09/12/13 11:40PM
My first (attempt) at a manip
The result of staying up late + being tired, going to sleep for two hours.


I finnaly found the original image, was going to request it, and then i said, "fuck it, I'll try maniping."

Man its kinda hard. It's malesub BTW.

Anyways, using GIMP. Any suggestions?
09/13/13 02:44AM
For a first attempt, that's really good. You may try setting your smudge tool to around 30 rate and blending the area around where you smudged a bit. You can make the top corner of the iris look a bit less pointy the same way, but it's tricky to get right.
09/13/13 05:18AM
Thanks. Do you think I should upload it?
09/13/13 05:27AM
Okay, here's a retouched up version:


I removed the extra pixles, made the eye less pointy, and tried what you did. It seems to smooth things a bit better.

Here's a Kaa Eyes take on it.


Careful, it looks kinda bad. I just did yellow, blue, red, orange, and smoothed it around, antiallised it, smoothed, added orange to the yellow, resmoothed it, and repated until it make a semi-smooth blend. It's shitty. I know.
09/13/13 07:09AM
Bull3tM0nk3y said:
Here's a Kaa Eyes take on it.


Careful, it looks kinda bad. I just did yellow, blue, red, orange, and smoothed it around, antiallised it, smoothed, added orange to the yellow, resmoothed it, and repated until it make a semi-smooth blend. It's shitty. I know.

I can't really help you with empty eyes (that's more Mindwipe and Vann's bag) but Kaa eyes I know. Here's what I'd suggest doing:

Erase the entire contents of the eye using the brush tool's color erase mode. You'll probably wind up with some excess pixels around the border, so use the free select tool around the inside of the eye, then use the blur filter. Once the inside of the eye is transparent, create a layer underneath it, and pick a color. Any color. Fill in the eye. Then pick another color, and shrink the brush down till it's slightly smaller than the eye. This will make the first "ring." Continue this process this until you've got enough rings. (You may want to make each ring on a separate layer) If the colors look off, fenangle with the hue-saturation settings until it looks how you want it. Finally - and this isn't necessary, but I find that it makes the eyes look extra glassy - make a layer above the rings, switch to the most faded brush, and make a glossy white bit in the corner of the eye. Lower the layer's transparency settings until it looks non-obtrusive.

Here's a quick and dirty example:

Probably not the best method to making Kaa eyes, but it's what I use. (For the record, that is a pretty great first attempt. Leaps and bounds better than my first manip)
09/13/13 07:28AM
Vorp said:
I can't really help you with empty eyes (that's more Mindwipe and Vann's bag) but Kaa eyes I know. Here's what I'd suggest doing:

Erase the entire contents of the eye using the paintbrush's color erase mode. You'll probably wind up with some excess pixels around the border, so use the free select tool around the inside of the eye, then use the blur filter. Once the inside of the eye is transparent, create a layer underneath it, and pick a color. Any color. Fill in the eye. Then pick another color, and shrink the brush down till it's slightly smaller than the eye. This will make the first "ring." Continue this process this until you've got enough rings. (You may want to make each ring on a separate layer) If the colors look off, fenangle with the hue-saturation settings until it looks how you want it. Finally - and this isn't necessary, but I find that it makes the eyes look extra glassy - make a layer above the rings, switch to the most faded brush, and make a glossy white bit in the corner of the eye. Lower the layer's transparency settings until it looks non-obtrusive.

Here's a quick and dirty example:

Probably not the best method to making Kaa eyes, but it's what I use. (For the record, that is a pretty great first attempt. Leaps and bounds better than my first manip)

Looks nice. I'll go google around for paintbrush. Thanks for saying that. Maybe I'll just do cheap kaa or empty. Better then text manip.

Also, nice choise for your avatar. PSG hypno is great.

EDIT: Is paintbrush really that good? Isn't GIMP better?

EDIT: I googled it, and it sucks. At least for mac. So I'll stick to GIMP.
09/13/13 07:37AM
Oh! Sorry, I wasn't talking about the program paintbrush, I meant the paintbrush tool in GIMP. My bad.
09/13/13 07:38AM

I'm gonna read your thing again tomarrow. I've been up for over 48 hours.
09/13/13 07:41AM
Ha, s'cool. I probably need to get to sleep soon, myself...
09/14/13 01:16AM
Well, I tried to follow along. And i sucked. So I just erase the eye in side, retraced the border of the eye, and then anti-allised that, drew in yellow, sorta-blue, red, orange, and NEW green.

Then smudged it hell, anti-allised, and smudged again.


So it looks kinda better, yet worce. I don't know. Man, I am harsh on myself.
09/14/13 04:24AM
Bull3tM0nk3y said:
Well, I tried to follow along. And i sucked. So I just erase the eye in side, retraced the border of the eye, and then anti-allised that, drew in yellow, sorta-blue, red, orange, and NEW green.

Then smudged it hell, anti-allised, and smudged again.


So it looks kinda better, yet worce. I don't know. Man, I am harsh on myself.

Just keep practicing. I started manipping by vaguely following some guides, but then I more or less came up with my methods myself. Just keep working at it, and you'll find what methods work for you.
09/14/13 09:24AM
Vorp said:
Just keep working at it, and you'll find what methods work for you.

Best advice one could give. Don't be afraid to experiment wildly and even randomly.
09/14/13 12:24PM
Yeah, I have an idea for the next image. What version of this one should I upload?
09/14/13 09:11PM
I'd go with the empty eyes until you get the hang of Kaa eyes.
09/14/13 09:57PM
Mindwipe said:
I'd go with the empty eyes until you get the hang of Kaa eyes.
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