09/24/13 08:57AM
RebKMG said:
Yeah sorry if it seems like I kind of hijacked the thread. I just saw this on the first page and I didn't want to make another "starting to manip" thread so I just used this. *~*

Anyway I did a second take on it, getting rid of the lightness on the lower part of her eyes. i.imgur.com/Q7puEfZ.jpg

Not sure if it's worthy of an upload or not but either way I'm quite happy with it.

It's fine mate.

And that looks better in my head.

Mindwipe said:
That looks really good to me. I'd use this rather than the second one. It's common in this type of empty eyes to leave that bright part of the eye. Like post #9745.

Well, I can't really argue with a mod/admin/major member.
09/25/13 03:12AM
Bull3tM0nk3y said:
Well, I can't really argue with a mod/admin/major member.

It wouldn't really be much of an argument. It's more or less a preference thing, anyway. I like both, and both are valid ways of doing it. So long as the eye is empty and isn't completely flat color (and still resembles an eye and all), then it fits the bill.

On a separate note, I really did like your second attempt! Keep practicing!
09/25/13 04:45PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I've been practicing over the last couple of days, seeing what looks wrong and trying to learn from it (Truth be told, I now have about 10 manips but I'm not quite sure on a lot of them so I'm holding onto them for now).

Anyway here, a touch role reversal! ^^
09/25/13 07:02PM
RebKMG said:
Thanks for the feedback guys. I've been practicing over the last couple of days, seeing what looks wrong and trying to learn from it (Truth be told, I now have about 10 manips but I'm not quite sure on a lot of them so I'm holding onto them for now).

That's really the only way to improve at manipping. That's the way to do it; trial and error. And I'm sure a large majority of manippers have that collection of manips from their early days that they never shared. I deleted mine ages ago because of how bad they were, but I think mine spanned well over 100 images? They were NEVER posted ANYWHERE, and for good reason. They were really THAT bad.

RebKMG said:
Anyway here, a touch role reversal! ^^

Delicious! If you keep up with the catgirls, I may not be able to help but be a fan. :3
09/25/13 07:59PM
Digging the cat girls mate.
09/25/13 11:52PM
*thumbs up*
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