06/08/24 06:05PM
Detour said:
MisterMan4 said:
Hey. Why was my post hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=208376 deleted? Reason only displays tos/MD5. What's that even mean? Can someone please explain to me? It's not like the first manip I made

tos is just the default reason that's given for a deletion, standing for terms of service.

Don't know who specifically removed it or why.

Ok. I will try reposting it and see what happens. I know for sure it wasn't bad quality or anything. THank you for your time
06/08/24 07:05PM
So just a head ups around. I re-uploaded my post that got deleted. hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=208422
Someone flagged it again but there really isn't anything wrong with it to justify it being deleted. I'm hoping to reach out to a mod here to ignore/deny the flag before it actually gets deleted
06/08/24 11:01PM
Flagging a post does absolutely nothing and anyone can flag any post for any reason, please stop throwing a fit in the comments or on here when it happens.

Also next time don't re-upload stuff that gets deleted unless one of the mods actually tells you you're good to do so. While I don't know who specifically deleted it they might've had a reason they just hadn't written down.
06/09/24 08:56AM
Detour said:
Flagging a post does absolutely nothing and anyone can flag any post for any reason, please stop throwing a fit in the comments or on here when it happens.

Also next time don't re-upload stuff that gets deleted unless one of the mods actually tells you you're good to do so. While I don't know who specifically deleted it they might've had a reason they just hadn't written down.

Noted sir. Won't cause anymore trouble
06/12/24 11:08PM
Feeling like this might be a mod related question but an artist wants to change their current tagged username on sites like here to his current one, is there a particular way to do that? I tried editing in the tag area but that doesn't seem to do it.
Artist goes by Hadant now formally Haryudanto

06/13/24 12:09AM
Fredburgger said:
Feeling like this might be a mod related question but an artist wants to change their current tagged username on sites like here to his current one, is there a particular way to do that? I tried editing in the tag area but that doesn't seem to do it.
Artist goes by Hadant now formally Haryudanto


For that we'll have to swap around the tags on every post noting him as the artist, far from impossible but it'll take a while.
06/13/24 04:47AM
Hey, no problem. It's seven hundred tags, I'll do it after work.

Edit: And links. Seems they really wanna wipe as much evidence of the old name as they can.

I'll do that too, when I notice.
06/13/24 09:44AM
In the process of doing that, I discovered an interesting bug: #148545's tag list is stuck. It cannot be edited. Tried in different browsers, no effect. Can someone get it working, or is this a slayerduck kinda situation for the bug report thread?
06/13/24 10:30PM
Moderators can lock images, I'm not sure why that one is though so I've unlocked it.
06/14/24 09:36AM
Thank you!

Hadant's tags are done. Just realized you can search for source links, so I will go clean those up as well.
06/20/24 11:32PM
hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=209479 was wrongly uploaded; please delete it. It is AI art that is not up to my standards of posting here, and also, I did not get permission from the original artist to upload AI derivatives anywhere. So, again, please delete it.
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