10/08/23 08:09PM
Accidentally uploaded art from SnakeGuyJack / SnakegalSkye
their username across all socials is driplette, and this was not in the DNP. I was not aware they were on the DNP under this old name until someone in the discord pointed it out to me. My recently uploaded images need to be removed.
Also, please add Driplette to their line on the DNP, they dont go by SnakeGuyJack or SnakegalSkye anymore
10/08/23 09:23PM
Driplette's name was already on there, but I moved that name to the start of their alias list
10/08/23 10:43PM
loganblast39 said:
Driplette's name was already on there, but I moved that name to the start of their alias list

odd, i ctrl+f'd drip on the DNP list and didn't get any results. I'll try to be more through in the future.
10/08/23 11:11PM
oh, i see the problem. you were using the Forum post for the dnp list, whereas i was using the Wiki page for the dnp list. whoopsie
10/09/23 12:15AM
loganblast39 said:
oh, i see the problem. you were using the Forum post for the dnp list, whereas i was using the Wiki page for the dnp list. whoopsie

ah yep, that'd do it. thanks for the heads up on the wiki page
10/09/23 08:54AM
VoidSequence said:
I childed the main sequence to it only for it to become unlisted from the front page. This is obviously the opposite of what we were after. I have not found any documentation on the site stating that this happens or how to reverse it as I can't seem to remove the child or get the image to reappear. Could a mod please decouple the images and make the main sequence visible again? We are hoping to not have another of our posts unlisted until after it is off of the front page. Also, I would appreciate if you could let me know how to link to images without hiding one so this doesn't happen again. Thanks.

Child posts are automatically hidden from the front page. When I upload parent/child posts, I leave them unparented until after they've been pushed off the front page, then I go back and parent them. Obviously, exercise judgement to avoid flooding the front page (for instance, if you're uploading a series of 10 pictures, pick three that represent the series to leave unparented so they show up, then parent the rest). Note that posts that are in pools (without parent/child linking) are not hidden from the front page.
10/20/23 06:02PM
Was uploading a comic and posted the wrong page. The correct page is up so you can delete this one.
10/24/23 03:37AM

Umm... I'd like this thread deleted. I suspect that it may be a scam and I do apologize in the event that this is the case.
10/24/23 03:43AM
LillyTank said:

Umm... I'd like this thread deleted. I suspect that it may be a scam and I do apologize in the event that this is the case.

i'm a bit confused. You yourself made the thread. and you want it deleted cause you suspect you are scamming people?
or is the account made by someone else to impersonate you?
10/24/23 06:04AM
i think they believe that the artist they were suggesting people commission is scamming others
10/24/23 12:52PM
Sorry, I should elaborate. Loganblast39 is pretty much right. This person approached me claiming to need work and since then has been pushing me to promote them. However, they seem to use AI to get their art done and may even be taking art from other artists.

I don't have any solid proof that they're scammers but there were certain signs that other users on another Discord server pointed out to me that I should be on the lookout for.

Signs like being approached randomly on Discord in the first place. They did not have a commission sheet. Their supposed language barrier. No real references outside of that shifty Twitter account. I was recently informed that a lot of the art on that page is actually AI art that the artist claims is legit.

I'm feeling kind of ridiculous and I'd really just like to put this in my past. Sorry again.

10/28/23 02:07AM
Hi, I'm trying to join the discord but the link seems to be broken.
11/01/23 04:24PM
Recently, I saw a lots of sources pointing to twitter. Sometimes there's a copyright request, and it's clearly a screenshot from an anime.
So I'm wondering: is it clickbait? Should the so-called "source" be removed when it's obvious enough?
11/02/23 01:36AM
If it's clearly a screenshot from a thing then yeah you shouldn't be using twitter links for it, though I can understand using one if you're not sure what it is (yet)
11/11/23 03:39AM
2 Versions of the Terms of Service?
I've noticed that there's two versions of the ToS:

One found when you want to upload:
And one under the 'Posts' subheader:

Which one is the current version? One has a 'last updated' of Feb 15 2021, while the other doesn't have it. Also one says we don't allow doujinshi uploads while the other omits it.

Speaking of doujins, aren't most of them paysite/paywall content? Not asking for a sudden purge of all uploads, just want to know where the site stands.
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