04/16/20 02:50AM
sleeperhit said:
Two questions:

One, I'm trying to find the new CG's, and I've found three of them. But what exactly do you refer to as "The Delusion Route"? ([spoiler=The CG's I have found]For reference, I found the Alter-Sayori one, Hiroko playing tennis one, and Nozomi "tied up" on the floor[/spoiler])

Two, is the term "gynoid" supposed to be a TFS reference? That's literally the only place I've heard it in my life other than here, in DBZA episode 60 epilogue.

"Gynoid" and "Android" are basically the same word, meaning the same thing. However the greek prefix "andr" is masculine in it's meaning, even though android has now kinda been used as word for both male/female robots that take on a human form. So "gynoid" is basically the word now used similarly to as "fembot" as you wouldn't really call a male robot a "fembot".
04/16/20 02:54AM
averageguy17 said:
"Gynoid" and "Android" are basically the same word, meaning the same thing. However the greek prefix "andr" is masculine in it's meaning, even though android has now kinda been used as word for both male/female robots that take on a human form. So "gynoid" is basically the word now used similarly to as "fembot" as you wouldn't really call a male robot a "fembot".

Yeah. I'm something of a Greek myself, and "γυναίκα" (pronounced yee-NEHK-ah, transliterated "gynecca"), the word for woman, and "άνδρας" (pronounced AHN-thras, transliterated "andras"), the word for man, yep. Gynoid checks out. It's just a very specific term that I've only heard used by 17 talking about other things to call his sister besides a "hoe-bot".
04/16/20 03:52AM
sleeperhit said:
Yeah. I'm something of a Greek myself, and "γυναίκα" (pronounced yee-NEHK-ah, transliterated "gynecca"), the word for woman, and "άνδρας" (pronounced AHN-thras, transliterated "andras"), the word for man, yep. Gynoid checks out. It's just a very specific term that I've only heard used by 17 talking about other things to call his sister besides a "hoe-bot".

Despite it's greek "origins", it's a really recent word, first appearing in like the late 1900's (if wikipedia is to be believed) So yeah, I can believe that's it's not as well known as "android" or "fembot".
04/16/20 11:50AM
sleeperhit said:
Two questions:

One, I'm trying to find the new CG's, and I've found three of them. But what exactly do you refer to as "The Delusion Route"? ([spoiler=The CG's I have found]For reference, I found the Alter-Sayori one, Hiroko playing tennis one, and Nozomi "tied up" on the floor[/spoiler])

Two, is the term "gynoid" supposed to be a TFS reference? That's literally the only place I've heard it in my life other than here, in DBZA episode 60 epilogue.
Oh yes, the options there were just to give the player an opportunity to personalize the story a little bit, along with the command and response stuff later. Although "robot" being gender neutral gave me an excuse to have some dehumanizing fun with pronouns....

As for the CG, the "delusion route" kicks off when Kyou hypnotizes Nozomi at the start and makes her more susceptible to being hypnotized later. The first route you played, in other words~. To see the CG you need to approach Hiroko towards the end of the route when given the option, so that Nozomi confronts Kyou in his room alongside Sayori.
05/09/20 02:01PM
Hey, all!

This month I feel is a bit light on new content, both on the writing and art front, but I did at least do what I set out to do this month: Finally pen a conclusion to Nozomi's rewritten main route. I think there are a lot of problems with it, and I'd hope to address at least some of them on a second writing pass, but there's one complete path from start to end and I hope you folks enjoy reading it!

Outside of that, I've dropped some teasers for two new storylines. There's one examining a decision Kyou can make to walk back his villainy, but the one I hope to work on over the next month is an alternative path for Hiroko. I haven't written an awful lot for her this year, so I'm keen to focus on the little spitfire for a bit~

On the art front, my artist didn't have the time to get as much done for me as I'd have hoped, but I'm sure what's there will interest some of you. Besides finishing the Delusion route CG from last month, we got started on the ending scene for one of the game's villainous storylines, specifically the robot one. No spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, but for those who want to see it in game, make sure you select #001 as the final choice to guarantee its appearance.

As ever, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

So that's it for another month! There's five weeks before the next release, so I really hope I can get Hiroko's new story done in time for then~

What's New

* Completed Nozomi's reworked route to a single playable path from start to end
* Tinkered with some of the game's introductory dialogue
* Extended some of Nozomi's scenes slightly in her rewritten path, and implemented the option for Kyou to use a finger-to-forehead gesture instead of a hand wave when the opportunity arises
* Added Hiroko's version of the Delusion route scene CG on day 6
* Added the first of three variants of the Robot route main ending CG
* Started work on an additional path for Hiroko's route. To see it, choose "Convince her she's ticklish in a place she's not", during the third day
* Started work on an outline for a Kyou redemption arc, during the Villainous Devoted path (there's barely anything written, though)
* Word count is now over 187,000
* Usual miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections
05/09/20 07:20PM
I don’t normally post in here but after playing through every route available I have to say Penlight has a surprising amount of depth in how it handles its subject matter and the questions it rises.

I also did not expect the Hiroko route to be so enjoyable. You did a fairly good job in developing her relationship with Kyou, going from two people with a strong disdain from one another to beginning to understand and trust each other. I suppose the current Hiroko ending is the happiest possible ending, all things considered, so I cant help to be curious what sort of direction do you want to take this other path or future ones involving her. My guess its on a darker direction given the current note it ends in, same as the unfinished Sayori path is listed as “Doll” which brings all sort of dehumanization to the table. Hiroko seems to be one most associated with pet play out of the three given she is the only one that acts like a pet a few times during the story so perhaps that will be explored? Either way I hope you keep working at it, since Penlight its shaping up to be quite an enjoyable experience I am looking forward to playing the finished product one day.
05/09/20 08:15PM
Angela_DeMille said:
Hey, all!

This month I feel is a bit light on new content, both on the writing and art front, but I did at least do what I set out to do this month: Finally pen a conclusion to Nozomi's rewritten main route. I think there are a lot of problems with it, and I'd hope to address at least some of them on a second writing pass, but there's one complete path from start to end and I hope you folks enjoy reading it!

Outside of that, I've dropped some teasers for two new storylines. There's one examining a decision Kyou can make to walk back his villainy, but the one I hope to work on over the next month is an alternative path for Hiroko. I haven't written an awful lot for her this year, so I'm keen to focus on the little spitfire for a bit~

On the art front, my artist didn't have the time to get as much done for me as I'd have hoped, but I'm sure what's there will interest some of you. Besides finishing the Delusion route CG from last month, we got started on the ending scene for one of the game's villainous storylines, specifically the robot one. No spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, but for those who want to see it in game, make sure you select #001 as the final choice to guarantee its appearance.

As ever, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

So that's it for another month! There's five weeks before the next release, so I really hope I can get Hiroko's new story done in time for then~

What's New

* Completed Nozomi's reworked route to a single playable path from start to end
* Tinkered with some of the game's introductory dialogue
* Extended some of Nozomi's scenes slightly in her rewritten path, and implemented the option for Kyou to use a finger-to-forehead gesture instead of a hand wave when the opportunity arises
* Added Hiroko's version of the Delusion route scene CG on day 6
* Added the first of three variants of the Robot route main ending CG
* Started work on an additional path for Hiroko's route. To see it, choose "Convince her she's ticklish in a place she's not", during the third day
* Started work on an outline for a Kyou redemption arc, during the Villainous Devoted path (there's barely anything written, though)
* Word count is now over 187,000
* Usual miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Whoo, another update! Finally nice to see an ending cg with Hiroko, and I love how grim it looks. In Nozomi's route, for the two new choices outlines, one quesion. How is the "girlfriend choice ending going to be any different from the other ending where he runs away from Nozomi? Because as it is, they seem very similar. Looking forward to the next update!
05/10/20 10:06AM

The new Hiroko story is very much a make-it-up-as-I-go-along affair, so I hope I can pull something together that stands sufficiently apart from her original storyline ^^;


Yeah, the CG has just the right balance of eroticism and horror that I was hoping for. I like it a lot! Looking forward to getting the other variations in there for next time. But with Nozomi's route you're right, I'm expecting it to follow some similar beats to the delusion ending, although I don't think it'll end as explosively as that one.
06/13/20 10:28AM
Hey, peeps!

This month's mostly about Hiroko's new storyline, which was teased last time around. The whole thing's been written as a very seat-of-my-pants kinda thing, borne purely of a desire to write more stuff featuring her. I think there's some fun ideas in there, even if I haven't managed to put it all together yet... Yeah, I wasn't able to finish the thing in time and as a result there are still some sections left outlined in lieu of having proper script. It's playable start to end in this release, but it's far from the finished article I was hoping to get done. Not to mention the finished ending is going to be very different from what's outlined in this release.

Elsewhere I've made some little script tweaks here and there, and new artwork has continued to roll in. A couple more of the earlier storylines now have images to accompany their endings and I'm pretty chuffed about that~

As usual, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

Next month's update is going to be more about polish, as I work to finish and amend existing storylines while continuing to populate the game with more CGs. The art gallery is starting to look pretty full of life now ^^ Anyway, enjoy the update and I'll see you next time!

What's New

* Written Hiroko's second storyline to about 80% completion, with some scenes (including epilogue) in outline form only
* Completed the CG for the Villainous Robot path main ending
* Added a new CG scene for Hiroko's main ending on her original storyline
* Added a CG for Sayori's original ending on her Alter path
* Added some additional text for the Villainous Robot path ending
* Corrected a minor graphical issue during Hiroko's original storyline where Kyou was wearing the wrong outfit on his sprite during one of the scenes
* Some minor textual changes to the start of Hiroko's route
* Made some minor edits to Hiroko's ending dialogue on her original storyline
* Added a little more dialogue to one or two of the early scenes in Hiroko's route
* Replaced the school bell sound commonly heard throughout the game
* Word count is now over 198,000
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections
06/13/20 04:08PM
Angela_DeMille said:
Hey, peeps!

This month's mostly about Hiroko's new storyline, which was teased last time around. The whole thing's been written as a very seat-of-my-pants kinda thing, borne purely of a desire to write more stuff featuring her. I think there's some fun ideas in there, even if I haven't managed to put it all together yet... Yeah, I wasn't able to finish the thing in time and as a result there are still some sections left outlined in lieu of having proper script. It's playable start to end in this release, but it's far from the finished article I was hoping to get done. Not to mention the finished ending is going to be very different from what's outlined in this release.

Elsewhere I've made some little script tweaks here and there, and new artwork has continued to roll in. A couple more of the earlier storylines now have images to accompany their endings and I'm pretty chuffed about that~

As usual, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

Next month's update is going to be more about polish, as I work to finish and amend existing storylines while continuing to populate the game with more CGs. The art gallery is starting to look pretty full of life now ^^ Anyway, enjoy the update and I'll see you next time!

What's New

* Written Hiroko's second storyline to about 80% completion, with some scenes (including epilogue) in outline form only
* Completed the CG for the Villainous Robot path main ending
* Added a new CG scene for Hiroko's main ending on her original storyline
* Added a CG for Sayori's original ending on her Alter path
* Added some additional text for the Villainous Robot path ending
* Corrected a minor graphical issue during Hiroko's original storyline where Kyou was wearing the wrong outfit on his sprite during one of the scenes
* Some minor textual changes to the start of Hiroko's route
* Made some minor edits to Hiroko's ending dialogue on her original storyline
* Added a little more dialogue to one or two of the early scenes in Hiroko's route
* Replaced the school bell sound commonly heard throughout the game
* Word count is now over 198,000
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Nice, another update! Not much to say here but the ending cgs are pretty good. Hiroko's especially was pretty cute.

When you say you're going to work on finishing storylines, does that mean only the ones that actually have dialogue/an outline, or are you also including the ones where the choice is greyed out, like Sayori's "doll" choice, which I'm curious to see what will entail, as her whole arc is about her becoming "Yuri/Aiko/etc" and the horror of the idea of two identities sorta deal and I don't see that happening with a "doll" command. Idk, we'll see. Regardless, keep up the good work!
06/13/20 11:28PM
I was excited and disappointed that this arc had so many chances for backstabbing, but they were all greyed out. Then again there is quite a few evil arcs so having another good one besides nozomis was nice

I was thinking the doll one would be her basically her losing her drive to do things and letting everything around her just happen. As care free "alt sayori" had changed goals bit still worked hard to aquire them. Where as this I see of them getting her to relax to a point that she just stops trying on things including her important exams. Then again thats one of the one I was hoping would get done, where as the retention arc is still just an outline.

Did you have any ideas on how you wanted to do that doll arc Angela_DeMille?
06/14/20 12:42AM
Glad you liked the update ^^ Hiroko always seems to come out with the best CGs, and the one of her that's coming next month is even MORE adorable!

But yes, I'm focusing my attention on the stories that are mostly written and just need some finishing touches. My immediate goal is to finish what I started with Hiroko's route: Properly dialogue those outlined scenes and work out a proper ending. I'm almost there with that. Next I wanted to revisit Nozomi's story from the other month and make a few tweaks I've been meaning to make, then maybe fill out some of the shorter decision branches in there if I have time left over.

Sayori's Doll path is something I'd love to get on with soon, especially with how much people are anticipating it (along with the rest of Nozomi's reversal storyline), but it's probably gonna need me to dedicate a couple months to work out and finish. Will have to see how I feel about things after this month and go from there~
06/14/20 09:39PM
Seems you posted just before I did last night, and then I somehow missed seeing it until just now :o

Anyway, yeah eventually I will get to writing out all the alternative paths that those greyed choices invite ^^; There's still so much to do, but I'm still really motivated to get it done no matter how long it takes me.

For the doll storyline, I have an idea or two I'd like to explore for it (the thought that it'd be a good way for Sayori to take it easy being one), but yeah need to devote some proper time to plotting it out.
07/11/20 05:22PM
Hi, everyone!

This past month has had me making little improvements and additions to the game that didn't involve an awful lot of writing. Not that there isn't any new written content, but most of what we're looking at here is a lot more art (including a proper title screen at last!) and something I'm particularly happy about: The beginnings of a Spanish localization for Penlight!

It's in its early stages, and you need to go through the game's menus to get to it, but the first two in-game days are now available to play in a second language, and I'd be thrilled if it helps to open up the game to new readers. There'll be more to come, with the hope of making the game fully dual-language in the near future!

As for the rest of the new content, there are now four new CGs spread across the game, and if you check out Hiroko's and Nozomi's newest storylines again you'll find they've had some more work done to their script, with Hiroko's now written to a full conclusion and Nozomi's having her ending tweaked among other things.

There's more little writing updates here and there (check the update notes), but like I said not an awful lot of new writing here. Just little incremental updates that hopefully make the overall game just a little bit better.

As usual, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

For next month I'm cracking on with a storyline I left hanging some time ago while the art upgrades continue. Plus we should see more progress with the Spanish localization. Stay tuned!

What's New
* Fully written the scenes for Hiroko's newest storyline
* Penlight is now partially playable in Spanish! Language select is available via the preferences menu, and Spanish text is present for the first two in-game days
* Replaced the placeholder title and main menu screens with new art
* Added a new CG scene for Nozomi's main (Trance path) ending
* Added a new CG scene for Hiroko's route
* Added a new CG to the start of Sayori's route
* Added a new CG for the ending of the Villainous Devotion route
* Made numerous edits throughout Nozomi's Trance path storyline, including some changes to the final scenes
* Added a few new background musics. They play during Nozomi's Trance path
* Replaced the outline for two of Nozomi's Trance path sub-paths with proper writing
* Numerous edits to previously-written scenes in Hiroko's new storyline
* Tweaked the Villainous Devotion route script slightly, and altered the ending a tad
* Added a tiny bit more outlining for the Villainous Redemption path
* Played with the menu colours a bit so they work with the new title screen better
* Android Version: Added an option to the UI allowing players to hide the UI until the screen is touched again
* The legacy sprite option has now been removed as maintaining them in the game was causing too many issues
* Word count is now over 200,500!
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Known Issue
* Changing the language on a line of script where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error[/list]
07/11/20 10:13PM
Angela_DeMille said:
Hi, everyone!

This past month has had me making little improvements and additions to the game that didn't involve an awful lot of writing. Not that there isn't any new written content, but most of what we're looking at here is a lot more art (including a proper title screen at last!) and something I'm particularly happy about: The beginnings of a Spanish localization for Penlight!

It's in its early stages, and you need to go through the game's menus to get to it, but the first two in-game days are now available to play in a second language, and I'd be thrilled if it helps to open up the game to new readers. There'll be more to come, with the hope of making the game fully dual-language in the near future!

As for the rest of the new content, there are now four new CGs spread across the game, and if you check out Hiroko's and Nozomi's newest storylines again you'll find they've had some more work done to their script, with Hiroko's now written to a full conclusion and Nozomi's having her ending tweaked among other things.

There's more little writing updates here and there (check the update notes), but like I said not an awful lot of new writing here. Just little incremental updates that hopefully make the overall game just a little bit better.

As usual, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages:

For next month I'm cracking on with a storyline I left hanging some time ago while the art upgrades continue. Plus we should see more progress with the Spanish localization. Stay tuned!

What's New
* Fully written the scenes for Hiroko's newest storyline
* Penlight is now partially playable in Spanish! Language select is available via the preferences menu, and Spanish text is present for the first two in-game days
* Replaced the placeholder title and main menu screens with new art
* Added a new CG scene for Nozomi's main (Trance path) ending
* Added a new CG scene for Hiroko's route
* Added a new CG to the start of Sayori's route
* Added a new CG for the ending of the Villainous Devotion route
* Made numerous edits throughout Nozomi's Trance path storyline, including some changes to the final scenes
* Added a few new background musics. They play during Nozomi's Trance path
* Replaced the outline for two of Nozomi's Trance path sub-paths with proper writing
* Numerous edits to previously-written scenes in Hiroko's new storyline
* Tweaked the Villainous Devotion route script slightly, and altered the ending a tad
* Added a tiny bit more outlining for the Villainous Redemption path
* Played with the menu colours a bit so they work with the new title screen better
* Android Version: Added an option to the UI allowing players to hide the UI until the screen is touched again
* The legacy sprite option has now been removed as maintaining them in the game was causing too many issues
* Word count is now over 200,500!
* Miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Known Issue
* Changing the language on a line of script where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error[/list]

Yay, another update! Congrats on adding in the spanish language as an option. Hopefully it'll allow more people to read it!

Not much to say but the new cgs are pretty nice. Especially the one on the devotion route.
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