09/14/19 11:57PM
This game is awesome! And I really liked the new update.
I guess there's going to variation for the new path of the consensual route where she wants to become obedient and you lied about respecting her boundaries. At least I think it sounds like a good idea. The consensual route is definitely my favorite.
By the way, if you want to remove Kyu's side sprite, it sounds ok to me. At least it helped me know he wasn't a fat ugly guy. XD
Excellent job.
10/12/19 01:02PM
New public release day is upon us again. Yaaaay \o/

Been really excited about showing this one off to folks as it's another BIG expansion, increasing the game's total written content by about a third from last month and pushing Penlight's word count above 100,000 for the first time. It's even bigger than the villainous update I was crowing about the other month, and that was pretty big! And in contrast to the villainous update, this one's a lot more wholesome, with both of Nozomi's friends getting to star in their own routes and enjoy/suffer Kyou's involvement in their lives~

The art upgrades this month have appropriately focused on the friends as well, with both girls getting sprite makeovers. There's more work needing to be done, but it's really nice to be able to see them all line up together in their new looks for the first time ^.^

So yeah, I hope you folks enjoy this one! November's update will see some fixes regarding the consistency of the game as a whole, another new story path and some new CGs. Bye for now~

What's New
- Sayori Consensual Route - Work in progress, playable route from start to finish, with one alternate, partly-written path
- Hiroko Consensual Route - Work in progress, playable linear route from start to finish
- Sayori's sprite has been significantly upgraded with a full range of outfits, expressions and an additional pose
- New Hiroko sprite with one pose and a complete range of outfits
- Hiroko's nametag colour has been tweaked to a different shade of pink, matching her hair in line with the other leading ladies
- Added more CG assets, allowing for many scenes along Nozomi's consensual route to be depicted in this style
- A few new sound effects added to accommodate the new Hiroko route
- You can now switch the game sprites between the new and old versions at any time by visiting the game menu, preferences and choosing "New" or "Old" under Sprite Style
- Word count is now over 106,000!
- As usual, made some more little script tweaks and spelling/grammar corrections here and there on the existing text
10/15/19 03:35AM
Angela_DeMille said:
New public release day is upon us again. Yaaaay \o/

Been really excited about showing this one off to folks as it's another BIG expansion, increasing the game's total written content by about a third from last month and pushing Penlight's word count above 100,000 for the first time. It's even bigger than the villainous update I was crowing about the other month, and that was pretty big! And in contrast to the villainous update, this one's a lot more wholesome, with both of Nozomi's friends getting to star in their own routes and enjoy/suffer Kyou's involvement in their lives~

The art upgrades this month have appropriately focused on the friends as well, with both girls getting sprite makeovers. There's more work needing to be done, but it's really nice to be able to see them all line up together in their new looks for the first time ^.^

So yeah, I hope you folks enjoy this one! November's update will see some fixes regarding the consistency of the game as a whole, another new story path and some new CGs. Bye for now~

What's New
- Sayori Consensual Route - Work in progress, playable route from start to finish, with one alternate, partly-written path
- Hiroko Consensual Route - Work in progress, playable linear route from start to finish
- Sayori's sprite has been significantly upgraded with a full range of outfits, expressions and an additional pose
- New Hiroko sprite with one pose and a complete range of outfits
- Hiroko's nametag colour has been tweaked to a different shade of pink, matching her hair in line with the other leading ladies
- Added more CG assets, allowing for many scenes along Nozomi's consensual route to be depicted in this style
- A few new sound effects added to accommodate the new Hiroko route
- You can now switch the game sprites between the new and old versions at any time by visiting the game menu, preferences and choosing "New" or "Old" under Sprite Style
- Word count is now over 106,000!
- As usual, made some more little script tweaks and spelling/grammar corrections here and there on the existing text

Whoohoo, new update! Also, I think I found a typo. In Sayori's route, at Kyou's house, she says "Kyou, not everyone thinks that of you, but do you come off as aloof and inherently unapproachable."
Should it be "you do" instead of "do you"?
10/16/19 01:15AM
Ugh, yeah that's a goof, so thanks for pointing it out. It's been fixed for next time~
11/09/19 01:34PM
This month's public release is out now, and includes a ton of bits and bobs added to the game since last time, with the highlights being new CGs (all three girls have one now) and one all-new path, via the villainous side of things where Kyou adopts a more pragmatic form of villainy. I have mixed feelings about it, but see what you think~

There's also been a ton of revisions to the existing script as I try to make sure the older written story paths read more coherently amongst the newer stuff, as well as some other things that might make routes you've previously read worth re-reading~ I've detailed the changes in the notes below.

What's New

* New path added to Villainous Route: Sleeper Agent - Playable from start to end with two possible conclusions
* Included the first scene of the Consensual Nozomi Reversal path
* New CG set featuring Sayori, which replaces the sprite art in several scenes, mostly during her consent route
* New CG featuring Hiroko, which can be found during her consent route
* New pose added for Hiroko's sprite
* Punched up some of the dialogue in the Villainous Devoted path, and slightly expanded several scenes to make them a good bit meaner
* Tweaked some of the dialogue in the Delusion (formerly Non-Consent) route and added some extra lines. In particular Hiroko has more unique lines instead of reading too much off of Sayori's script during the confrontation scene with Kyou
* Among other things, added a third option when deciding what to call the girls in the Villainous Robot path, which ups the dehumanization aspect even more
* Corrected quite a few typos and grammatical errors on Hiroko's route, and added a few extra lines here and there
* Made a number of other minor changes in to all routes. Mostly animation changes to take advantage of Hiroko's improved sprite, but a number of little textual changes were made as well, mostly Hiroko's lines so they seem more in-character for her
* Modified a number of character expressions across all routes to better fit the lines being spoken; Hiroko's lines in particular
* Added a couple more background images to accommodate the Villainous Spy/Sleeper Agent path
* A number of text edits across the board, acknowledging more recent character developments in later-written routes
* Hiroko's height has been reduced slightly on her new sprite
* Fixed an animation bug that occurred during Nozomi's consent route if you chose not to respect her boundaries
* Word count is now over 121,000
* General typo/grammatical corrections
12/14/19 12:03PM
It's been a little while, but public release day is upon us once again~

In terms of new writing, there's admittedly not much to offer this month, with an alternate ending for Sayori's route and a small extension of Nozomi's reversal path the main additions. However, there's been several rewritten scenes this time around. Mainly this concerns the opening parts of the game and is intended to characterize Kyou as more deluded and socially awkward while toning down the sociopathy when it comes to his thoughts and actions early on. It's still a bit of a work in progress but I hope it improves on the original script.

On the art side of things, Hiroko's tennis friend on her route now has a sprite and a name change~ Risa (formerly Kasumi) has a bigger role in Hiroko's route than either of the other main girls, so I really wanted to give her a visual presence in the game. She looks great, and will probably make a few more appearances if I find the opportunity~

Nozomi's sprite now has a second pose, in line with the other girls. It's nice that she doesn't have to directly face the camera (and therefore Kyou :p) all the time now.

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon:

And that about sums up this month's updates. Join us in the new year as I turn the art focus to filling out the CG library, along with adding what writing I can during the holiday period.

What's New
* Significant rewriting of the script concerning Kyou's motivation. Main areas this affected were: Opening scenes leading up to the first choice and aftermath, much of the Delusion route, the Nozomi route's café scene and the early scenes of the Villainous route
* You can now refuse Sayori's request at the end of her route, leading to a different ending
* Replaced one of the music tracks with a new tune: The triumphant theme that sometimes plays when Kyou feels he's majorly succeeded at something
* New pose added for Nozomi's sprite
* New sprite added for Risa (formerly Kasumi). She appears frequently during Hiroko's route
* Rewrote most of the back half of the Villainous Robot path's second ending (obtained by arranging to meet Sayori at Nozomi's house)
* Written functional dialogue for Nozomi's Reversal route, up to about halfway through the fourth day
* Made some more tweaks to a few of the conversations along Hiroko's route
* Fixed a bug on Nozomi's path where Kyou testing his theory on her to the full and taking responsibility led to the game jumping to Hiroko's ending and then crashing
* Word count is now over 127,500
* Numerous general typo/grammatical corrections

Known Issue
* Nozomi's sprite fails to appear for one line during Sayori's route, on the third day
12/19/19 07:59AM
This might be overstepping my boundaries a little, but I'd like to ask. Since Patreon seems to have been "purging" a lot of hypnosis stuff lately, do you have any back-up plans to deal with it if they come for your account?
12/20/19 12:20AM
I'm hoping I'll be beneath their notice, but if it comes to that I think cypress_z showed the way and I intend to do something similar if I do get hit. As it is, I have a SubscribeStar account that I've been updating concurrently with its Patreon counterpart just in case a migration needs to happen.
12/20/19 01:12AM
I love interventions disguised as video games.

Uh, this might read as sarcastic, but it isn't at all.
01/11/20 12:55PM
Hello again, folks!

There's a few things in this release that I'm pretty excited to show everyone ^.^ Firstly, with the main sprite work done I've been able to turn the art budget to CGs, so we now have art depicting the start of the game, one of the main endings and the start of Sayori's Alter path. They came out really good, and I expect to insert more CGs at a good pace from here on out~

Hiroko's route had a second ending written for it, but Sayori's Alter path is the other thing I'm hyped about. Since her route came out, I left a fragment of story depicting one of Kyou's more irresponsible choices. Since then, ideas of how it might play out have been in my head for months and I decided I really needed to set them free~ While I didn't have time over the holidays to complete it, there's a fair bit of new dialogue along with a (very) rough draft of what comes next, up to just before the epilogue. I think it'll turn out to be one of the more interesting paths in the game so I'm looking forward to getting it written to at least one conclusion in time for next month's release~

All in all, I'm quite happy with this month's output~ I hope you all enjoy the update, and look forward to more CGs and a conclusion to Sayori's new storyline next time ^^

What's New
* You can now choose to convince Hiroko not to go through with her decision at the end of her route, leading to a different ending
* Added much more story to the Sayori Route Alter path, on the decision branch where Kyou keeps Sayori in her altered state (much of it far from finished)
* New CGs added for: Introduction scene with Kyou, Delusion route main ending and the start of Sayori's Alter path
* New Kyou sprite has been added to the game... for better or worse
* A rudimentary CG gallery has been added to the main menu
* Updated the code in most of Kyou's spoken lines to ensure his new sprite shows up with an appropriate expression in the more recently-written scenes (He may still be missing in some scenes, though)
* Some minor textual additions made to the existing script on most routes
* Added a couple more songs to the soundtrack. They play during Sayori's new path
* Fixed a minor bug in the Android version where Nozomi's sprite didn't display for a few lines on the Delusion route if Kyou confronted Sayori
* Fixed a couple minor bugs common to all versions where Nozomi's sprite doesn't display for a single line on Sayori's route, and on the Villainous route
* Fixed a display bug on Nozomi's route, when Kyou decides to test his theory and pushes Nozomi further
* Added several new background images to accommodate Sayori's new story
* Word count is now over 138,500
01/12/20 04:58AM
Angela_DeMille said:
Hello again, folks!

There's a few things in this release that I'm pretty excited to show everyone ^.^ Firstly, with the main sprite work done I've been able to turn the art budget to CGs, so we now have art depicting the start of the game, one of the main endings and the start of Sayori's Alter path. They came out really good, and I expect to insert more CGs at a good pace from here on out~

Hiroko's route had a second ending written for it, but Sayori's Alter path is the other thing I'm hyped about. Since her route came out, I left a fragment of story depicting one of Kyou's more irresponsible choices. Since then, ideas of how it might play out have been in my head for months and I decided I really needed to set them free~ While I didn't have time over the holidays to complete it, there's a fair bit of new dialogue along with a (very) rough draft of what comes next, up to just before the epilogue. I think it'll turn out to be one of the more interesting paths in the game so I'm looking forward to getting it written to at least one conclusion in time for next month's release~

All in all, I'm quite happy with this month's output~ I hope you all enjoy the update, and look forward to more CGs and a conclusion to Sayori's new storyline next time ^^

What's New
* You can now choose to convince Hiroko not to go through with her decision at the end of her route, leading to a different ending
* Added much more story to the Sayori Route Alter path, on the decision branch where Kyou keeps Sayori in her altered state (much of it far from finished)
* New CGs added for: Introduction scene with Kyou, Delusion route main ending and the start of Sayori's Alter path
* New Kyou sprite has been added to the game... for better or worse
* A rudimentary CG gallery has been added to the main menu
* Updated the code in most of Kyou's spoken lines to ensure his new sprite shows up with an appropriate expression in the more recently-written scenes (He may still be missing in some scenes, though)
* Some minor textual additions made to the existing script on most routes
* Added a couple more songs to the soundtrack. They play during Sayori's new path
* Fixed a minor bug in the Android version where Nozomi's sprite didn't display for a few lines on the Delusion route if Kyou confronted Sayori
* Fixed a couple minor bugs common to all versions where Nozomi's sprite doesn't display for a single line on Sayori's route, and on the Villainous route
* Fixed a display bug on Nozomi's route, when Kyou decides to test his theory and pushes Nozomi further
* Added several new background images to accommodate Sayori's new story
* Word count is now over 138,500

Ah, not really sure if this is a problem on my end or if it's a bug, but whenever I get to the scene where Sayori is sleeping in the room, after choosing to hypnotized Nozomi in the class room and making her more suspectible to hypnosis, a screen pops up saying "an exception has occurred" stating that "while running game code: Exception say has image attributes (u'uniform_handsout'., u'drowsytalk') but there's no image tag associated with the speaking character." Can anyone else mimic this, to test if this was just a spotty download on my part or a bug?

Also, it seems that during this part her name is changed to "sayori_name"
01/12/20 10:06AM
Ah, yes that was picked up late last night so I did a quick fix and went straight to bed. That means anyone who downloaded the game yesterday likely has this bug ._.

You should be able to click ignore on the error screen to continue without any other issues, but if you download the game again from the Patreon page it should be the fixed release.
02/08/20 11:17AM
Hi everyone!

This month's public release is pretty much all about Sayori, as the path I previously showed a draft of has now been written out to a conclusion. To see it, Kyou needs to start her route, suggest making her think she's someone else and decline every opportunity to switch Sayori back from her altered state. What follows is, I think, one of Penlight's more interesting storylines so I hope people enjoy it!

In other news, there's a couple more CGs this month, adding a little visual flair to the Villainous and Delusion routes early on.

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Next month there'll be some more on Sayori's route, plus some progress on a major rewrite of Nozomi's route that I've decided to just go for this month. I'll be really looking forward to seeing what people make of it ^^

What's New
* Written the new, previously drafted Sayori Alter path scenes to a conclusion (Although there are more scenarios to add)
* New general CG set featuring Hiroko, which can be viewed at the start of the Villainous Route
* New CG featuring the first rooftop scene in the Delusion route
* Word count is now over 147,000
* Typo and grammatical corrections
02/08/20 12:08PM
Um... how do i move saves from one version to another?
02/08/20 01:40PM
AlwaysEntranced said:
Um... how do i move saves from one version to another?
Oh, come to think of it I did make a change in this version that probably messed up the save games -_-

On PC, you may have a folder in "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\" called Roygbiv-1520452060

If so, move the files from it over to Penlight-1520452060 and that should do it. The save files should probably still work, as I don't think there were any major code changes this time.

If that doesn't work, another thing you can do is run the game and on the main menu, go to Preferences and select the "Unseen Text" option under Skip. That will let you skip all the text in the game so you can quickly zip past all the stuff you've seen and get to the new bits.
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