02/09/14 05:49AM
Mistress_Marea said:
So you just called the admins of this web site stupid.

Is that all you can read out of this sentence? You said with people nothing is absolute, I posted a quote that stupidity is pretty much a given. You are not getting it? Really?

Mistress_Marea said:
And that quote has no relevance here.

That quote is the whole point why this doesn't work. It relies on to many ppl doing the correct things and no one interfering, every one always being on the same page. And this is a status that is hard to maintain, because it never is in your own power. If you want to do something right, do it yourself. You can rely on friends, but don't rely too much on other people or it may backfire.

Mistress_Marea said:
The council may work here in this community even if it didn't work before in what ever community you did it I. Before.

That's true, I won't deny that. Everyone might work together to a common goal that makes everybody happy, but ... Have you looked at what happens in the world in the past couple of years? And then look at the people in the internet, protected by the layer of anonymity and what is done on a daily basis. Can you really promise that from now until the ende of time there will never be someone like this coming here? Because all this needs is one Troll and someone of the council getting upset/hurt and this will all crash like a card house. And believe me - there's not just one Troll out there.

Mistress_Marea said:
You are acting like human are robots and do exactly the same thing as everyone else no mater what. News flash we aren't.

I am not calling humans robots but maybe another quote will better show you what I mean.

"Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin

Relying on these people isn't a smart thing to do. Let me quote one of my earlier sentences.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
I am not saying "rule with an iron fist", but lead responsibly.

So, let's take a step back for a minute and think what a mod is. Some may see them like a knife, cutting out bad things - I see them more like a shield, protecting the people. Sometimes, from themselves.

So what happens if you have more mods? More Shields - that's good, right? Not necessarily. That defense line is only as strong as it weakest member. You're spreading out your supplies and weakening your position. Additionally, these new members aren't sturdy, thick hided mods. They're consultants, good for the task they have been chosen for, but not good to put on the front lines.

There are communities where such a council system works. But they change up that council (people are picked by certain criterias) and don't tell people who the members are, so they're protected. I am not sure this is possible here.

LillyTank said:
So it's all been decided. Perhaps locking this thread might be a good idea?

The mods may decide to do this, but it is their responsibility. My points still stand.
I advise everyone, that if you have nothing productive to add to the discussion, to stay silent and neither try to get that topic to a close by urging the mods to do so, nor by trying to make the topic look bad by trolling it. We're still having an open conversation here and there's no reason to do that, unless you want to add fuel to my point of people being stupid.

Some of you guys may think that I am some kind of control freak and don't believe in people. Of those people that think that way I strongly urge you to work a couple of months in both retail and customer support and then tell me I have been wrong.

Sure, my experience comes from real life and working with a big internet community. A smaller Community surely is a lot easier to handle and therefore allows for more flexibility in how it is modded.

This "Solution" is better than what previously was implemented, but worse than what we had in the beginning. Just be aware that you just added more liabilities and weak points to your system and getting rid of a council isn't as easy as getting rid from the past system.

Look at a system and then think about the worst situation that might happen here and what impact it would have on the site and then compare the two and look if it's worth it to take more risks. I have my doubts that this was done correctly.
02/09/14 05:59AM
LillyTank said:
So it's all been decided. Perhaps locking this thread might be a good idea?

Agreed, there is no reason for this discussion to continue
02/09/14 06:29AM
Mistress_Marea said:
Agreed, there is no reason for this discussion to continue

So that being the case may I derail with a manga recommendation!?
Akame ga Kiru is all sorts of incredible hardcore action and gore. It's a bit of an epic feels trip too. I recommend it for fans of that sort of thing.

*Thinks about making a manga thread*
02/09/14 06:41AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I advise everyone, that if you have nothing productive to add to the discussion, to stay silent and neither try to get that topic to a close by urging the mods to do so, nor by trying to make the topic look bad by trolling it. We're still having an open conversation here and there's no reason to do that, unless you want to add fuel to my point of people being stupid.

Reposting, in case you missed it in my last big posting.
02/09/14 07:09AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Reposting, in case you missed it in my last big posting.

Ah, I actually missed that. My mistake. Still I think it's rather pointless to continue. The QC council has been approved. The matter doesn't seem open for debate. Your posts seem to be slowly leading into troll territory themselves by you indirectly calling people stupid.

If the QC council idea fails then it'll certainly be worth it to continue this discussion but as I see it now you're only contradicting yourself by going against a verdict that the mods decided upon.
I believe everyone who was nominated for the council is intelligent and has proven to show poise and consideration for this site and it's content. The site now has two systems of internal checks and balances and has abolished the old one that you disliked. If they abolished one system then they can abolish another. There is no reason to fear the downfall of the site from something like this.
02/09/14 07:25AM
As much as I'm enjoying reading some of the replies we've gotten, the decision is made, so I'm going to close this for now, at least until Vanndril decides he has something to add.
02/09/14 09:50AM
Mindwipe said:
[...]I'm going to close this for now, at least until Vanndril decides he has something to add.

Like so.

HME, I understand your points, and trust me, I read everything you typed and I do comprehend every word. I even agree with you on many points. However, I'll be damned if "it hasn't worked before" will stop us from trying. Perhaps it will break down quickly and we'll be forced to reduce it to the whole "mods decision is..." system, but I'd like to at least be able to say that we'd tried to come up with a fair system that at least somewhat gets the community involved in the process. In fact, if it does fail, having tried so hard to set something like this up only to have it not work is all the reason we'll need never to do it again.

I foresee two outcomes to this system:

* 1: It works. Which would be absolutely awesome.

* 2: It fails, at which point we'd be able to say "we tried", fall back to simpler QC policies, and have solid justification for not giving in to user cries in the future when they complain about not having any say on what goes or stays.

It is very unlikely that anything truly damaging will come of this QC system. It's not like we implement it and ignore it. We're going to be closely monitoring it. The moment a big potential problem rears its ugly head on the horizon, we'll be there to stop it from actually coming to fruition.

I'm not blind to how unlikely this is to work, I'm just not willing to say "screw it" without trying for myself, for better or worse. I know the risks I'm taking.

I apologize for locking the thread again after posting all this, but the point of this thread has been resolved. If you want to continue this conversation anyway, feel free to send me a DMail.
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