08/08/20 11:50AM
Hello, again! New release time~

The highlight of this month's release is that an eagerly-awaited storyline's gotten a significant update for the first time in, uhh... eight months? ^^; Yeah, Nozomi's Reversal storyline is readable up to the first weekend now. Hoping I won't need another eight months to finish the rest of it, but no guarantees~

Besides that, I did some outlining to one of the unwritten Villainous Sleeper Agent choices and added another batch of new CGs across the game. There's some little fixes and improvements here and there, plus the Spanish localisation continues apace. The first four days of all storylines are translated now, about two fifths of the whole game, and I'm optimistic about some of the storylines being fully readable from start to end by next month's release!

As usual, You can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:
I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the public news post on Patreon -

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the update!

What's New
* Nozomi's Reversal storyline has now been fully dialogued up to day 7
* Outlined one of the previously greyed-out Villainous Sleeper Agent choices through to a conclusion
* Added a new CG to Nozomi's Trance path and the Villainous Devotion path
* Added a new CG to Sayori's Alter path
* Added a new CG to Hiroko's original storyline
* Added new CGs to Nozomi's Reversal storyline
* Upgraded Risa's sprite with a new outfit, a second pose and a couple more expressions
* Added a few more assets to Hiroko's basic CG set, and re-wrote a couple of early scenes on the Villainous route to make use of them
* Added a laughing face to Kyou's sprite (rarely used, but it's in there)
* Added a fingersnap pose to the couch scene CG
* Added one new music track that plays briefly during the Reversal storyline
* Fixed Nozomi having two left feet for one of the CGs in her Trance storyline
* Spanish translation: Game is now fully translated up to day 4, with some typos corrected from previous days
* Fixed a minor visual issue on the CG Gallery screen
* Word count is now around 210,000
* Usual miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections[/list]

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error
* Some code changes on the Villainous Robot path will mean any old saves will produce errors. Sorry about that ^^;
08/21/20 10:13PM
I just tried it, and i gotta say, it was amazing!
Penlight hypnosis is one of the hottest for me so i was bound to like it, but both the parts as a sub and as a dom were really well written (and really darn hot)

Great job, can't wait to see what you're gonna add next!
(also sayori's route gave me death note/code geass vibes lol)
08/22/20 11:23PM
Glad you enjoyed it! I freaking love writing this thing, even though it's getting a bit more challenging as the project grows. There's so much more to come ^^
08/25/20 07:35PM
Woah, just tried this game, and damn, this is amazing, sexy, and wholesome in the same packages. Why do I get DDLC vibes from the characters, or it is just me. Like my mind keep playing DDLC song whenever I played this game and suprisingly most of the time it fits lol.

Just finished Nozo main route in 1 go without triggering(heh) a single Bad/Death End. The romance, slow burn relationship and the hypnotism is great. TBH the only thing I feel lacking from the end is why do he need to stop the hypno play as it is seems both party are pretty consensual to it. Though maybe the lighter is a Cursed Artifact from what I get between the line.And sometime I feel that while the mindless route seems hot, it seems that you're locked already if you choose that with no way of backing out.

Too bad the Dom and Switch Nozo route isn't done yet, looking foward to that two. Boy it is easy to trigger(heh) bad end route in this game, like seriously some sort of harmless choices or play turn out to be a bad ideas. My suggestion is that maybe you could expanding Nozo Trigger/Comamnd scene/story since both (MC & Her) are hypno kinkster.

Our character isn't even an ugly bastard yet it seem some ppl calling mc name for no discernable reasons yet. I could even emphatizing with how lonely and sad is our MC. With how i got 0 ppl that I could call friends during 12 years of school. Shit when he finally make freinds I kinda teared up, cuz at least he got some and enjoying new life with his friends.
Maybe going to navigate another routes without going into another Bad End Spree.
09/12/20 08:53PM
New public release time!

Since last month Penlight's had a lot of little changes and updates. There's script edits, another load of new CGs, a few little additions to storylines old and new, and the full translation of the game into Spanish!

There are some issues with the script in its current version, but Spanish readers should now be able to read and enjoy Penlight and I'm proud to be able to offer that to people in what is still a free indie visual novel ^^ I really hope there are people out there who will find it useful.

But back to the other stuff. Nozomi's main storyline got some significant edits to strengthen the narrative and fix an inconsistency or two. The villainy stuff got another looking over as well, with the Robot storyline getting a new scene and Sleeper Agent a new ending that I'm not totally pleased about, but whatever. It's something. Also, Hiroko's most recent storyline might also be worth reading again just for the new art that got added this month~

Oh, and following from the progress I made on the Reversal storyline last month, I made a start on another anticipated storyline this time. It's the part where Kyou suggests turning Sayori into a doll o.o There's a scene or two to get things started, and there'll be more to come next month. Should turn out to be fun~

That's all for now. Hope you folks enjoy the update and I'll see you next time!

What's New
* New CG for Nozomi's route, near the beginning
* TWO New CGs for Hiroko's route, on the "Ticklish Hands" storyline
* New CG for the third of Sayori's Alter storyline endings
* New CG for the Villainous Robot storyline
* Spanish localisation: The entire game is now playable in Spanish!
* Expanded the Robot path by making some script edits and adding a whole new scene
* Edited a number of scenes on Nozomi's Trance storyline
* Completed a version of the alternate ending on the Villainous Sleeper Agent storyline where Kyou chooses to fight
* Began writing the Doll storyline on Sayori's route
* Added music and ambient sound to Hiroko's "ticklish hands" storyline ending scene
* Added one new piece of music. It plays during the first scene of Sayori's Doll storyline
* Added a language select screen when people start the game for the first time
* Inserted a disclaimer message that appears at the start of the game
* Fixed several bugs in the CG gallery that prevented certain CG variants from unlocking
* Fixed a display bug that occurred during Nozomi's Reversal storyline
* Word count is now around 217,500
* The usual miscellaneous spelling and grammatical corrections

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error
09/12/20 09:10PM
Very cool update!
Gotta say, all those quality improments like new CGs and music really add to the global experience

Angela_DeMille said:
Oh, and following from the progress I made on the Reversal storyline last month, I made a start on another anticipated storyline this time. It's the part where Kyou suggests turning Sayori into a doll o.o There's a scene or two to get things started, and there'll be more to come next month. Should turn out to be fun~

Can't wait to see where this goes :)
10/10/20 03:39PM
The next public release of Penlight is upon us!

Although to be honest, there's not much new writing to be found this month :/ I've been spending my time developing Sayori's Doll storyline, and it was very slow going. Still, the first in-game week is done now, including its first CG. It's not as much as I wanted, but what's there should serve as a decent taster for what's to come.

Besides that, the Spanish localisation's been tidied up a bit and there's been another round of CGs added to various routes. The one on Hiroko's second storyline is especially good.

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

For next month I'm cautiously optimistic about having the Doll storyline written to a conclusion, so look forward to that. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this update, such as it is~

What's New
* New CG for Sayori's route, on the new and in-progress Doll storyline
* Added a new CG scene on the Villainous Devotion storyline, towards the end
* New CG for Hiroko's route, at the end of the "Ticklish Hands" storyline
* New CG for Nozomi's route, during her "Trance" storyline
* Sayori's Doll storyline has been scripted up to day 7
* Word count is now around 223,000
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
* Updated the end credits with the latest backers
* Lots of typo corrections (did a sweep of the whole script to find them)

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
10/11/20 07:55PM
Can I just say how adorable the good ending is? There just isn't enough wholesome, consensual hypno in the world.
10/11/20 09:12PM
For the Nozomi Reversal path, is there ever going to be a point where we get a set of CGs of Kyou entering trance and then opening his glazed eyes like you did with the other three characters, and/or his character sprite with empty eyes?

On a different note, which good ending are you talking about, Chapter_M?
10/11/20 10:52PM
Defcon-FX said:
On a different note, which good ending are you talking about, Chapter_M?

The one where Kyou does right by Nozomi, and in the process becomes a better, less hentai-protagonist-y person himself.
10/12/20 07:26PM
Defcon-FX said:
For the Nozomi Reversal path, is there ever going to be a point where we get a set of CGs of Kyou entering trance and then opening his glazed eyes like you did with the other three characters, and/or his character sprite with empty eyes?
I can't say for certain because I still need to write the second half of it, but I am thinking to do something where he's seen falling into trance at least. Not sure he needs to open his eyes for it, though.

I did make a Kyou tranced face with blank eyes and an open mouth as a Discord emoji for my server, but it doesn't appear in the game :p
10/27/20 02:36AM
What i was expecting from the sayori alter arc:shenanigans involving switching around in various situations
What i got: an existential crisis regarding my own existence.

...then again what was i supposed to expect from this
10/27/20 02:39AM
crazyman said:
What i was expecting from the sayori alter arc:shenanigans involving switching around in various situations
What i got: an existential crisis regarding my own existence.

...then again what was i supposed to expect from this

What you said.
10/27/20 01:16PM
crazyman said:
What i was expecting from the sayori alter arc:shenanigans involving switching around in various situations
What i got: an existential crisis regarding my own existence.

...then again what was i supposed to expect from this

This hits close to home
11/14/20 11:20AM

I'm excited about this latest public release ^^ While I didn't manage to complete the Doll storyline as I hoped, I made some huge strides and I reckon it's going to be another reader's favourite. Sayori really does get the best stories xD

Besides that, we've got the usual range of CGs illustrating scenes past and present, so look out for those. And for our Spanish readers, the script is still bang up to date with all the latest script translated and minor corrections and edits made elsewhere. Overall, I think this is a pretty solid update!

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Next month, the last public release before Christmas, we'll see the ending of the Doll storyline (although my Patrons have seen it already, hint hint~) and should have some progress made on another storyline. It'll be good to move onto something else after working on the doll stuff so long.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the new release!

What's New
* Sayori's Doll storyline is now scripted and playable up to the fourteenth day, and outlined to a rough conclusion
* New CG for Sayori's Doll storyline
* New CG for Nozomi's Trance path
* New CG for Sayori's Alter storyline
* New CG for Hiroko's "Ticklish Hands" storyline
* CG for the Delusion storyline's rooftop scene has been expanded
* New character, Akiko, who appears in the Doll storyline
* Added a couple of new sound effects, which play during the Villainous Sleeper Agent and Sayori Doll storylines
* Word count is now around 235,500
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script

Known Issue
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
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