07/07/24 09:28PM
Okay, so I uncovered a Real weird piece of work..there is this guy, going by the name of JRJ12, who has been, on and off again, over the course of months, retagging kasumi_yoshizawa as her sister Sumire, hoping no one would notice.

I don't know if it is some bizarre vendetta or some practical joke(Kasumi is dead ha ha funny?), but each time I checked the source of one of their edits to Sumire, it was Kasumi, every time, like it was originally tagged. Sometimes her name is said in the fucking image, there is no way it isn't intentional.

I already told them to get off it in mail, but I didn't realize how far they have taken it at the time. They've been vandalizing the tags for ages. Someone knock some sense into 'em.
07/07/24 11:31PM
The only thing they've been knocked with is a ban hammer, thanks for the heads up.
07/08/24 02:22AM
A bit harsh but also for the best. Thank you for your service.

Honestly, if the artist can avoid spoilers, so can we...

I'll go ahead and clean the tags up so Kasumi is tagged when the source uses her name.

It won't be enough to just look at their edits, cuz people have started using the sumire tag following their example.
07/08/24 04:04AM
Can a mod remove the recent sketches by smeef that I have posted the last few days? Didn't realize they don't like them being posted here

07/08/24 06:09AM
Regarding JRJ12's edits and ban, can I play Devil's advocate here? I know nothing about persona, but looking at the wikia/fandom pages, it might be possible JRJ12 just made a reasonable mistake.

Persona spoilers ahead.

Since the true identity of Kasuma is Sumire, can it really be called vandalization if it is true? Since Sumire is the playable character, I assume she is drawn more than Kasuma. JRJ12 could have thought this as well, saw a bunch of posts tagged Kasuma and assumed that they are tagged wrong. Not looking at the source to double check is their fault, but this just seem like a mistake rather than malice.

On that note can the mods make a ruling on how to tag this? If Sumire is tagged as Kasuma because that's how the game presented her to be, how do we tag if a post of the real Kasuma appears?
07/08/24 06:42AM
Why not just use both tags sense they are both true.
07/08/24 12:49PM
OperationTransport said:

I was aware of ~the situation between the sisters~. I avoided saying it out loud in my posts as that is the standard, but you can see from context that I was in the know.

I myself recommended a less stringent response, but I do not think Detour's response was wrong.

For one simple reason : The entire Persona community respects the spoiler. Most everyone calls the character 'Kasumi', 'Sumi', or 'Yoshisawa', or 'Violet'. Not only is that the standard usage, and therefore what people would search for, but it's clear even at a cursory glance how many people still care to maintain the mystery. Persona fans are a Dedicated bunch to say the least. The lady in question isn't even well-liked, but even her haters make this effort. Remarkable really.

Then in 2022, this hoo-ha comes around, decides 'yep, this is where I'll spoil the climax of this game', and goes through every single post they can find. They didn't ask anyone, they replaced the tag regardless of who put it there, the uploader, the Artist Who Drew The Image... People are carefully dancing around the name in the source, the source link, Our comment section, with spoiler tags, pseudonyms, polite hints, but Nah, None of That! Sumire it is.

They weren't being harmless, they were deliberately trying to change how the character was addressed, and eventually people started to follow their lead like Jabberwocky and Loganblast(whom I assume did so in innocence after seeing the dick do it for 3+ years. I went through every Sumi image last night, that's what the timeline would suggest).

All that work, all that effort people put into keeping this secret for newcomes even after four years this game had come out, and our site had taken a dump on it because this one guy decided it's not worth trying? I saw the same thing on other imageboards, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same guy doing it each time.

They may have been innocent in the sense they weren't Malicious, but they were a selfish, inconsiderate little gremlin, in willful ignorance of what the majority wanted. Not looking at the source is just a drop in the bucket to how far up their own ass they had to be to do this, for this long.

Argonis said:
Why not just use both tags sense they are both true.

I think that middle ground would be a wishy washy response in this case. It wouldn't make anyone happy. It would also bury the images where both sisters appear.
07/08/24 03:24PM

It seems like early posts featuring Kasumi uses both Kasumi and Sumire tags, however they both refer to one character. If a tagger were to see this, naturally they would assume it was tagged wrong. Looking up the wiki would give the idea that Sumire would be the correct tag. I think this is what JRJ did. Then for consistency, they also retagged all of kasumi to sumire.

There is also a legit reason to tag as sumire. What if a post featuring the real kasumi appears? It wouldn't be appropriate to tag kasumi now that the tag kasumi refers to sumire. Of course we can discuss workarounds like adding suffix like _(real) or something, but JRJ's tagging occurred two years ago, and after that a lot of posts use sumire instead of kasumi, so they probably just tagged sumire for consistency instead of active malice and hatred for sumire.

I understand the respect you have for preserving the heart of a beloved game, but both tags have merit. One is more accurate, and one is more well-known and accepted. This is one of the edge cases of tagging and I think JRJ didn't vandalise.
07/08/24 03:59PM
OperationTransport said:
JRJ's tagging occurred two years ago

The majority of it did! But they continued as new images cropped up. I noticed they're doing this when they edited my upload.

and after that a lot of posts use sumire instead of kasumi

That they did, isn't that part of the problem? This one guy's unilateral decision altered the tagging habits.

You contest whether that change had been objectively for the worse, but they Definitely didn't ask anybody if it was a good idea. Then tons of people would have told them no, see all the reasons above why. MAYBE they would have made a really good point, but we will never know, cuz they didn't try.

When I edit tags, I ask if it's a good idea first. Maybe I wouldn't have when I started out, I used to be a beginner and a dunce, but people are meant to Learn from their mistakes over time, not double down on them.

One is more accurate, and one is more well-known and accepted.

If accuracy is the factor that takes precedent, the site should not be called hypnohub at all since most mind control, real or fictional, has nothing to do with hypnosis.

But you can see how that would be silly, right? Hypnosis as a colloquial term for mental manipulation is one that everyone recognizes on sight. Naming a site where you collate content like that after it is a no brainer.

We're browsing the internet, not citing psychology papers. There is no expectation of rigor. You expect to find what you are looking for in the easiest, most intuitive way possible.


in case there was still any doubt this guy's an asshole, they've made an alt account and undid all my work last night.

They have already been banned again.
07/08/24 11:31PM
I wouldn't count on JRJ getting an unban but that's ultimately not up to me.

As for the tagging situation, check hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...1288&pid=1905#1212620 for how we'll be handling it going forward.
07/17/24 11:40AM
I have a question about someone on the dnp list wanting off of it. Could I get pointed in the direction of who to talk to about that?
07/17/24 01:53PM
TalahDarkfang said:
I have a question about someone on the dnp list wanting off of it. Could I get pointed in the direction of who to talk to about that?

Send me (or any other moderator) a DM and we'll take care of it
07/18/24 07:06AM
Is there an up-to-date list of moderators somewhere on the site? The only ones I've found are old. Eg I don't think I've seen RedCollarBlackCollar around at all since the site move like two years ago, but they're still listed as a mod. Argonis also stopped being a mod around then (if I remember correctly), but they're also still on the mod list.
07/23/24 04:46PM
Are there guidelines re. what pools are allowed/considered useful?
Should regular users remove pools that are not?
07/24/24 12:06AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Is there an up-to-date list of moderators somewhere on the site? The only ones I've found are old. Eg I don't think I've seen RedCollarBlackCollar around at all since the site move like two years ago, but they're still listed as a mod. Argonis also stopped being a mod around then (if I remember correctly), but they're also still on the mod list.

Not really, there's a list in the admin panel that contains all of the accounts that are moderators but that one also contains the aforementioned people.

Penlight said:
Are there guidelines re. what pools are allowed/considered useful?
Should regular users remove pools that are not?

If regular users are able to remove pools they didn't create then that is something they shouldn't be doing.

As for guidelines, anything not parked as a personal pool should have some kind of use, e.g. don't create a private pool containing images of a specific character you like because that will show up on the actual image itself.

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