02/05/14 02:22AM
Quality Control Policies
So, recent events have driven the administration of the Hub to reconsider our quality control policy and method. Since it sums up our situation well, I'll quote the comment I left on Post #12105, an image that recently had a judgment overturned, for better or worse.

Vanndril said:
All in all, I never implemented this QC system with any belief that it would work forever. It has inherent flaws. For example, you can't have a static number created off of a base number and have it work, without alterations, no matter how much the base number changes. Changing our QC policies has been a long time coming and has been on my mind since we moved to the hub from the booru when I knew we'd get a huge influx of members. I've been putting it off, because it worked for now. However, as Mindwipe said above, this image serves as an example of our QC system working as planned, but not satisfactorily. With so many saying they think the image is of such low quality, some going so far as to request the nightmare_fuel tag, but with the image also passing our judgment system, a quandary appears: how much support should be required to overturn how much dislike? What is the fairest way to handle this sort of situation?

Personally, the first thing that comes to mind is to have a counterbalance; allow negative opinions of users to deduct points toward passing a judgment. The problem with that sticks out immediately; this works as a recipe toward flaming, arguments, and segregation of the community to two sides: those who tend to defend images and those who tend to offend them. While this would be the "fairest" way to handle QC, it's also the surest way to rip the community apart at the seams from differences of opinion alone. This simply won't do. I mean, most everyone has seen the way that some users have looked upon the administration with disdain in the past after one put images up for judgment. Imagine if users started looking upon and treating other users that way. It would not end well at all.

So, with that said, honestly, what is left? This is the question we have to ask, now. Without that counterbalance, how can we make a fair QC system? We could go back to "the administration decides", but that is hardly fair, and there becomes no way of keeping administration in check. We could create a sort of "QC Council", but there would always be problems about what was allowed to stay and what was not, not even to mention the difficulty of setting one up and maintaining its member base. There is a problem with every solution to the current predicament.

So, our goal becomes to find the least harmful solution - the one with the most pros to the least cons - and to do so within the software's limitations and thus without actually changing the function of the website at its core programming.

But, here's the problem: Mindwipe and I can't seem to come up with any viable solutions. Everything we have thought of has either been too difficult to set up and maintain (such as a QC Council of sorts) or isn't as fair as the current system.

To expand on the current system's problem: it only takes into account those who like an image when considering which way a judgement may turn. On the flip side, merely allowing negative opinions to be taken into consideration has the problems mentioned in my above quote, which is unacceptable and may be the downfall of the site's community if implemented.

So, we're between a rock and a hard place. Does anyone have any ideas on what sort of system we could put in place for Quality Control that would be fair to both sides of the issue (keeping and removing a pic)?
02/05/14 03:05AM
Well, on first thoughts, I'd imagine applying a sort of 'flag' system for images deletions based on quality. These are not like votes which are visible to everyone, but instead are counted invisibly behind the curtain. Once an image reaches a certain amount of flags, the administration or a curator put on the job can review the image, who flagged it, perhaps their arguments for why it doesn't meet quality standards. If the arguments seem sound and if seeing the names who cast them there doesn't seem to be any flaming, trolling or agenda going on, the image can be then removed.

Then to keep them... perhaps the erased images are then put on a different section, pool or something where those interested on defending it have a certain amount of time to pledge their case and obtain support. If the positive for the image balances favorably over the exposed negative, they can be restored... though it would have to be quite a convincing argument to go over the decision of the curator or the image be shown a great deal of goodwill by the community.
02/05/14 03:08AM
Why not just put the pic up for judgement and have everyone vote silently like say via a poll or pm an admin that will handle QC thier vote?
02/05/14 03:39AM
In my honest opinion, I think a new tag might actually help the situation. Something like QC_marked might be applicable. That way people can automatically have an image blacklisted even if it's been saved. It's not a solution for everyone since everyone may feel differently about any given image but I think it could help a few people.

I think the real problem is something I've brought up before and that is that the line simply isn't clear on what's acceptable on this site. I know we all want to have a lot of variety but we should be more clear on what we don't want as well.

Perhaps increasing the number of votes required to save an image might be somewhat fair, as well. I know that the current system requires 10 points to save an image; with blunt votes counting for 2 points and sensible arguments counting for 5 points. So maybe increasing it to 14/15 points required to save an image might work to everyone's liking.

That's about all that I can think of at the moment. I'll post again if I come up with something else.

02/05/14 06:30AM
I like the quality control idea, as it keeps poorly drawn art from filling the place, but I honestly would prefer a blacklist tag for something that failed quality assurance, and maybe even have it set up in an organized fashion (strange proportions, messy manips, etc.). I don't particuarly enjoy what I deem low-quality art, but I'm simply not a fan of removing art because it isn't up to par.
02/05/14 06:51AM
dinnerdog1 said:
I like the quality control idea, as it keeps poorly drawn art from filling the place, but I honestly would prefer a blacklist tag for something that failed quality assurance, and maybe even have it set up in an organized fashion (strange proportions, messy manips, etc.). I don't particuarly enjoy what I deem low-quality art, but I'm simply not a fan of removing art because it isn't up to par.

I sort of like your idea but I still believe we should reserve the right to expunge an image. So perhaps a compromise in which an image that has been spared removal is given these sorts of tags? Even with black list tags we can't simply allow just every image into the site on the grounds that someone stamped a spiral on it or something.

It's about upholding a standard while making sure the site doesn't become a trash dump
where more than 60% of the users have every other image black listed.
02/05/14 07:30AM
LillyTank said:
I sort of like your idea but I still believe we should reserve the right to expunge an image. So perhaps a compromise in which an image that has been spared removal is given these sorts of tags? Even with black list tags we can't simply allow just every image into the site on the grounds that someone stamped a spiral on it or something.

It's about upholding a standard while making sure the site doesn't become a trash dump
where more than 60% of the users have every other image black listed.

I agree with an expunging system being present,I simply feel that the introduction of a lesser quality control system would be much appreciated to compliment our current system, which I see no real issues with, as the people with the power are pretty forgiving and open minded about the difficulties of making art.
02/05/14 07:55AM

The idea of a QC tag seems like it would settle the flames quite a bit when it comes to pieces that fail to pass the standard, my 2 cents on it though would to make it one of the default blacklisted tags like loli and shota.
Maybe also have an option to delete the image on more extreme cases.

The council idea could work I guess, like a janitor system but only if we don't come up with something better.

You also have to take into account vocal minorities, 1 or 2 people may hate a picture but hate it REALLY hard and when commenting on it they stir up some flames and put a picture that most people enjoy under judgement. This being a very rare variable of course.

The one thing I think is worth keeping in mind is having an automated system for this would probably be bad since art is subjective in the eyes of the beholder.

The only thing I can think of, which probably may be too complex now that I think of it, is have some janitors on the site who have proven to have good but fair tastes, sift through anything that is flagged and if they deem it low quality the image will have an anonymous poll whether or not it should stay. If it is 100% no's the image is deleted. Anything flagged more than "x" amount of times is automatically put up to be voted on.
02/05/14 09:03AM
I want to weigh in on the idea of a blacklisted tag for pics that are judged, because Vanndril brought up a similar idea when I chatted with him earlier. My problem with that is it's basically like having a "bad_art" tag, even if it isn't worded as such. I feel like such a tag would just be inviting mockery on those pics.
02/05/14 10:39AM
How about an upvote/downvote system, and if something gets a certain number of downvotes (can be specified or disabled entirely in account settings), then the piece gets hidden from view.
02/05/14 10:49AM
While a "council" idea is nice in theory, it's too subjective. Given the presence of people who argue that some art deserves to stay while others are up in arms to see it annihilated and all related to it burned, root, tree, and branch. As for the invisible polling, as much as I trust Vann and Mindwipe, I see it inviting too much suspicion, especially from those already wary about the QC system. Any time an artist/user uploads something that gets expunged, it won't be long until they're crying that the vote was tampered with or somesuch nonsense.

My own suggestions are lacking for the most part due to my own preferences not just being art related. (such as terrible grammar). Honestly, best I could suggest would be an actual polling program. Short of that, the council idea is the closest I can see to being workable. Even then, they'd need someone checking any pics they flag. If a whole bunch of pics that otherwise seem fine, but all share the "scat" tag suddenly get expunged, then there's clearly a bias at work. (I myself hate scat, but still).

Thanks for reading and being a good boy/girl.

~Lord Chintacles, aka:Cthuhlu, World's greatest rug, Hat of power, reality warper, and George Takei.
02/05/14 10:56AM
LittleToyMaker said:
How about an upvote/downvote system, and if something gets a certain number of downvotes (can be specified or disabled entirely in account settings), then the piece gets hidden from view.

It needs to be something we can do with the site's current software.
02/05/14 01:26PM
I also agree with the blacklist tag suggestion. There should still have a system to remove outright 'bad' pictures, but the blacklist tag could solve the problem of those controversial images that pass the current QC, but there is still a large amount of disdain for the picture.

Mindwipe said:
I want to weigh in on the idea of a blacklisted tag for pics that are judged, because Vanndril brought up a similar idea when I chatted with him earlier. My problem with that is it's basically like having a "bad_art" tag, even if it isn't worded as such. I feel like such a tag would just be inviting mockery on those pics.

The mockery on the pictures would be present regardless of the tag being there or not, since that's already what is happening. The people who want to cause harm will just find another way to do so.
02/05/14 04:00PM
The black list tag idea actually seems like the best idea so far that way If it is marked as bad art it will not show up for most people also if someone miss tags it well we always have Mindwipe and his special tag ability to run threw the hub.and i agree the pics going to get mocked anyway if it is bad we already do it without the Tag so that seems like the only option plus we reserve the right to delete the picture that is really bad
02/05/14 07:02PM
Eh... I really don't like the idea of a blacklist tag, personally. People already complain that the current system is unfriendly towards artists, having what is effectively a "bad art" tag would be even worse.
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