12/14/23 02:29AM
I think we have a bot here:

If I'm right, consider me a bit impressed. That's a step up in the AI bot department.
12/14/23 03:50AM
the charity guy is back

just johngallin on another account, I think
12/14/23 09:08PM
Is this too shota? Like I know the Collector is actually really old but still.
12/14/23 09:35PM
Looks fine imo
12/15/23 03:47AM
Post 189543 was uploaded on accident and is effectively Patreon exclusive content. Please have it deleted as soon as possible.
Also, I have come to understand that there is no way for anyone outside of the mod team to delete a post, but are there any workaround to minimize exposure of the image in the case that such an error happens again? Perhaps the ability to toggle its appearance on the front page?
12/15/23 07:25AM
VoidSequence said:
... are there any workaround to minimize exposure of the image in the case that such an error happens again? Perhaps the ability to toggle its appearance on the front page?

Yes. You can make it a child post of another post. That will make it invisible to browsing. It'll only show up on tag search then.
12/15/23 07:59AM
BugmenotEncore said:
VoidSequence said:
... are there any workaround to minimize exposure of the image in the case that such an error happens again? Perhaps the ability to toggle its appearance on the front page?

Yes. You can make it a child post of another post. That will make it invisible to browsing. It'll only show up on tag search then.

Question about that: if a post doesn't have a proper parent post, but you want to hide it from the front page, what should its parent be set to? Eg if a post has been deleted, but still shows up on the front page.
12/15/23 09:31AM
Hypnorgasm said:

Question about that: if a post doesn't have a proper parent post, but you want to hide it from the front page, what should its parent be set to? Eg if a post has been deleted, but still shows up on the front page.

Since it is a temporary assignment until a mod comes up, which even at worst is less than 24 hours, I don't think there is a huge ethical or practical concern here.

I guess there is a justification for uploading a dummy post, making it and the concerning post parent posts of each other, then getting them both removed at the same time, if you we are That dedicated to accurate grouping of images at all times.
12/15/23 09:46AM
Or you can get it parented to a news post or something
12/16/23 01:56AM
Post has been removed and the new one has been uploaded. Thanks a bunch. One last thing to check on. Does the ability to edit and delete comments really not extend to comments on posts? Like, it genuinely never occurred to me that the functionality would be locked to a certain part of the site until I noticed a typo in a comment and noticed I didn't seem to be able to edit it or delete and redo it. Again, I have to ask, are there any loopholes or anything I'm missing here? This seems like a crazy feature to not have access to.
12/16/23 02:14PM
Since the site is migrating to a new server again, can we get a bulletin post on the front page for that or is it too late?
12/16/23 02:20PM
That probably won't be necessary. We're not migrating the site itself to a different version like the last time, it's just updating the server itself.
12/16/23 03:23PM
Oh, alright then. Thanks for the clarification. :)
12/17/23 07:42AM
VoidSequence said:
One last thing to check on. Does the ability to edit and delete comments really not extend to comments on posts? [...] Again, I have to ask, are there any loopholes or anything I'm missing here? This seems like a crazy feature to not have access to.

Yeah, editing comments is gone. It happened when the site moved. Another, more recent thing that broke in comments is tags, like spoiler tags.
Mods can still delete comments, though. You just use the Report Comment function and it lets you put a reason.
12/17/23 02:20PM
Anytime i try to fallow a tag it just sends me to "a bad gatway" is there anything i can do to fix this?
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