03/14/20 12:17PM

It's been five weeks since the last public release of Penlight, and the game's been in a bit of a transitionary period. My time's mostly been focused on rewriting Nozomi's main path, with the intention of increasing its length, working some more fun kinky scenes and generally fleshing out Nozomi's character some more. I'm hoping by the time I'm done, Nozomi's paths will hold up as well as her friend's, and provide a more satisfying journey into consensual kink than her original route offered.

Nozomi wasn't my sole focus, though. Sayori's Alter path from last month has had a second ending written for it which I'm sure is going to provoke some responses, and there's been a lot of minor tweaks and fixes throughout the game. Penlight's CG gallery is also growing nicely now, with a handful of new images this month.

You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

So, I hope folks enjoy the new additions! Next month I hope to have made significant progress on Nozomi's rewrite and I'll see where to go from there~

What's New

* Begun re-writing Nozomi's route, allowing for a longer runtime. Fully written up to day 5, with very rough outlining and recycled script up to the epilogue (expect major changes for next time)
* Written a second ending for Sayori's new Alter path, where Kyou sides with Sayori's alter personality
* New CG featuring Nozomi taking part in last year's culture fest stage show. It appears in the first scene of the game
* Added a new CG featuring Sayori with Kyou, during her newer Alter path
* Expanded Hiroko's and Nozomi's basic CG sets, allowing for a greater range of expression
* Most of Hiroko's penlight and couch scenes now use the new CG assets
* Added some more music to Penlight's soundtrack, which play during the newly-written parts of Nozomi's path
* Tweaked a line or two of dialogue in the earlier parts of Nozomi's route
* Lots of little tweaks to the dialogue during Hiroko's route and the start of the Villainous route
* Made some minor textual and visual tweaks to Nozomi's zombie path
* Fixed Kyou's sprite not appearing after he refuses to comply with Sayori's request, at the end of the original Alter path
* Fixed a text error on one line where Kyou called Sayori's alter "Megumi" regardless of the name Kyou actually gave her
* During some of the earlier-written parts of Sayori's route, Kyou's sprite wasn't showing any expression at all. That's now been corrected
* Corrected a few instances where Kyou's sprite wasn't showing on some lines in Nozomi's route
* Fixed an oversight that had Hiroko's sprite show over her CG during the start of the Villainous Sleeper Agent path
* Word count is now over 170,000
03/14/20 07:15PM
Angela_DeMille said:

It's been five weeks since the last public release of Penlight, and the game's been in a bit of a transitionary period. My time's mostly been focused on rewriting Nozomi's main path, with the intention of increasing its length, working some more fun kinky scenes and generally fleshing out Nozomi's character some more. I'm hoping by the time I'm done, Nozomi's paths will hold up as well as her friend's, and provide a more satisfying journey into consensual kink than her original route offered.

Nozomi wasn't my sole focus, though. Sayori's Alter path from last month has had a second ending written for it which I'm sure is going to provoke some responses, and there's been a lot of minor tweaks and fixes throughout the game. Penlight's CG gallery is also growing nicely now, with a handful of new images this month.

You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

So, I hope folks enjoy the new additions! Next month I hope to have made significant progress on Nozomi's rewrite and I'll see where to go from there~

What's New

* Begun re-writing Nozomi's route, allowing for a longer runtime. Fully written up to day 5, with very rough outlining and recycled script up to the epilogue (expect major changes for next time)
* Written a second ending for Sayori's new Alter path, where Kyou sides with Sayori's alter personality
* New CG featuring Nozomi taking part in last year's culture fest stage show. It appears in the first scene of the game
* Added a new CG featuring Sayori with Kyou, during her newer Alter path
* Expanded Hiroko's and Nozomi's basic CG sets, allowing for a greater range of expression
* Most of Hiroko's penlight and couch scenes now use the new CG assets
* Added some more music to Penlight's soundtrack, which play during the newly-written parts of Nozomi's path
* Tweaked a line or two of dialogue in the earlier parts of Nozomi's route
* Lots of little tweaks to the dialogue during Hiroko's route and the start of the Villainous route
* Made some minor textual and visual tweaks to Nozomi's zombie path
* Fixed Kyou's sprite not appearing after he refuses to comply with Sayori's request, at the end of the original Alter path
* Fixed a text error on one line where Kyou called Sayori's alter "Megumi" regardless of the name Kyou actually gave her
* During some of the earlier-written parts of Sayori's route, Kyou's sprite wasn't showing any expression at all. That's now been corrected
* Corrected a few instances where Kyou's sprite wasn't showing on some lines in Nozomi's route
* Fixed an oversight that had Hiroko's sprite show over her CG during the start of the Villainous Sleeper Agent path
* Word count is now over 170,000

Alright, another update! Glad to hear that you're working on stuffing the routes with more scenes, as that was one of the things I really liked about the story, just Kyou and his partner trying stuff out. As for suggestions, I would definitely say that the early ending choice where Kyou chooses to end his relationship with Nozomi is a little too bleak, for an ending on the "good" route. I think that the option of him maybe meeting someone else or at least somewhat becoming friends with her is the way to go.

Also, I don't really know if this would have a place somewhere as an ending or something but how about like an ending where Kyou makes a "hypnosis club" or something where he meets like-minded individuals or something?
03/15/20 07:24AM
Not sure how I feel about sayory's new ending. *new sayori* threatening nozomi seemed out of place. Though I really liked that by the end of it *new sayori* knew that kyou went to far and couldn't go back. Was kinda hoping that the "new light" line was a trigger *new sayori placed in nozomi though to get her to ignore certain oddities in *new sayori's* behavior.

Also yay for the longer consensual arc.
03/15/20 11:12AM
averageguy17 said:
I would definitely say that the early ending choice where Kyou chooses to end his relationship with Nozomi is a little too bleak, for an ending on the "good" route. I think that the option of him maybe meeting someone else or at least somewhat becoming friends with her is the way to go.

Also, I don't really know if this would have a place somewhere as an ending or something but how about like an ending where Kyou makes a "hypnosis club" or something where he meets like-minded individuals or something?
Yeah, even while I was outlining it I was uneasy about that choice for Kyou to end it leading to a "forever alone" sort of ending. He's doing a mature thing by telling her he can't abide by her terms, and it shows a lot of growth so I'm keen to have something more positive and hopeful in store if he chooses to go down that road.

Kyou starting a hypnosis club isn't something I thought about! There are some possibilities there for him separating his interests from his infatuation with Nozomi, and making something of it independent of her~

x-bit said:
Not sure how I feel about sayory's new ending. *new sayori* threatening nozomi seemed out of place. Though I really liked that by the end of it *new sayori* knew that kyou went to far and couldn't go back. Was kinda hoping that the "new light" line was a trigger *new sayori placed in nozomi though to get her to ignore certain oddities in *new sayori's* behavior.

Also yay for the longer consensual arc.
Mhm, I knew there would be some strong opinions about this one~ The way I see it, Sayori's alter might be generally carefree and happy per Kyou's design, but after starting a relationship with Kyou and gaining experiences independent of the main personality she has a life to lose and so is highly motivated to survive. So I don't think it's odd that she perceives Nozomi as an enemy that needed to be put down given all the noise she was making about setting Sayori right again.

Keeping her subdued with coercion rather than trying to brainwash her is more of a pragmatic choice for *New Sayori*. She has to consider Kyou, seeing as he can literally end her with two words, and trying to convince him to hypnotize Nozomi straight up, or going behind his back and doing it herself, feels more risky than controlling her this way. I also thought it was more interesting to do it like this, in a game that so heavily features control via hypnosis. The "new light" line being basically a trigger for Nozomi but not a hypnotic one I felt was a neat twist that really brought it home ^^
03/16/20 03:09PM
So, I just started playing, only got the ending where Kyou and Nozomi hook up and then he abandons her in the street, and holy shit Kyou's more of an incel than Hal Stewart from Megamind.
03/16/20 05:27PM
Although, a lot of options are greyed out. The first time that happened, I got chills, like I should when a game does a smart thing through its mechanics to convey information. However, now that this is like the third time I'm seeing it, it feels like I'm being locked out of options. NGL, kinda upsetting- especially when I want to push those options.
03/16/20 11:59PM
Yes, those are all choices I want to explore but haven't written yet, as opposed to them being locked for gameplay reasons. There's still so much I gotta do!
03/17/20 02:32AM
Angela_DeMille said:
Yes, those are all choices I want to explore but haven't written yet, as opposed to them being locked for gameplay reasons. There's still so much I gotta do!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Even so, still keep one or two of them locked. Really potentially powerful stuff to do that. I've completed what I think are all the incel routes and what I consider to be the "best ending"- the one where Nozo and Kyou confess everything to Hiroko and Sayori, they're cool, they survey him for a while, and Kyou gets over his social anxiety.

A much-needed redemption for Hal Stewart indeed.
04/11/20 01:39PM
Hey, gang!

The writing focus on this past month has been solely on getting Nozomi's rewritten storyline shipshape, and while progress has been way slower than I'd have liked, there's now some meat on its bones this time around with some all-new scenes fully developed and even a CG to go with them.

And talking about CGs, the new art is the thing I'm most proud of this month. We managed to cram four new CGs into this (Hiroko's one is my fave), and even got to replace the last of the placeholder sprites which I'm really pleased about~

As ever, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Anyway, that's all for now! Next month, the battle to finish Nozomi's rewrite continues...

What's New
* Written Nozomi's reworked path with proper dialogue up to halfway through the eleventh day (of a likely thirteen plus epilogue)
* New CG featuring Nozomi during one of her new story path's weekend scenes
* New CG featuring Hiroko at the start of her route
* New CG featuring Nozomi and Sayori in the Delusion route, day 6.
* New CG featuring Kyou and Sayori for one of Sayori's Alter path endings
* Added Atsuko's new sprite to the game for her scenes
* Added a few new sound effects to play during Nozomi's new scenes
* Added a couple more backgrounds for use in Nozomi's rewritten path
* Added a couple more sound effects for Nozomi's new path, and one that replaces a sound in the Villainous Robot path
* Fixed a minor issue where Nozomi's sprite failed to display during the Delusion route when Kyou chooses to pursue her directly
* Fixed a minor bug that meant several CG variants weren't being unlocked in the CG Gallery
* Word count is now over 179,000
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections
04/11/20 09:07PM
Angela_DeMille said:
Hey, gang!

The writing focus on this past month has been solely on getting Nozomi's rewritten storyline shipshape, and while progress has been way slower than I'd have liked, there's now some meat on its bones this time around with some all-new scenes fully developed and even a CG to go with them.

And talking about CGs, the new art is the thing I'm most proud of this month. We managed to cram four new CGs into this (Hiroko's one is my fave), and even got to replace the last of the placeholder sprites which I'm really pleased about~

As ever, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Anyway, that's all for now! Next month, the battle to finish Nozomi's rewrite continues...

What's New
* Written Nozomi's reworked path with proper dialogue up to halfway through the eleventh day (of a likely thirteen plus epilogue)
* New CG featuring Nozomi during one of her new story path's weekend scenes
* New CG featuring Hiroko at the start of her route
* New CG featuring Nozomi and Sayori in the Delusion route, day 6.
* New CG featuring Kyou and Sayori for one of Sayori's Alter path endings
* Added Atsuko's new sprite to the game for her scenes
* Added a few new sound effects to play during Nozomi's new scenes
* Added a couple more backgrounds for use in Nozomi's rewritten path
* Added a couple more sound effects for Nozomi's new path, and one that replaces a sound in the Villainous Robot path
* Fixed a minor issue where Nozomi's sprite failed to display during the Delusion route when Kyou chooses to pursue her directly
* Fixed a minor bug that meant several CG variants weren't being unlocked in the CG Gallery
* Word count is now over 179,000
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Whoo! Another update! And daaammmnnn that last cg on the Sayori alter's path definitely makes it a lot more.... heavy, i guess? Like the consequences of his actions really hits hard.

Also, you keep mentioning a rewrite of Nozomi's path, but what exactly is being rewritten? Is it basically staying the same, but with some tweaks to the dialogue, or is it more than that?

Also, I agree that Hiroko's new cg is pretty sweet, lol.
04/12/20 01:45AM
averageguy17 said:

Also, you keep mentioning a rewrite of Nozomi's path, but what exactly is being rewritten? Is it basically staying the same, but with some tweaks to the dialogue, or is it more than that?

Nozomi's consensual path is being rewritten from the moment you decide to give her a trigger to put her back into trance, and it's widely expanded.
04/12/20 02:01AM
averageguy17 said:
Also, you keep mentioning a rewrite of Nozomi's path, but what exactly is being rewritten? Is it basically staying the same, but with some tweaks to the dialogue, or is it more than that?
Dialogue tweaks, but several completely new scenes as well :) The plan has been to extend Nozomi's main path (to clarify, the one where Kyou respects the terms she sets, then suggests giving her a verbal trance trigger) over two weeks instead of one. The existing scenes are structurally the same but the tweaks in dialogue help to justify the added runtime and create a little more drama, hopefully leading to some different conclusions.

I say hopefully because I'm having a hard time fitting everything back together and it's taking a lot longer than I wanted. I think the added scenes alone justify me trying to extend it, but I'm not entirely sure how much different it's going to feel from the original by the time I'm done.

Glad you appreciate the new CGs! I'm happy with how they all turned out ^^
04/12/20 02:04AM
Oh, I can't WAIT to dig into this. Penlight returns!
04/12/20 02:33PM
Kinda wish someone hypnotized me to clean my room. i'm jelly of Nozomi

you think i'm joking but i'm sorta am and ain't.
04/16/20 02:39AM
Two questions:

One, I'm trying to find the new CG's, and I've found three of them. But what exactly do you refer to as "The Delusion Route"? ([spoiler=The CG's I have found]For reference, I found the Alter-Sayori one, Hiroko playing tennis one, and Nozomi "tied up" on the floor[/spoiler])

Two, is the term "gynoid" supposed to be a TFS reference? That's literally the only place I've heard it in my life other than here, in DBZA episode 60 epilogue.
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