02/23/14 12:29AM
Hmm... Seems I'm a bit late to this particular discussion. And it seems I won't be getting a chance to share the majority of my mostly-real oeuvre.


C'est la vie.
02/23/14 01:28AM
MCaesar said:
Hmm... Seems I'm a bit late to this particular discussion. And it seems I won't be getting a chance to share the majority of my mostly-real oeuvre.


C'est la vie.

Always sleepychan though. Well, "always." Or the collective? I don't really go for that kinda thing so I don't know where it should go.
02/23/14 10:09PM
MCaesar said:
Hmm... Seems I'm a bit late to this particular discussion. And it seems I won't be getting a chance to share the majority of my mostly-real oeuvre.


C'est la vie.

Ah, yeah. You are a tad late. :P

Nothing personal, though, of course. Some of your stuff was some of the few real manips I was sad to see go. And that one epic Kaa real image manipper, too (the name escapes me).

TakyonH said:
Or the collective?

MCaesar already has quite the presence on the collective. :3

Which reminds me. MCaesar, you're still more than welcome to share your real manips on the forums (a link to your gallery, perhaps; maybe make a thread, if you want), since we're a lot more open to what can be posted on the forums.
03/28/14 06:20AM
Removing this from the sticky list, as it's no longer relevant.
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