02/14/14 07:13PM
I'm pretty happy with this move, I rarely see IRL manips that I like. Plus judging the quality of IRL is harder since I assume people's standards on the matter are for more variable.
If people assume that you can manip IRL images the same way you do 2d images its going to lead to an influx of poor manips since IRL manips require a lot more skill to pull off well.

Plus everyone knows that 2D world>real world
02/14/14 07:35PM
I'm so glad to hear this.

IRL manips are pretty disrespectful too. The chance that the people on the manip will find it is small, but I can't even imagine how uncomfortable they must feel if they do. I know I wouldn't want a picture of myself to be edited like that.
02/14/14 08:02PM
Zko said:
Plus everyone knows that 2D world>real world

^This, lol.

miru said:
I'm so glad to hear this.

IRL manips are pretty disrespectful too. The chance that the people on the manip will find it is small, but I can't even imagine how uncomfortable they must feel if they do. I know I wouldn't want a picture of myself to be edited like that.

The same could be said for all manips, unfortunately. I know that I, personally, have no clue whether or not half the artists of the images I've manipped would be thrilled to see what I've done with their work. Still, I do realize that with IRL manips it's much more personal.
02/14/14 08:15PM
Personaly I like both camps as there are good irl manips and bad ones just like drawings.
02/14/14 08:37PM
LillyTank said:
^This, lol.

The same could be said for all manips, unfortunately. I know that I, personally, have no clue whether or not half the artists of the images I've manipped would be thrilled to see what I've done with their work. Still, I do realize that with IRL manips it's much more personal.

I've had a case or 2 of my art being edited slightly and posted somewhere else. PERSONALLY it only bothers me if they don't cite the source, so if somehow someone finds and manips one of my images here (Which I doubt will ever happen) I would be okay with it since the site does what it can to source the images. The case where it happened to me they never cited the source so thats why it bothered me.
But I know, from talking with other online artist on other sites, that any sort of editing to art is hugely stigmatized and more often than not the artist will want it down, regardless of what the edit is. Unless it one of those big time artists that are very used to it.
02/14/14 08:59PM
Zko said:
I've had a case or 2 of my art being edited slightly and posted somewhere else. PERSONALLY it only bothers me if they don't cite the source, so if somehow someone finds and manips one of my images here (Which I doubt will ever happen) I would be okay with it since the site does what it can to source the images. The case where it happened to me they never cited the source so thats why it bothered me.
But I know, from talking with other online artist on other sites, that any sort of editing to art is hugely stigmatized and more often than not the artist will want it down, regardless of what the edit is. Unless it one of those big time artists that are very used to it.

Then I think HypnoHub is safe. Most of the images manipped are by talented artists from other countries (mainly Japan) and we always cite the source to the original. (Well, not always but we try to.) I try to make mine as authentic as possible to avoid the stigmatizing effect. I'm not sure if that's effective at all, however.
02/15/14 07:47AM
LillyTank said:
In the case of lolis they're are auto-black listed to meet people's personal preference.

Actually, that's a little backwards. Loli and Shota are blacklisted by default because nearly every civilized country in the world has it labeled as illegal, as the same thing as child porn, or as something BORDERLINE illegal, to be judged on a case by case basis. As is actually a little surprising, considering our love to illegalize things, the USA is a bit behind on this trend.

If it were merely for preference, then we wouldn't be so strict about those two tags in particular - you can be banned for not using them where needed, as not having images that need those tags being tagged as such can have very real implications for some visitors to our site, such as arrest. If it were just for preference, it wouldn't be on the default blacklist.

Mistress_Marea said:
Personaly I like both camps as there are good irl manips and bad ones just like drawings.

I agree. Some of the real manips up now, that will have to be deleted, are ones that I like. It's a shame that we have to get rid of these, too.
02/15/14 07:54AM
LillyTank said:
Then I think HypnoHub is safe. Most of the images manipped are by talented artists from other countries (mainly Japan) and we always cite the source to the original. (Well, not always but we try to.) I try to make mine as authentic as possible to avoid the stigmatizing effect. I'm not sure if that's effective at all, however.

Lots of artists are bratty, any edits or reposts and they demand it to be taken down even with citations and clearly stating it's an edit, one of my artist acquaintance even today was whining that someone posted a picture of their art recolored, even thought the description told everyone its a recolor and a huge bolded link lead to the original artist and her page. Obviously I'm generalizing and its understandable that they would want manips/edits gone but its seems like the case for most, I guess I'd call them "Not-so-commercial" artist. Small fries you find on tumblr and dA and what not.
Also what do you mean by "authentic" cuz if you mean you put a lot of effort into manips so they don't look cheap the artist will probably hate it even more since some people might assume that the artist him/herself drew the edited version.

Stealing from the Japanese seems to be the best way to go about manips >->
02/15/14 08:04AM
Zko said:
Stealing from the Japanese seems to be the best way to go about manips >->

At the risk of sounding racist, this is the best way to go about a lot of things involving edited works of varying kinds. :P

Maybe I'm just uneducated, but from what I hear, Japan treats edited works a lot differently than countries like the US and, in some cases I've seen, even outright supports the idea of taking something already made and changing it to release "new" material. Honestly, though, that's just my speculation. I won't even pretend to honestly know how Japan's copyright system works.
02/15/14 08:26AM
Zko said:
Also what do you mean by "authentic" cuz if you mean you put a lot of effort into manips so they don't look cheap the artist will probably hate it even more since some people might assume that the artist him/herself drew the edited version.

Ah, I hadn't thought of it like that. Now I feel like a douche. I guess manipping is always going to be a derivative-taboo-pseudo-art-form. I really need to try drawing something, one day.

Zko said:
Stealing from the Japanese seems to be the best way to go about manips >->

This probably is the best course of action with manips. I'm not sure how people in other countries are but on the western servers people many people aren't too thrilled about seeing another artists work edited.

I suppose it's fortunate, either way, that a site like this was started on a western server away from the prime source of manip content: anime art.
02/15/14 08:53PM
Mighty whitey steals from the japs. <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRIAw6LkqlE|Why does this seem familiar?>>
02/16/14 01:40AM
Henry-killenger said:
Mighty whitey steals from the japs. <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRIAw6LkqlE|Why does this seem familiar?>>

Not entirely accurate or relevant... but I love that series, anyway.
02/16/14 09:40AM
LillyTank said:
Not entirely accurate or relevant... but I love that series, anyway.

Actually, totally accurate. :P
But you're right about its relevancy.
02/16/14 07:46PM
As a total lurker, I'll give my two cents anyway; I think it's a good call. I haven't run into it on this site, but I've had RL friends who've been at the wrong end of fetish photomanips, and I've had my own photos co-opted by fetish communities and it really makes me uncomfortable seeing manipulated photos where there was clearly no original sexual intent in them. Do what you want to fictional characters or consenting adults at home, but I'm really happy to see the RL stuff go.
02/16/14 10:58PM
random said:
As a total lurker, I'll give my two cents anyway; I think it's a good call. I haven't run into it on this site, but I've had RL friends who've been at the wrong end of fetish photomanips, and I've had my own photos co-opted by fetish communities and it really makes me uncomfortable seeing manipulated photos where there was clearly no original sexual intent in them. Do what you want to fictional characters or consenting adults at home, but I'm really happy to see the RL stuff go.

I think most people would think that the chances of that happening are slim to none, but I know for certain that this sort of discomforting situation does occur. I've had a request or two over the year or so that the booru/hub has been around for removal of real images because a person claiming to be one of the people depicted in the photo was uncomfortable with what was done to them within the photo.

This does happen, and I think manippers would be better off avoiding real manips of images that are not already porn.

Kind of a moot point for this site, now, but I thought I'd give some credence to your thoughts on that.
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