'us'?

At first I thought it was a small group of people using 1 account
Then I thought it was a form of roleplay
Then I thought brain problems
But I have concluded that it is actually a hivemind of social justice warriors that uploaded their conscious onto the internet.

Vanndril said:
I have no idea, Anno, but googling Direkit led me to no obvious results involving a group of artists of any sort, unless a video gamer group counts (protip: it doesn't :P). I think I found his/her/their tumblr, though. o.O

I think I found it too, and if I'm correct kit probably stopped reading after white knight word due to her/it's/their prolonged exposure to the social justice community of tumblr and thinking its just a buzzword now. All jokes aside I love tumblr =u=

And now that I know it is safe to speak my mind about the person without having her/them/it reading it and posting about how offensive it is good riddens and see you in hell. Your art is bad and your attitude was that of a bratty little asshole, thank you for removing yourself from the hub it saved us a ton of effort. It really urks me that it/those/the herd sees one image get joked about and suddenly the entire community is rude and hypocritical. I know I personally may be a dick even if I do try to tone it down for the sake of the community but generalizing like she/they did is way worse. I think this was a victory for us.
02/05/14 08:17AM
Zko said:
And now that I know it is safe to speak my mind about the person without having her/them/it reading it and posting about how offensive it is good riddens and see you in hell. Your art is bad and your attitude was that of a bratty little asshole, thank you for removing yourself from the hub it saved us a ton of effort. It really urks me that it/those/the herd sees one image get joked about and suddenly the entire community is rude and hypocritical. I know I personally may be a dick even if I do try to tone it down for the sake of the community but generalizing like she/they did is way worse. I think this was a victory for us.

...little harsher than I would have put it, but yeah, DireKit seemed to be looking for things to get upset at from the word go. On the off-chance you're still reading this, Kit, please know that our intention was never to shit on people's art. We just need to have some standard of quality or we'll turn into another Collective.
02/05/14 08:59AM
Yeah... we're done here. Gonna lock this before we burn more bridges.
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