02/10/14 12:39PM
strangeperson said:
I don't think that has ever happened to me now that i think about it.

Never dreamed about hypnosis or never had sleep-paralysis?
02/11/14 10:04AM
Pretty sure i've had a few dreams about hypnosis. Just haven't had sleep-paralysis.
02/11/14 01:19PM
Sleep-paralysis sucks. You can't move, so you cry for help, except you can't cry for help either, you just keep softly breathing, wishing you could cry for help. Avoid if possible.

It was only made enjoyable the one time because the lamia I dreamed about hypnotized me so hard my head felt "buzzy" and she told me that I could not move. Then she slowly stripped down to her underwear and slithered up into my lap. The usual fear response of the sleep-paralysis had been converted into excitement. So much excitement that I woke up.
02/12/14 07:09AM
BML-20XX said:
Sleep-paralysis sucks. You can't move, so you cry for help, except you can't cry for help either, you just keep softly breathing, wishing you could cry for help. Avoid if possible.

Indeed. It's a scary feeling. Your mind is awake, but your muscles are not. Well, obviously, that's not exactly it, but it sure seems like it.

Interesting tidbit about sleep paralysis - it was one of the phenomenon that spurred the idea of a succubus way back when as an explanation. It was thought that sleep paralysis, as well as tightness of the chest and difficulty breathing while sleeping, were caused by succubi as they fed on your life. It was so unpleasant that the simplest explanation these people came up with was "a demon did it."
02/12/14 07:36AM
Personally I love getting in sleep paralysis or waking up from horrifying nightmares. I don't really know why I seek out such things, maybe it helps fuel creative thought for me or I feel emotions I don't usually get to feel but its almost as great as lucid dreaming for me.

Speaking of which I sometimes have lucid dream "streaks" where every 2 or 3 days I have vivid lucid dreams, the streaks can last to a week to up to several months and its awesome.
I never induced it but if you never had one go try to force one, its a great thing to have.
02/12/14 09:25AM
So i've heard. About both the sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. Sadly I don't think I have had either. Though I may have come close having a lucid dream once.

Fun fact. Apparently dream 10 or so times per night but you usually only remember the most recent one.
02/12/14 11:05AM
@asaola - Don't mind us. We also have a tendency of going completely off topic 90% of the time. :P

But yes, sleep paralysis and the like can be "craved". They're far less scary when you know what they are, so the act of experiencing it goes from "scary as shit" to "this is kinda cool" if you do. Or you could be a fear-induced adrenaline junky?
02/12/14 02:09PM
Again, I do not recommend sleep-paralysis, but in the spirit of Hypnohub I'll share a little something. I avoid sleeping on my back because I experience sleep-paralysis almost exclusively when I do. So there, sleep on your back and hope for the worst =D

Also, I find that I can still move my neck a little when sleep-paralyzed, so I can usually break free by shaking my head back and forth repeatedly. If you can remember something like that when you are panicking and half-asleep then you should be good!
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