02/20/14 05:33PM
Today our old server that was hosted on a VM crashed duo severe filesystem corruption, i tried to repair it but a lot of files were lost so i restored them from our offsite backup. 3 images were unrecoverable from the crash, i deleted them from the database. They were uploaded by FireMario86, 78906 and Mesmer

Then i decided to just move hypnohub to a new server cuz like fuck this shit right, i dropped all the files on the new server and installed some stuff. The move went flawless and besides the 15 min downtime duo to the filesystem crash on our previous server there was no additional downtime.

I moved the site without any testing so some bugs related to this may or may not occur. I tested an image upload so stuff looks good so far.

Compared to the old server the new server is no longer a virtual server, the new server has a hexacore CPU with fucktons of RAM and blazing fast SSD's. The site is also accessible with IPv6 now. The server is owned by me, not rented.

New server, fast as fuck. we're all good.
02/20/14 07:03PM
slayerduck said:
Today our old server that was hosted on a VM crashed duo severe filesystem corruption, i tried to repair it but a lot of files were lost so i restored them from our offsite backup. 3 images were unrecoverable from the crash, i deleted them from the database. They were uploaded by FireMario86, 78906 and Mesmer

Then i decided to just move hypnohub to a new server cuz like fuck this shit right, i dropped all the files on the new server and installed some stuff. The move went flawless and besides the 15 min downtime duo to the filesystem crash on our previous server there was no additional downtime.

I moved the site without any testing so some bugs related to this may or may not occur. I tested an image upload so stuff looks good so far.

Compared to the old server the new server is no longer a virtual server, the new server has a hexacore CPU with fucktons of RAM and blazing fast SSD's. The site is also accessible with IPv6 now. The server is owned by me, not rented.

New server, fast as fuck. we're all good.

I dont sure about fast. It's very long loading.
02/20/14 08:28PM
Bokasa said:
I dont sure about fast. It's very long loading.

Yeah. Posts and comments both seem fucked on and off, but I figured it was just the massive shitgif dump where everything was over 10 MB. Those could just have been delaying the transfer though or something since whoever upped them picked the worst possible time to do something stupid. Still taking a while to connect to the site sometimes, though.
02/20/14 08:33PM
There is a massive scale DDoS attack going on against namecheap and we use their DNS servers. Can't do shit about that. I suggest using a decent dns server like google or opendns since they have caching in case the nameservers go down.

Switched to alternative DNS servers, there sure is a lot going on today!

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