02/21/14 09:55AM
Honestly I'm bad at shipping and I can't come up with a good Battleship joke. Only good ship I can think of is Ira Gamagoori and Mako from Kill la Kill.
02/21/14 10:15AM
Vanndril said:
Oh? I must know why. XD

Because it true and your OP
02/21/14 10:16PM
i ship mistress marea and diaper queen
02/22/14 12:20AM
deep_sea_dive said:
i ship mistress marea and diaper queen

Oh, that ship has long since sailed!

strangeperson said:
Only good ship I can think of is Ira Gamagoori and Mako from Kill la Kill.

Yes. Yes. YES! All of my yes!

I almost want to see a spinoff that takes place years in the future with those two as a married couple with a child (or children). I would watch this.
02/22/14 03:37AM
Mr.H said:
Its short slang for Relation'ship'. Shipping refers to supporting a two characters being a couple, be it characters that could logically and canonically be in a relationship, completely nonsensical, or just because you think they'd make a good couple.

i was imagining they would actually be sent on a ship together. like an intergalactic sex slave cruise.
02/22/14 09:20AM
Vanndril said:
Yes. Yes. YES! All of my yes!

I almost want to see a spinoff that takes place years in the future with those two as a married couple with a child (or children). I would watch this.

I would too.

deep_sea_dive said:
i was imagining they would actually be sent on a ship together. like an intergalactic sex slave cruise.

No. They would either be pirates or take odd jobs like in Firefly.

If all of us were Firefly characters I think I would be Jayne or Kaylee >_______>
02/22/14 10:50PM
pffft you know its about those space slaves haha
02/23/14 05:14AM
I don't watch anime, and I can't think of any youtubers that would be fun to see in a romantic couple. So I can't think of anything given these rules, however expanding the horizons to any person/character, I would probably ship myself with Tali from mass effect :3
02/23/14 06:39AM
I don't really ship often buuuuuut there is one <<|ship>> that floats all my boats recently

dinnerdog1 said:
I don't watch anime, and I can't think of any youtubers that would be fun to see in a romantic couple. So I can't think of anything given these rules, however expanding the horizons to any person/character, I would probably ship myself with Tali from mass effect :3

That's called a waifu friend~
02/23/14 07:34AM
I have a few but KyoSaya and HomuMado from Madoka is pretty prominent in my eyes.

Hooray for Magical Lesbians.
02/23/14 11:00AM
Zko said:
I don't really ship often buuuuuut there is one <<|ship>> that floats all my boats recently

Good choice.
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