02/08/14 12:57AM
Mindwipe said:
Uh, that's exactly what the "Popular" link at the bottom of the post page lets you do. You can also search "order:score" to see all posts in order of score, and you can add more filters to it, such as "order:score sleepymaid" to see all of Sleepymaid's pics in order of score and so forth.

Why is such an important function on the bottom? Things like that need to be visible on eye-height.It's nice that the function is there (which makes it easier for ppl that know), but this doesn't look very userfriendly to me.

Don't expect everyone to know how the board works. If you go to Sankakucomplex board, everything is there with just the press of a button.
02/08/14 01:09AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Why is such an important function on the bottom?

Where else would it be? It's a function of the Posts page, so it goes at the bottom with all the others, like the Upload function. It's the same with any page. All page functions are at the bottom.
02/08/14 01:15AM
Mindwipe add IRL tag please. Many peoples should like add this to their blacklist.
02/08/14 01:16AM
Bokasa said:
Mindwipe add IRL tag please. Many peoples should like add this to their blacklist.

We've been using a "real" tag since forever.
02/08/14 01:22AM
Okay, this thread isn't to rant how immensely stupid the navigation on this board software is. Let's just say it's not intuitive and stuff does not get found easily unless you tell people where to look.

This doesn't invalidate my other points, though.
02/08/14 01:28AM
HME, you can also click that little square next to "Posts" at the top of the page, and a drop-down menu will appear with "Popular" in it. It isn't stupid at all. The navigation in this board software is pretty great, really. And it's not like this is something we can change, anyway. We aren't the one's developing the software. Now, back to the topic at hand.
02/08/14 01:30AM
Mindwipe said:
We've been using a "real" tag since forever.

Aw. Stupid me.
Ahh. Much better now :) thanks.
02/08/14 01:51AM
Mindwipe said:
HME, you can also click that little square next to "Posts" at the top of the page, and a drop-down menu will appear with "Popular" in it. It isn't stupid at all. The navigation in this board software is pretty great, really. And it's not like this is something we can change, anyway. We aren't the one's developing the software.

You're proving my point though. I never even imagined that this square would do something like a dropdown menu. That is the first time I have ever seen it being implemented like this. It's not intuitive. And it's very hard to push that button on a tablet or phone, which makes it even more ridiculous. You guys have probably explored this Software quite a bit and for someone used to it, it may be great, but for the average joe - coming here to look at pictures, maybe even uploading one, it's hard to grasp these things. People don't want to read a manual to use a site, they want to look at porn.

It would have been acceptable if the dropdown menu would be visible after hovering over "Posts" - I don't know why they didn't do that in the first place.

Mindwipe said:
Now, back to the topic at hand.

I already told you - There's no good solution to this. Whatever you are going to change, you are probably going to annoy more people than help them. Even though I'd love a more strict quality control, I don't think there's something you could do to improve the situation.

Leaving it as is, is the best thing you can do.
02/08/14 02:05AM
The site's software is supposed to work exactly like yande.re That's why things are the way they are. You'd have to ask whoever made the yande.re site why they programmed things like that.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
I already told you - There's no good solution to this. Whatever you are going to change, you are probably going to annoy more people than help them. Even though I'd love a more strict quality control, I don't think there's something you could do to improve the situation.

Leaving it as is, is the best thing you can do.

I disagree.
02/08/14 02:06AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
You're proving my point though. I never even imagined that this square would do something like a dropdown menu. That is the first time I have ever seen it being implemented like this. It's not intuitive. And it's very hard to push that button on a tablet or phone, which makes it even more ridiculous. You guys have probably explored this Software quite a bit and for someone used to it, it may be great, but for the average joe - coming here to look at pictures, maybe even uploading one, it's hard to grasp these things. People don't want to read a manual to use a site, they want to look at porn.

It would have been acceptable if the dropdown menu would be visible after hovering over "Posts" - I don't know why they didn't do that in the first place.

I already told you - There's no good solution to this. Whatever you are going to change, you are probably going to annoy more people than help them. Even though I'd love a more strict quality control, I don't think there's something you could do to improve the situation.

Leaving it as is, is the best thing you can do.

I am not tech savvy, in fact I'm terrible at figuring site out and I was able to figure this site out real quic as its rather simple if you just think and actually look for things.

Also the policy does need to be changed cause if everyone on the site hates a picture and ants it gone but just two people want it to stay it stays. That is an issue.
02/08/14 02:20AM
So no one has commented on the latest idea I've mentioned. I guess I came sounding a little pretentious so I don't mind being ignored but when I'm trying to help I do prefer to be acknowledged. If there's a problem with my idea I like to know and I'd like to know why. That way I can continue to build and hopefully help to reach a solution.

This happens rather often, when the admins bring something to the site and then tacitly ignore them, later coming up with a solution on there own without paying any mind to half the posts on the thread in question. I'm sorry, I don't mean to lash out I just think that a dialogue should be kept in a certain flow. I understand that other people are busy (I, personally, have no life at the moment) but if time can be made to respond to certain users (some of whom aren't even attempting to make a contribution to the goal at hand) then it can be made for others as well.
02/08/14 02:21AM
Fairy21 said:
I am not tech savvy, in fact I'm terrible at figuring site out and I was able to figure this site out real quic as its rather simple if you just think and actually look for things.

Look for things /= intuitive. You can find everything within the Linux OS as well if you look for it. It's still a pain in the *** to use, so ppl keep using windows.

Mindwipe said:
I disagree.

With which of my points? You haven't even said anything about them.
02/08/14 02:26AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Look for things /= intuitive. You can find everything within the Linux OS as well if you look for it. It's still a pain in the *** to use, so ppl keep using windows.

Consider it takes all of five seconds to find everything on this site it's not.

And honetly every other site I have been on has used the set up the hub uses. I have never seen a site that hands you everything on a silver plater.

You have to actually search a website to find things.

As for your example about windows you still need to search for everything that's on it as well. It's not all jus siting on the desktop.
02/08/14 02:33AM
LillyTank said:
So no one has commented on the latest idea I've mentioned. I guess I came sounding a little pretentious so I don't mind being ignored but when I'm trying to help I do prefer to be acknowledged. If there's a problem with my idea I like to know and I'd like to know why. That way I can continue to build and hopefully help to reach a solution.

This happens rather often, when the admins bring something to the site and then tacitly ignore them, later coming up with a solution on there own without paying any mind to half the posts on the thread in question. I'm sorry, I don't mean to lash out I just think that a dialogue should be kept in a certain flow. I understand that other people are busy (I, personally, have no life at the moment) but if time can be made to respond to certain users (some of whom aren't even attempting to make a contribution to the goal at hand) then it can be made for others as well.

I didn't want to be impolite or anything. Your points probably got a little lost because of my posting. Sorry about that. If you want an opinion though, I can give you one.

Your idea doesn't really change anything. People currently contest via comments anyway and you just add complexity by trying to streamline it. Users have to contest in a special way and then mods have to sort it out. You then impose the decision on the mods based on the amount of points.

The mods are already taking into account all comments and their points - wether they are made in one text block or in a list. What you try to do here is taking away the freedom for the mods to still let an image stay or delete it by creating an arbitrary process that has to be followed.

This is generally not good practice because it lacks flexibility.

Also, Fairy21 - I've been using PCs for 20 years, it may just be me that is not used to the way this site works. It's not like the discussion will change the site. As long as my upload function works and I can watch the pictures. It'll be fine for me. Just don't expect everyone to know where everything is hidden.
02/08/14 03:14AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I didn't want to be impolite or anything. Your points probably got a little lost because of my posting. Sorry about that. If you want an opinion though, I can give you one.

Your idea doesn't really change anything. People currently contest via comments anyway and you just add complexity by trying to streamline it. Users have to contest in a special way and then mods have to sort it out. You then impose the decision on the mods based on the amount of points.

The mods are already taking into account all comments and their points - wether they are made in one text block or in a list. What you try to do here is taking away the freedom for the mods to still let an image stay or delete it by creating an arbitrary process that has to be followed.

This is generally not good practice because it lacks flexibility.

Also, Fairy21 - I've been using PCs for 20 years, it may just be me that is not used to the way this site works. It's not like the discussion will change the site. As long as my upload function works and I can watch the pictures. It'll be fine for me. Just don't expect everyone to know where everything is hidden.

Thanks for commenting I was about to lose it there.
I understand that my idea is relatively the same as the system we have now. I was under the impression that the system was liked but still too simplistic and easily abused. The purpose of mine was to give more control to the users of both pro and con parties. I felt that this was the main concern the mods have with the current QC system. The current system is also fairly inflexible with a decision being imposed; the mods still abide by it even with its apparent flaws. The mods will still be the ones putting an image up for expulsion (listing points of their own in doing so) so they won't be losing much control in that area.
Every system is going to be arbitrary and the mods will always have to do work. The only real problem I see with my system is that it may at times pit individual members against one another. I do have a flare for debates but I don't want the user base to fall apart.
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