11/13/23 07:11PM
So I'm new to posting and just uploaded a set of images from Kamen Writer MC's work "Hypnotes". I set them all to parent/child so as not to flood the front page with the images.

Since I'm not used to uploading on this site I hope I haven't made any mistakes or caused a major inconvenience by posting so many images at one time.
11/13/23 08:00PM
if you have a big set I recommend also use the pool feature, so everything ends up on a folder of pictures.
11/13/23 08:37PM
I wanted to add them to the existing Hypnotes pool but it seems I can't do that as they're still pending mod approval. In the meantime I can add the translation via notes.
11/13/23 09:55PM
Hypno-slave said:
I wanted to add them to the existing Hypnotes pool but it seems I can't do that as they're still pending mod approval. In the meantime I can add the translation via notes.

All of them have been approved, you should be able to pool them now.
11/13/23 10:06PM
Added to the pool, thank you!
11/22/23 02:15PM
An artist I commissioned in the past had their name added to the DNP list earlier this year. They gave permission for the things I commissioned to stay up here and, even though we were originally told they would be allowed to stay up, my commissions were deleted at some point anyway. What steps can I take to get these posts reinstated/reposted?
11/22/23 04:00PM
Simply reuploading them and mentioning in the comments that you have permission from the original artist to do so should suffice.

If the upload catches it for being duplicate, simply go in and edit one pixel by the tiniest amount possible.
11/23/23 12:16AM
EDIT: Nah nevermind.
11/23/23 01:29AM
Detour said:
Simply reuploading them and mentioning in the comments that you have permission from the original artist to do so should suffice.

If the upload catches it for being duplicate, simply go in and edit one pixel by the tiniest amount possible.

Sounds like a plan. Any way of transferring the old comments or at least getting access to the old comments? I doubt it was all that much, but I would still really like to know what was said on them originally. Also, can't a mod just check the hash and remove it from the list rather than having to do something like changing a pixel? That seems like an incredibly inefficient and poorly thought out way of doing things.
11/23/23 01:31AM
I agree that it's inefficient and poorly thought out, but it's what we unfortunately have to deal with at the moment.
11/23/23 02:22AM
Detour said:
I agree that it's inefficient and poorly thought out, but it's what we unfortunately have to deal with at the moment.

Thank you. Again, is there any way for me to get to the old comment sections of the old uploads?
Also, in the case you are looking to fix up the current system you use. I recommend swapping to a Distance Transformation algorithm or a perceptual hash rather than the traditional hash system you are currently using. It should only be a couple of lines of code to swap since you are undoubtedly using a library for the hashing anyway. A hash system can't hold up to any amount of editing or even the standard image compression that should be expected from transferring images around online. An Distance Transformation algorithm will allow you to grab slight edits along with large manips if you want. For a site like this and without an ability to remove hashes, I struggle to believe the current system helps more than it hurts.

The only thing the current system seems good at handling is active spamming of a singular image and, if that does occur, it still seems like it would be more efficient to throw the image into the same purgatory you throw the posts for new accounts into instead of just deleating it.
11/23/23 07:03PM
There's no way to recall comments of images that have long since been deleted no. As for the hashing question, we're not able to just go in and edit things as much as we'd like to. That's why things like the userscript exist, it's a stopgap measure.
12/03/23 05:44PM
P sure we got a bot "artist" here. Susanperrish bumping 5 year old threads asking if the people who made them are still looking for comms tells me all i need to know...
12/04/23 04:15AM
Not a very sophisticated bot here: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=106442
12/07/23 07:01PM
Can a MOD delete this image since it's a repost of a commission I posted in February.

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