02/05/14 08:43AM is down for me. is down for me since long ago. Everytime i want to access, my PC is freezed, then "page not found". Thought that site was down but just read people accesing without problems o_O. Any suggestion?

Any sugestion?
02/05/14 11:22AM
I don't know what that site is, but, for what it's worth, it won't load for me either.
02/05/14 02:51PM
It comes up for me just fine. I ran it on my iphone on the default safari program, with private browsing enabled. Maybe it doesn't like your cookies, or your web browser. I suggest trying a different browser, or device.
02/05/14 03:38PM
Loaded fine for me in Chrome for Mac.

Site's innocuous, btw, in case anyone else was worried. Well, as innnocuous as a Japanese site about MC in anime can be, I guess.
02/06/14 10:00AM
So is it a list of anime with MC in it?
02/07/14 12:41AM
strangeperson said:
So is it a list of anime with MC in it?

It has 10 collections of hundreds of instances of mind control in Anime (maybe manga, I can't read japanese), it has before and after, as well as a few other pictures of each character in said instance. Its actually a really neat site, and I'm hoping that we could get some seriously awesome inspiration for new content.

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