02/14/14 09:09AM
The Future of Real Manips on HypnoHub (Old News)
After much conversation and collective consideration between Mindwipe, Henry, and myself, we have made the decision to <<|disallow real manips to be uploaded to the gallery>> and that this decision will be retroactive. From now on, real image manips are no longer allowed on the gallery and will be deleted like any other forbidden content. <<|The Rules>> have been updated accordingly, under forbidden content.

While, as some know, this topic <<|cropped up in the comments recently>>, this has been on our radar for some time. It has become increasingly difficult to put real manips into perspective when considering their quality for our QC standards. For Mindwipe and myself, it's gotten to the point where we can't even tell what is good or not for real manips, as the lines between acceptable and lacking in quality have become blurred in regards to them.

I do apologize to those who enjoy real manips, but I'm sure you will find other content here that you will enjoy.

Please note that you may still post links to real manips in the forums. We've decided to still allow that much.

There will be a one week grace period before we purge the gallery of real manips. If you have any you want to save, do so now, as they will be removed on or around the 21'st.
02/14/14 09:24AM
Makes sense to me. Quality aside, real-life manipulations are kinda a risky thing to post here for various obvious reasons. Last thing I'd want to happen is for us to have to move to another domain yet again, it took me long enough just to find Hypnobooru once Hypnochan got sniped.

And personally I've never been fond of IRL manips, though that's obviously just my own opinion. Something about them always feels off to me... Especially Kaa ones =P
02/14/14 09:32AM
Letterabcd said:
Last thing I'd want to happen is for us to have to move to another domain yet again[...]

I just want to once again reinforce that we're not in much danger of that. So long as Slayer is willing to host us (he makes profit off of the deal, if I recall :P), we're golden. Scratch something happening to him, we'll be fine as far as hosting is concerned.
02/14/14 09:34AM
Vanndril said:
I just want to once again reinforce that we're not in much danger of that. So long as Slayer is willing to host us (he makes profit off of the deal, if I recall :P), we're golden. Scratch something happening to him, we'll be fine as far as hosting is concerned.

Well then chalk off that first part of my post as me being a complete derp. ^^;
02/14/14 09:39AM
Letterabcd said:
Well then chalk off that first part of my post as me being a complete derp. ^^;

Lol, no problem. I just want to let people know that we're in a good place with hosting atm.

On topic: to be honest, a large chunk of our headaches in moderating the Hub stemmed from deciding how to handle real manips. At first, we didn't allow manips that just involved text. Then we did, albeit reluctantly, because that's what 99% of real manips are. Even real manips that are actually edited are generally done in a sloppy or clashing manner. That's not to say that all of them are bad, of course.

All in all, they were such a big hassle for what I see as only a very small enjoyment to the community. Consider this: in the past month, the "real" tag has been only slightly more popular than the tag for a lone manipper, "underscore_(manipper)". That means that, between real images AND real manips, the number of people that searched for them is hardly higher than one of our more popular manippers for the month. We're only likely disappointing a fraction of that small group of people with our decision.
02/14/14 10:02AM
I'm new on this so i can't understand, a real manip it is a manip of real life or what?
Sorry, but i can't understand.
02/14/14 10:19AM
arcolel123 said:
I'm new on this so i can't understand, a real manip it is a manip of real life or what?
Sorry, but i can't understand.

Yes, real life images. Photos. Not drawn images.
02/14/14 10:36AM
Ah, what a shame. I dug a lot of the RL manips. This seems to me like it's fixing a problem that wasn't there in the first place? Of course, I didn't see any of the complaints. Oh well, still a lot of great content here. I'm sure you guys had a good reason.
02/14/14 10:42AM
Wickham said:
Ah, what a shame. I dug a lot of the RL manips. This seems to me like it's fixing a problem that wasn't there in the first place? Of course, I didn't see any of the complaints. Oh well, still a lot of great content here. I'm sure you guys had a good reason.

Agree with both points but ill admit that a lot of the recent ones have been poor
02/14/14 11:43AM
Is there a legitimate concern for HD space on the server? Certainly, if there's more to it than I realize, then don't make great efforts to appease such a small minority, but I wonder why real manips are being purged instead of getting the same mandatory-tag-auto-blacklist treatment that loli gets. On an ongoing basis you have the same administrative overhead either way since you either ban uploaders who don't tag it or ban uploaders in general.
02/14/14 12:39PM
I guess this means I get to celebrate my 50th manip twice. :p
02/14/14 02:44PM
Why don't You make real life pics like loli? I mean just hide them and if someone want to see then go ahead.
02/14/14 06:51PM
Mindwipe said:
Yes, real life images. Photos. Not drawn images.

Thanks, i don't mind about real life manips, this is a hentai page.
02/14/14 06:53PM
greasyi said:
Is there a legitimate concern for HD space on the server? Certainly, if there's more to it than I realize, then don't make great efforts to appease such a small minority, but I wonder why real manips are being purged instead of getting the same mandatory-tag-auto-blacklist treatment that loli gets. On an ongoing basis you have the same administrative overhead either way since you either ban uploaders who don't tag it or ban uploaders in general.

I sort of feel that this is less about appeasing people and more about upholding the order of the site. I believe the Hub has a certain image to maintain in terms of content. Most IRL manips are simply bad. In the case of lolis they're are auto-black listed to meet people's personal preference. In the case of the IRL manips it's less about preference and more about principle.

IRL manips required the site to lower its standards and this might serve to make things more confusing in the future since no matter how difficult to make, a bad manip is still below the standards desired. Removing IRL manips helps to prevent the flooding of low quality IRL material since too many of them are just not really given enough effort.
02/14/14 07:03PM
My idea would merely have been to hold irl stuff to a higher standard, because there are some very good ones out there, just that the effort threshold is lower meaning that they're more liable to flood the gallery in poor quality.
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